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About The Trip

Find the Madricha in the Mall!

Today was a wonderful day at Reishit! Full of torah, fun and ruach!! We started off with a Yom Iyun on technology for the morning. The opening speaker was Rabbi Bienenfeld who spoke to us about the concept of pausing to reflect. After that the girls had a choice of 4 different shiruim to attend taught by amazing teachers. Then we had discussion groups lead by madrichot and pulled it all together with end notes form Mrs. Yudin. In the afternoon we had our great chaburahs and classes before having our mini tiyuls for the day! One group went to the Biblical Zoo in Yerushaliam and another group went to help clean up an area of Eretz Yisrael. We had an amazing guest night speaker: Charlie Harary! After he gave an inspiring shiur the girls realized the madrichot were missing!! They ran to the buses, went to the mall and had to find the madrichot hidden and disguised all over the mall! Everyone had a blast! 

Chaburah Spotlight — Orlee Rebibo

Orlee Rebibo is from Potomac, Maryland. She went to Amit for seminary, stern for college, and will continue to social work graduate school. This is Orlee’s second summer as a Madricha on Michlelet and is so excited to be back. Orlee’s chaburah is called Vayis Einav, and he lifted his eyes, in which the girls learn about how to see Hashem in every day matters. For example when looking at the quote silence is golden and taking that to learn about the Middah of shtikah. The amazing tzadekeses in Orlee’s Homeroom are
Orly Stark (Rannana, Israel)
Rachel Stern (Staten Island, New York)
Shoshana Schwartz ( Cedarhurst, New York)
Kira Rappaport (Woodmere, New York)

What was the most meaningful experience on Michlelet so far and why?

Kira Rappaport: Visiting a Tammy karmel a women who has ALS was a very meaningful experience for me. it showed me that no matter what you are going through you can still be happy and have complete trust in hashem. It also helped me realize how important it is to recognize what hashem has given me and to take total advantage of it!

Rachel Stern: My most meaningful experience on Michlelet was the learning. I’ve never felt such excitement to learn torah and go to chaburahs before this summer. Not only have I gained from the learning itself but I also gained from seeing how much time and effort our madrichot put into our chaburahs and care about our growth this summer

Shoshana Schwartz: my most meaningful michlelet experience was going medical clowning in the hospital. My group went to visit sone children. To see the joy on the parents faces, not even just the kids, really showed me the joy of giving to others.

Orly Stark: my most meaningful experience on Michlelet was going to Tami Carmel’s house and seeing the definition of עבדו את ה’ בשמחה she caused me look at myself a healthy person b”h and think about what i can do if she could do everything she does while being paralyzed.

Chaburah Spotlight — Penina Torczyner

Penina Torczyner is from West Hempstead, New York and is very excited to be spending her first summer on Michlelet! After attending SKA for high school, Penina studied in MMY for a year and a half. She is currently in Stern College, majoring in Jewish Education.

Penina’s Chabura is titled “Confessions of a Shopaholic.” The Chabura explores famous advertisement slogans and their deeper messages, in an attempt to filter what the world tries to sell us through our Torah values.

The ALL STARS in Penina’s Chabura are Devorah Schreier (Woodmere, NY), Chani Karasik (Memphis, TN), Yael Mehlman (Brooklyn, NY), and Rachel Benovitz (Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel).

What was your favorite part of the North trip?

Chani: “Rafting down the Yarden because it really bonded everyone. Even if we were in separate rafts we sang together and splashed and bonded as a whole group!”

Rachel: “The DeKarina Chocolate factory because I love chocolate and it was really fun!”

Devorah: “We went to visit someone’s house who lives in the Golan. It was really nice to see someone so happy to live in Israel and with his decision to make Aliyah. And it was nice to see someone who could find his passion here!”

Yael: “I loved the rafting it was so fun!”

Color War Day 2

Color war 2018 was amazing!!! Today started off strong with learning and shiurs, and team dvar torahs at meals! Then we had an exciting dodgeball match between all 3 teams! After lunch and learning the color war festivities continued with a 39 Melachot Apache Race!! Girls went through different challenges and worked as a team to get to the finish line. The teams also competed in the Belts. After a BBQ dinner outside we had all the color war presentations. Each team presented their banners, songs, alma maters, skits and dances. The evening was so fun! Although we are all winners here on Michlelet NCSY, the team that won color war was RED!! Everyone played a great game and had so much fun participating!

Chaburah Spotlight — Sophie Blumenthal

Sophie Blumenthal is from Woodmere, New York. She attended SKA for high school and then went on to study in Shaalvim for Women for a year and a half. She is currently studying Psychology in Stern College for Women. This is Sophie’s first summer on Michlelet and she is loving it!

