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About The Trip

On Campus Day & Camp; Basketball Game

michlelet July 22, 2014

We had a fantastic day today here in Chispin!
Our morning and afternoon were filled with inspiring chaburas from our madrichot and classes from our fabulous teachers, followed by awesome activities like cake decorating, kickboxing, soccer, softball, tie dying, choir and more!

We were privileged to hear from Rav Natanel Lebowitz, assistant director of NCSY Kollel and Rebbi at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah, as our guest speaker.

For the night activity we were put up to the challenge of measuring various items over our campus in bananas. Can you guess how many bananas long the door of the shul is?!

Night activity was followed by an exhilarating basketball game vs. Sulam. Our girls showed tons of ruach and achdus as we cheered for our rocking Michlelet baskbetball team!

More fun to come tomorrow!