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Chaburah Spotlight — Orah Wilens

michlelet July 26, 2018

Orah Wilens is from Chicago, Illinois and is currently attending Touro College and is majoring in psychology. After going as a camper, orah was excited to come back as staff because she knew how much the program has to offer!

The amazing girls In Orah’s homeroom are Devorah Burg, (Bergenfield NJ), Leeyan Cohen (Aventura, Florida), Meira Entin (Boca, Florida),Carly Vaccaro (Mount Kisko, NY) and Shifra Weiss, (NY,Queens).

Orah’s Chaburah is called You, me and Hashem”- which is based on the pasuk in Pirkei Avot 1:2, על שלשה דברים העולם עומד על התורה ועל העבודה ועל גמילת חסדים
T: On 3 things does the world stand on Torah, avodah and Chesed.
Each one of these foundations of Judaism is connected to 3 categories. Bein Adam leatzmo,- ( relationship with self)- connected to Torah. Bein Adam lechavero (relationship with others) -connected to Chesed.
And Bein Adam lemakom, (relationship with Hashem)-Connected to Avodah.
Going through different topics related to each relationship we are better able to understand how each one builds on each other and how they all play an integral role in building our relationship with Hashem.

If you could have lunch with one person in Tanach, who would it be and why?

-Devorah Burg-
If I could have lunch with anyone in Tanach it would be Devorah the judge. For obvious reasons we share the same name. But also since she was the only female judge in Tanach she could teach me how to be a role model and leader while still being modest and tzanua.

-Leeyan Cohen-
Aaron we have the same last name so we can lowkey be related and that’s cool and special.

-Meira Entin-
I would want to have lunch with dovid hamelech because he went through so much adversity and came out so strong and went on to build up yerushalayim and wanted to build the Beit Hamikdash.

-Carly Vaccaro-
I would have lunch with Moshe to find out what it was like to have direct communication with Hashem. I would ask him to describe the insane connection he must’ve felt. I’d also ask him what it was like to have been chosen by Hashem to lead the Jews out of mitzraim and get the Torah! Was he nervous that Hashem entrusted him with this immense task?

-Shifra Weiss-
If I could have lunch with anyone in tanach it would be Shifra from mitzrayim. My name is Shifra and Shifra from tanach was brave and was always looking out for the best for binei yisroel. This is a true leadership quality which is what I aspire to be.