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About The Trip

Chaburah Spotlight – Avigayil Adouth

Avigayil Adouth is from Miami, FL, went to Hebrew Academy for high school before spending an amazing year at Shaalvim for women. Avigayil is currently a student at Stern College for Women.

Avigayil’s chaburah is called “Tales as old as time truer now than ever” The chaburah explores stories from tanach and some of their more more practical applications and uses them to delve into conversations about more general Jewish Values.

Some examples are the story of Yehuda and Tamar, the concept of Yibum and the idea of Jewish continuity, or the Sin of Adam, the concept of Tzniut, and the trait of humility. Avigayil loves getting to learn with and from the girls in her chaburah, and hopes the lessons they learn together impact them and that she is able to impart of them a love for engaging with Torah!

Avigayil feels so privileged to have these amazing girls in her homeroom: Nava Israel (Silver Spring, MD) Zahava Davidowitz (Woodmere, NY) Elisheva Miller (Woodmere,NY) Devorah Weintraub (Philadelphia, PA)

What’s your favorite part of Shabbat on Michlelet?

Nava- My favorite part of shabbos on Michlelet is definitely the Friday night tisch. Right after dinner we all move our chairs away from the table and sit together in circles around a HUGE table of food! Right after we finish eating, there’s a ton more yummy food and delicious chulent!!!!

There’s beautiful singing, a hilarious skit run by some of our funniest advisors, while snacking on amazing candy and fruit!

The Friday Night Tisch on Mich is something that I’ve never ever experienced before, and it’s for sure the highlight of my shabbos here!

Zahava- Singing as we watch the sun set over the hills of Beit Shemesh

Elisheva – My favorite part is the tisch. I love the Rebbe and Rebbetzin and their humor and of course the food.

Devorah- playing games and talking with everyone after the seuda on Friday night

Chaburah Spotlight – Chedva Weissler

Chedva Weissler is from Teaneck New Jersey. After attending Maayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls she spent a year and a half at Tiferet in Eretz Yisroel. She is currently in Touro Lander College for Woman. This is her second year as a madricha on Michelelet and she is so excited to be back and be part of this amazing program for another summer.

The incredible girls in her chabura are: Meira Edelstein, Channa Gelbtuch, Riky Ratner and Rena Seidenmann.

Chedva’s chabura is called finding Hashem Through Your iPhone. It goes through different apps or setting such as the lock button, search key, messages to understand Hashem and make Him more attainable in our day to day life. For example google maps was used to learn about bitachon and relying on Hashem, while the search button taught the beauty of sheva yipol tzadik v’kam. Through it, the girls realize how every part of their lives can be used to find Hashem even in the most uncommon places.

If you could revisit any trip on michlelet that you went on which would it be?

Meira Edelstein: I liked har hertzel it was meaningful and we had a really good tour guide and it was so inspiring to see all the people who died fighting for our country

Channa Gelbtuch: I would want to visit Kever Rachel again because I had one of the most powerful davenings of my life there, except we didn’t have so much time, so I would want to do it again to have a longer davening with all of the kavana that I had there.

Riky Ratner: Chevron, it was extremely inspiring when the people of chevron spoke about their experiences living there and it amazed me how they continue to have such strong bitachon and emunah. Also getting to daven by the avos and emahos kevar was really an amazing opportunity!

Rena Seidenmann: I enjoyed maarat hamachpala and being able to daven at the kevarim of our Avos and get our tfilot answered.There was a time in history when the Jews weren’t able to daven there and it was so special to me to have the ability to go and learn the history and daven.

Smiles all Around

Today was another fully packed day on Michlelet. We got off to a great start with morning chaburot and teacher shiurim. We then dressed up and split up into our four trip groups. Between the four groups we went to ALYN, Hadassah, Shaarei Tzedek, and Siach Sod, where we clowned around to bring Simcha to special needs and sick children. We then headed back to camp and received our special dri-fit t-shirts, designed for our incredible night activity: a Give vs Michlelet basketball game! The Give girls arrived and were fortunate to hear from Mrs. Yudin, followed by a delicious falafel dinner. Only then could the big game begin! There was incredible ruach and excitement in the air. The game started off close but Michlelet ultimately pulled away with a dominating 23-8 win! It was so nice to see the achdus between Give and Michlelet. We look forward to an exciting and meaningful Day tomorrow, as we have a full in day, and begin to prepare for a meaningful Tisha B’av.


Chaburah Spotlight – Orah Wilen

Orah Wilens is from Chicago, Illinois, and just finished her second year as Madricha/Shana Bet at Darchei Binah. After going on Michlelet as a camper, Orah was excited to come back as staff, because she knows how much the program has to offer!

The special and insightful girls In Orah’s homeroom are Devorah Schreier, ( Woodmere, NY), Dvora Golombeck ( Lawrence, NY), Gitty Greenwald, ( Miami, FL), and Naava Wasserman, (Boston, MA).