The girls in Sophie’s chabura are Rivka Bennun (Woodmere, NY), Mindy Benovitz (Monsey, NY), Avia Bennett (Miami, FL) and Tzipporah Felsenthal (Ramat Beit Shemesh).

Sophie’s Chabura is called: “מעגל השנה- Practical Lesson from our Jewish Calendar”. Each chabura focuses on a different month on the calendar or Jewish holiday and what practical lessons can be learnt from it. Throughout the chaburas there are discussions, stories and activities to help the girls get a better understanding and appreciation for the holidays and the calendar. The goal is for the girls will be able to take what they have learnt from the chabura and apply it to their lives throughout the year.

What is your favorite place in Israel that you have visited so far and why?

Rivka: I’d say my favorite place was Chispin. There was something very calming and tranquil about the yeshuv. Literally just breathing the air felt different. It’s like a whole different world up North and I’m in love with it. What was crazy to me was that we were twenty minutes away from the Syrian border and I felt completely safe and happy. I found it was a very idealistic place and I totally see myself possibly living there when I’m older.

Tzipporah: My favorite place that I visited so far was going to a family’s house in the Golan. We got to see how happy they were to live in their home even though they were told by many throughout the world that it’s occupied territory and that they don’t belong there. Seeing how proud they were to be living there really inspired me to also one day move to one of those “occupied territories” in Israel to show the world that the Jews belong there, it’s our land and we’re not leaving.

Avia: My favorite place we have visited so far is Yerushalayim because you feel the Kedusha of the land so much more there. I also really enjoyed visiting Eilat because of all the really fun activities we did while we were down there.

Mindy: I loved visiting Kever Rochel because I felt a real connection to Jewish history and to my ancestors.

Chaburah Spotlight — Shoshana Rapps

Shoshana Rapps is from Edison, New Jersey. After graduating Bruriah High School, Shoshana spent a year and a half in Michlalah and is currently studying Jewish Education and Psychology in Stern College for Women. Shoshana went on Michlelet as a camper and is super excited to be back in Eretz Yisrael for an incredible summer as a Madricha!

Shoshana’s Chabura is titled “Thirteen Steps To Being The Best Ovedet Hashem,” where the girls learn how to serve Hashem in the best way, by emulating Him, through exploring and gaining greater insight into the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. Each Chabura centers around one of Hashem’s Yud Gimmel Middos HaRachamim and the lesson is then applied to practical daily life, to learn how to emulate Hashem’s Ways. The Chabura always ends with a Tefillah Tip, where the idea learned is connected to a part of Tefillah.

The Geshmak girls in Shoshana’s Chabura are Katherine Belilty (Frisco, Texas), Berit Ben-Shimon (Las Vegas, Nevada), Cila Ginsparg (Hollywood, Florida) and Atara Pietruszka (Bergenfield, New Jersey). Each girl is incredibly unique and adds something special to the Chabura. It is such a z’chus for Shoshana to get to learn with them on Michlelet this summer!

When the girls were asked “In what way has Michlelet helped you become a better Ovedet Hashem (Servant to G-d),” they answered:

Katherine: “Michlelet has allowed me to see what it truly means to be an Ovedet Hashem. Before Michlelet, I didn’t even know what the words “Ovedet Hashem” meant. Now, not only do I know what they mean in a deeper sense, I am also able to see it in action every day through the girls around me. I have learned how to become an Ovedet Hashem and continuously grow towards it every day both through my learning and through taking inspiration from my peers. The environment that Michlelet cultivates allows me to take the learning that we have done in our chabura and make it tangible through applying it into my every day life here!

Berit: “Knowing to listen and constantly think “what would G-d do/ want me to do in this situation?” helped me see and control myself in several situations.”

Cila: “The incredible Chaburas and Shiurim offered on Michlelet really impact my Avodas Hashem. I love taking each idea to my heart and connecting the valuable lessons to my life. I also love all the amazing role models that I have been privileged to meet on Michlelet. I strive to emulate their Avodas Hashem and great love for Torah.”

Atara: “Michlelet has really taught me how to be a better Ovedet HaShem by teaching me how to Daven better, treat others with the respect they deserve, and how to use Hashem’s traits to become a better person.

Color War!!!

