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About The Trip

Chaburah Spotlight – Tehila Azar

michlelet August 15, 2019

Tehila Azar is from Teaneck, NJ. After attending Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School, she was blessed to continue learning at MMY for an amazing year! Now she’s in Stern College for Women studying math and computer science. Tehila is so excited to be on Michlelet for her first summer!
Tehila’s chaburah learns about different Aggadic stories throughout the Gemara. We then analyze the various lessons that Chazal was trying to convey through the stories and work on applying them to our daily lives in serving The Ribono! 

The incredible girls Tehila has merited to learn with are: Adira, Zoe, Tova, Rachel, and Rakhel!

What’s your favorite place we visited on michlelet and why?

Adira- My favorite place we visited was Kfar kedem because we got to see what it was like for people who lived during the time of the Mishnah

Zoe- My favorite place was going to the nefesh b’nefesh flight because it was incredible to spend all this time connecting to and seeing the land of israel and then to see people make the decision to live their dream by living here in Israel or joining the army. It was truly inspiring!

Tova- My favorite place I visited on michlelet was the hospital while doing medical clowning because I was able to make people so happy and have such a big impact on people by such small actions

Rachel- My favorite place we went to was Tzfat. When we were walking in the city, it was one of the first times I really felt like I was in Israel and it was pretty cool

Rakhel- My favorite place we’ve gone to on Michlelet is Masada. We got up at 4 am to see the sunrise and although we missed it and everyone was extremely tired, I could see that every single person including me didn’t care. It was definitely worth it. The view was exceptionally beautiful and we got to daven looking out at the wondrous beauty of Israel