Orah’s Chaburah is called Links: You, me and Hashem”- which is based on the pasuk in Pirkei Avot 1:2, על שלשה דברים העולם עומד על התורה ועל העבודה ועל גמילת חסדים T: On 3 things does the world stand on Torah, avodah and Chesed. Each one of these foundations of Judaism is connected to 3 categories. Bein Adam leatzmo,- ( relationship with self)- connected to Torah. Bein Adam lechavero (relationship with others) -connected to Chesed. And Bein Adam lemakom, (relationship with Hashem)-Connected to Avodah. Going through different topics related to each relationship we are better able to understand how each one builds on each other and how they all play an integral role in building our relationship with Hashem.

What is your favorite Chag and why?

Devorah Schreier- Pesach because it is a time that we look back at our past and use it to strengthen and connect us as a nation.

Dvora Golombeck- I love Succos because we go out of our house and feel so special in the Succah. We are surrounded by so much beauty and we have the opportunity to really feel close and connected to Hashem!

Gitty Greenwald- Succot because it’s long, and I get to be with my family. I also love the feeling of being in the sukkah.

Naava Wasserman- Pesach because you get to have Yom Tov and spend time with family. It’s also great because when we sit down for the sedar the house is nice and clean, and we get to focus on spending time with family and learning Torah.

Chaburah Spotlight – Sarah Leah Nachimson

Sarah Leah Nachimson is super excited to be spending her first summer on Michlelet!! Originally from Los Angeles, CA, Sarah Leah went to Bais Yaakov of LA and then spent a year and a half in Michlalah. She recently graduated from Stern College with a B.A. in psychology. Next year she plans to pursue a PsyD in school-community psychology at Hofstra University.

The fantastic girls in Sarah Leah’s chaburah are Chaya Abramchik (Miami, FL), Ashira Herzfeld (Chicago, IL), Pessi Marmorstein (Brooklyn, NY), and Shira Weinroth (Bronx, NY)!!

The title of Sarah Leah’s chaburah is “Once Upon a Time,” and it is based on the passuk “lakol zman vaeis” (for everything there is a time and season) from Sefer Koheles. In each chaburah, the girls learn about a different pair of times described by Koheles, such as “a time to be silent and a time to speak” and “a time to love and a time to hate.” They discuss an underlying theme for each set of times and how and when it can be applied to our lives.

What is your favorite chessed activity that you’ve done on Michlelet and why?

Chaya: My favorite chessed thing was the bridal shower. I thought it was an incredible experience to witness. We had the privilege of having the TJJA girls together with us and it was so beautiful to see Jews from all over coming together to do a chessed for a person in need. Additionally, the Kallahs appreciation for every single gift she received.

Ashira: It’s very hard to choose one that is my favorite, but since I have to choose one delivering packages to the soldiers was a very meaningful experience. It was very nice to give to people who give so much for Klal Yisrael.

Pessi: My favorite chessed activity was the packages for soldiers. Because it’s so amazing what they do for our country and how they protect us and make us feel comforted in where we are even during dangerous times and the fact that we cold give them something even the smallest thing. Is an amazing feeling and an amazing chessed.

Shira: My 2 favorite chesseds were the bridal shower and the sdeirot carnival. The bridal shower was really nice for all of us to dance with a kallah that we never met, and we were able to provide her with things she will need for her future home. I felt very privileged to take part of that chessed! Also, the sdeirot carnival was really fun and cute, playing with kids I never met before, giving them piggy back rides etc. I had a really fun time and it was also chessed.

We had an amazing Thursday here on Michlelet! We started off our day with learning in homeroom, followed by preparations for a carnival we made for children from Sderot. It was incredible to see all the children with smiles on their faces, and made us to happy to be able to give while gaining so much ourselves! We had such a nice time! After the carnival, we had a regular day; with learning, activities and fun! For our night speaker, we were fortunate to hear from Mrs. Rina Ariel, mother of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who spoke about her story and emunah in Hashem. It was a very moving speech and we are grateful to have heard from her. Then we headed down to the dining room for night activty where we were split into teams for Cupcake Wars! It was so delicious and so much fun!!

We had an incredible 4th week and are excited for our off shabbos, to rejuvenate and rest up for an incredible 5th week on Michlelet!! Shabbat Shalom!

Chaburah Spotlight – Meira Motechin

Meira Motechin hails from Bergenfield, NJ and is a student at Stern College. She attended Bruriah High School, followed by and year and a half at Michlalah. Meira is super excited to be back at Michlelet as a Madricha, after an amazing summer here as a camper.

The girls in Meira’s chabura are Ariella Unger (Lawrence), Malkie Bugayer (Woodmere), Leezy Feuer (Lawrence), and Tziporah Zwickler (West Orange).

Meira’s chabura is titled “Heroes and Villains in Tanach.” She explores different Torah personalities and what trait we can learn from each of them, as well as practical ways to work on those middot. Her chabura also focuses on what it means to “be your own superhero,” such as how to work on your muscles (growth), learn your powers (kochot/individuality) and then rise to the challenge! She hopes the girls in her chabura will realize that we can learn from each person, good or evil, and how middot can be used positively or negatively.