Today was a special day on Michlelet NCSY! After a meaningful morning of chaburahs and shiurs we were called up to the beit midrash for a special announcement. Rabbi Robby Schreier explained to us we were going to have to fast today and the kitchen is waiting downstairs with food but we must sit on the floor. We all did as we were told and COLOR WAR was broken out!! The energy and excitement around Reishit today was amazing as girls met with their teams and preparing banners, songs, cheers, decorations and more!! The theme of this year’s color war is SHABBAT! The color are Purple/Kiddush, Red/Havdallah and Yellow/Neirot. Although it is color war the learning on Michlelet never stops!! In between the color war festivities we had our amazing shiurs and chaburahs and a special night guest speaker: Rabbi Manning!! Good luck to all teams!! More Color War fun to come tomorrow!!

Chaburah Spotlight — Orly Ohayon

Orly Ohayon is from Jacksonville, FL. She went to Samuel W. Wolfson Senior High School before spending a year at Tomer Devorah. Orly just recently graduated from Maalot Baltimore with a B.A. in Judaic Studies and minored in Psychology. She will be attending Wurzweiler this upcoming fall Be”H.

Orly’s chaburah is called “Life is a Chaiway”. The chaburah explores 18 out of the 48 different ways to acquire the Torah based on the Mishnah in Avos (6:6). The chaburah focuses on just like there are many different ways to get to a destination so too there are many ways to acquire the Torah.
Some examples of kinyanim that are mentioned in the chaburah, are b’talmud (with study), b’shmias ha’ozen (with a listening ear), b’kabbalas ha’yissurin (acceptance of suffering), hamekir es mekomo (knowing one’s place), noseh b’ol im chaveiro (carrying your friends burden).

“What was one idea that you learned on Michlelet, that really impacted you?”

Chava Shapiro (Bergenfield,NJ)

I learned how important it is for us to live in Israel and how much of an impact everything we do has on the Geula. Living is Israel will bring it closer.

Shylee Delman (Columbus, Ohio)

We are learning about all of different things Torah is; Torah is not just the actual words of the Talmud or Chumash, Torah is also careful listening, well articulated speech, and forty-five other virtues as taught in the mishna.

Elisheva Emmer (Staten Island, NY)

One important thing that I learned from our Chabura and Michlelet in general is to respect and love all Jews just because they are a Jewish and that makes them very special no matter what!

Bracha Gluck (Brooklyn,NY)

One idea that I learnt on michlelet so far that really impacted me is that we are mourning the בהמ״ק because it was a physical reminder that we are all brothers and sisters; a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. It caused me to open up my eyes to the judgements that I cast on the people around me daily, and gave me the outlook to start searching for similarities between the people around me and myself. Another constant idea expressed by many of the teachers and madrichot on michlelet, that really speaks to me is their outlook on our relationship with G-d. I always saw מצוות as something I do for G-d, but now that I’ve heard the idea, it makes a lot of sense that I’m doing the מצוות for myself, and it has definitely enhanced my עבודת and אהבת Hashem.

Chaburah Spotlight — Miriam Boim

Miriam Boim is originally from Woodmere NY where she attended SKA. She then spent a year and a half at Shaalvim for Women and did Sherut Leumi (national service) at an elementary school in Maaleh Adumim. Miriam now lives in Israel and is studying Special Education at Herzog College.
Miriam is so excited to be spending her first summer on NCSY Michlelet!
Miriam’s chaburah is about leadership in Am Yisrael, where she and the girls explore different topics connected to leadership by learning from various leaders in Tanach and Jewish History.
Miriam has the great privilege to learn with 4 incredible girls: Tamar Austein from Raanana Israel, Miriam Mermelstein from Queens NY, Atara Pollack from Cleveland Ohio, and Chana Zimmerman from Oakland California. Each girl is so unique and special and adds so much to the atmosphere and discussions. Miriam feels very fortunate to have the opportunity to learn the topic of leadership with girls who will definitely continue on to be leaders of their various schools and communities!

Now that we’ve been on Michlelet for over 3 weeks, what would you say is the favorite part of the program?
Tamar Austein- The highlight of my summer so far is the learning on Michlelet. It’s a huge opportunity to grow, get to know yourself, and to be a better Jew. I learnt so much and feel so privileged to be able to spend this summer in such a great place and environment while doing such great things.
Miriam Mermelstein- The Night speakers are always a highlight of my day. It’s the best to be able to relax and then regroup at the end of the day for amazing inspiration.
Chana Zimmerman- The bus rides are tons of fun! We sing and listen to music, we take bus selfies and meet new people. The bus is where it’s at.
Atara Pollack- The highlight of my summer is all the amazing opportunities we have every day on Michlelet. Michlelet is unique because we get to experience it all. From Tiyulim to Chessed to learning, it’s really an all-around amazing experience. When I go to sleep at night and think about my day, I can’t believe how much I’ve done. The girls are so sweet and the Madrichot really make the program. There is never a moment when I feel bored or inactive- I’m constantly moving! Michlelet is really enhancing who I am and helping me grow to be a better Jew and person.

