Nina Siegel is from Long Beach, NY, attended Central for high school, and spent a year and a half learning at Sha’alvim for Women. She is currently in Stern College, majoring in political science and minoring in computer science. This is Nina’s first summer on Michlelet and she is having an amazing time on such an incredible program!
The phenomenal girls in Nina’s homeroom are Devora, Alexa, Shayna, Tali, and Maddi!
Nina’s Chabura is called “Getcha Head in the Game: Tefilah Mindset”. The goal of the Chabura is to maximize the potential of tefilah by improving one’s kavanah. The introductory chaburas discussed the importance of hachana and kavanah. The subsequent chaburas go through different elements of tefilah and fundamental ideas in Judaism, such as building a relationship with Hashem, the unifying power of tefilah, seeing Hashem in our lives, and recognizing the gift of having tefilah. At the end of each chabura, every girl writes a takeaway that will all be compiled into a card that will help the girls get into a better tefilah mindset and, בעזרת ה׳, help us have a more meaningful tefilah.
What’s a quote that speaks to you and why?
Devora: “Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.” – I chose this quote because this quote taught me that even in the darkest of times, when it seems like there’s nothing good going for us, there is always something positive. This quote helped me realize that in the end, everything that has happened throughout our good times and bad times is really for our benefit, and if we see this, there will always be something good in every day!
Alexa: “Without Hashem I can’t, without me He won’t” -Chevi Garfinkel – Hashem only wants a small step from us and then the rest is in His control. Its not our worry! We need to fall into His arms and know that He only does whats best for us and without Him we can’t do it.
Shayna: “It’s not about the destination it’s about the journey”- In life you can’t just expect to get somewhere over night. It takes time, and on that journey you will explore and grow more than you thought.
Tali: “What she tackles, she conquers” – I chose this quote because it shows me that if I sent my mind to something, I can achieve it.
Maddi: “There is no reason to look back when there is so much to look forward to” – There are so many things that happen and have happened in my life that I may not be happy or proud of but that doesn’t matter because there is so much to look forward to in the future!