Which super power do you wish you had and why?

Tziporah: Invisibility, you can literally be anywhere without people knowing.

Ariella: Flying, so I don’t have to walk.

Leezy: Reading people’s minds, because I love to know people’s thoughts.

Malkie: Teleportation because then I can travel instantaneously and not have to worry about wasting my time getting there. Every moment is a precious gift and shouldn’t be taken for granted.

From Soldiers to Surprises

Today was another awesome day here at Michlelet! The day began in a Beit midrash filled with voices of learning, laughing, and bonding during homeroom, and continued with the awesome madricha chaburahs and teacher shiurim we’re lucky enough to have here. In the afternoon we put together packages and wrote cards to chayalim at their base in Efrat. We had a meaningful and fun time getting to meet, connect with, and express our appreciation to the brave men protecting us; and we even got to hear from a lone solider about his experience! After a siyum and delicious fleishig dinner back at Reishit, we had the privilege of hearing from Mrs. Schneider as our night speaker. We then headed to the buses for a surprise night activity! We had a blast bouncing the night away at iJump while Shana bet bonded in a laser tag experience. We had an amazing, jam packed day filled with learning, chessed, and so much fun! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

Chaburah Spotlight – Eliana Alter

Eliana Alter is from Teaneck, New Jersey and is currently a senior in Stern College studying biology. She went to Bruriah high school and then spent her year in seminary at Michlalah. Eliana is so excited to be able to teach and learn Torah in Eretz Yisrael during her first summer on Michlelet.

The amazing and inspiring girls in Eliana’s homeroom are Elana Eisenberger (Woodmere, NY), Shayna Eisenberg (Lawrence, NY), Tehila Galbut (Miami, FL), and Lieba Weiss (Lawrence, NY).

Eliana’s chaburah is called “אש מאשת חיל: Finding the Aish in Eishes Chayil”. The beautiful pesukim from Mishlei that are sung Friday night at every Shabbos table sometimes seem hard to relate to. In each chaburah, we focus on a different pasuk and its theme and then connect it to our lives as young women in a personal and practical way. With stories about Rebbetzin Machlis, a true Eises Chayil, themes taken from Nefesh Chaya by Rav Pincus, and ideas from More Precious Than Pearls by Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller, the goal of the Chaburah is to bring the words of Eishes Chayil to life and enable each girl to make her own personal connection to them.

What is your favorite part about an in Shabbos on Michlelet and why?

Elana Eisenberger- My favorite part about shabbos on Michlelet is the easy camaraderie amongst all the girls. When we are seated randomly by the meals we are given the chance to get to talk to people who we might have otherwise not sat next to and spoken to. The girls are all awesome and it’s amazing to be together.

Shayna Eisenberg – During the entire week everyone’s in different chaburas and doing different things but on shobbas we all come together and sing and spend time together. 

Lieba Weiss – I like the kumzitz on shabbos afternoon because it’s so nice to hear the whole camp singing together, especially with the beautiful sunset behind us

Tehila Galbut- the two shabbosim I spent here on Michlelet were the most incredible shabbosim of my life. The zmiros and kumzitzs are in itself an inspiration. I personally think that shabbos on Michlelet is the highlight of my week and possibly my summer.

Chaburah Spotlight – Shana Ostrow

Shana Ostrow is from Forest Hills, Queens, and just finished her second year as Madricha/Shana Bet in Darchei Binah. Shana loved being madricha so much and is estatic that she has the opportunity to continue on Michlelet. She is having a super time and really enjoys being in Israel and chilling with the girls.

The amazing, sweet, inspiring girls is Shana’s chabura are  Devorah Neuhoff (Cedahurst), Leah Weiss (Passaic, NJ), Malkie Rabinowitz (Brooklyn), and Elisheva Lesser (Lawrence). 

Shana’s chabura is called “The Power of Six” – the parallels between the שש זכירות (six rememberances) and the six constant Mitzvos. She goes through the six major historical events that we are commanded to remember, ties it to one of the six constant mitzvos, and adds in the deeper meanings and practical applications that we can bring down to our lives. Shana’s goal is to take that which we learn/experience and our daily actions and bridge the gap between the two. She wants to engrain the lessons into the girls, and hopes it will inspire them to love our history and see how we can learn from it and practically apply it to our daily lives. 

If you can get a rebar with any person in Tanach who would it be and why?

Devorah Neuhoff- i would like to take the entire tanach to rebar… But specifically Dovid. 

Malkie Rabinowitz- I would take the Emahos so that i can learn from the strong empowering woman from Tanach.

Leah weiss- I would take Avraham Aveinu, and ask him what made him go against what everyone else around him was saying, and be the odd one out.

Elisheva Lesser- Yoseph, because he was second command in mitzrayim and probably would get some good treatement at rebar.