Chaburah Spotlight — Mindi Gelbtuch

Mindi Gelbtuch lives in Woodmere, NY, attended Manhattan High School for Girls, and currently studies in Lander College for Women in Manhattan. Before college, Mindi spent a year and a half learning in Michlalah Jerusalem seminary- she is thrilled to be back in Eretz Yisroel, this time learning with (and from) Sharon Dahan, Ayelet Raden, Shoshana Schiowitz, and Chaviva Storch. Sharon is from Brooklyn, NY and attends Manhattan High School for Girls (going into 11th grade); Ayelet is from Boca Raton, FL and attends Hadar High School for Girls (11th); Shoshana is from Teaneck, NJ and attends Maayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls (11th); Chaviva is from Baltimore, MD and attends Bais Yaakov of Baltimore (12th).

Mindi’s Chaburah was inspired by a class (taught by Rav Andi Yudin) she took in Shana Bet on the Chazon Ish’s sefer “Emunah U’Bitachon”. The Chaburah’s unofficial title is “Faith It ‘till You Make It” (coined by fellow Madricha Shoshana Rapps)- this Chaburah centers around the themes of Emunah and Bitachon in Hashem. Each individual Chaburah focuses on a different topic in Judaism, specifically with the angle of Emunah and Bitachon. Some topics are ‘predictable’, like “Avraham Avinu” and “Pesach”. Other topics are somewhat ‘unexpected’, like “Emunat Chachamim” and “Aaron HaKohen”. But throughout all the topics, the goal is to gain a greater understanding of the underlying Emunah and/or Bitachon, with hopes to strengthen each girl’s personal Emunah and Bitachon.

“With great learning comes great hunger”- hunger for Torah of course, but also hunger for some snacks! Each Chaburah is accompanied by some sort of snack or candy, and that’s why Mindi’s question for her Chaburah had to be about learning and food:

“What is your favorite food? Connect it to a meaningful lesson, thought, or idea.”

Sharon: “My favorite snack is a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. On the outside a Reese’s cup looks like normal chocolate but as you eat it you discover the delicious peanut butter flavor. Michlelet is similar in the sense that in the beginning it’s sweet and great like chocolate and you think it can’t get better. Yet, as weeks pass, you begin to discover that it can get even better, like the peanut butter after the chocolate.”

Ayelet: “My favorite snack (in Israel) is Doritos. I love them because there are so many different flavors of Doritos. That is also one of the reasons I love Michlelet. There are so many different types of girls here to become friends with. Despite our differences, we are united by the reasons we came on Michlelet. Every day I realize that it doesn’t matter where we come from or which “flavor” we are- we are all here to learn, to grow, and to surround ourselves with amazing people.”

Shoshana: “My favorite snack is Jelly Bellies. I learned in this Chaburah that having Bitachon means that you recognize that in every situation that you are faced with things can go well or can go badly, but whatever the outcome is, you have to trust that it’s from Hashem and that it’s for your ultimate good. This idea applies to Jelly Bellies because you never know if you are going to get coconut or toothpaste! In any experience, you just have to trust that it’s all from Hashem, and some day you will look back and see how much you’ve grown from that experience.”

Chaviva: “My favorite snack is an ice cream sandwich. This connects to what I learned in a Chaburah with Mrs. Weinberg. We were learning about Parashat Ha’azinu- in one of the pesukim, Moshe says that “the Shamayim and Aretz will be witnesses”. Rashi comments that the reason for this is because the Shamayim and Aretz exist forever and they have the ability to reward and punish. The Kli Yakar asks: How can they be witnesses if they don’t have a mouth and can’t testify for us?

He answers by saying that in Bereishit, on the sixth day of Creation, the Torah writes “הששי”, not just “ששי”. The ה in gematria is 5. This hints to the 5 Books of Torah, and ששי hints to the sixth day of Sivan, which is the day we received the Torah. This shows that if we don’t accept the Torah and keep it properly the world will go back to nothingness- because we accepted the Torah the world is still around. Therefore, the Shamayim and Aretz are witnesses, because by continuing to exist, we know that people must still be keeping Torah.

The Kli Yakar continues to say that the spiritual and physical worlds repel each other, and the way they stick together is through the Torah. Otherwise, the world would fall apart. Similarly in an ice cream sandwich- the ice cream is the glue that holds the two cookies together. Without it, the entire sandwich falls apart.”