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About The Trip

Day on Campus Full of Visitors!

Today was a great day of learning, activities, and fun!

We had many visitors: Hadaya came to sell jewelry, NCSY staff came to learn hands on about Michlelet and other NCSY summer programs, and the girls of TJJ Bus 6! We had a great time meeting everyone and eating dinner outdoor on our beautiful campus.

Following dinner, Rabbi Yudin spoke to Michlelet and all our guests. Night activity was an amazing “throwback” bat mitzvah celebration for our very own shana bet madricha as well as one TJJ camper who never had a bat mitzvah! We danced, watched a montage, played games, and had a ball!

Check back for more updates and remember to look at our pictures from today!

First Day of Learning and Chesed!

What a day! We began the day with amazing learning in our homerooms, madricha chaburahs, and teacher classes!

We continued the fun with amazing activities including tennis, basketball, swimming, and baking!

We then went on our chesed trips to package food at Yad Eliezer and to pick fresh tomatoes from the Leket Israel fields! We played music, danced, and had the best time knowing we were helping others!

We ended off the day with an inspiring speech by Rabbi Nissel, a hilarious night activity of PANIC, and an optional shiur by our Madricha Coordinators!

Tons of fun! Tons of friends! Tons of good memories in the making.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, and check out today’s pictures!


Fun in the Sun of Eilat!

We started our day in Eilat with an incredible sunrise hike. Once we reached the top of the mountain, we had the privilege of davening shacharis with a breathtaking view of the sea and mountains!

We then headed back to the hotel for a delicious breakfast, followed by a FULL day of fun with water sports, a lively boat ride, and a yummy BBQ dinner!! Tons of fun was had by all, and lots of water was consumed!!!!

Stay tuned for more, and remember to check out our daily post of pictures!

Making Our Way Down South!

Today we had a great day at the Salad Trail, as we learned about and picked beautiful, colorful vegetables (and passion fruit!) directly from the fields!

We continued South to go jeeping and repelling at Mitzpeh Ramon. Not all of us were so confident going in, but in the end, most of us mustered up the courage to overcome our fears and made it down the mountain with smiles on our faces!

After yummy deli sandwhiches for dinner, we headed to our hotel in Eilat for the night, pumped for a full day of touring the South tomorrow!

Stay tuned and remember to check our our daily posts and pictures!!!

An Amazing First Shabbos!

What a weekend! We spent Friday at the Ashdod beach, with a stop at a supermarket to stock up on necessities on our way back to Reishit.

Our first shabbos on Michlelet 2016 was amazing!! The singing and dancing would make you think we’ve all known each other forever! The divrei Torah and activities were so nice and fun. We had a blast getting to know each other even better.

On Motzei Shabbos we got our shtick on for our first Melave Malka! We danced like crazy and made our own delicious pizza pies. After busting lots of cool dance moves and flashing smiles, we headed back to pack for our Eilat trip in the morning!

Stay tuned for more!! Make sure to check out our updated pictures! 🙂

Erev Shabbos Update #1 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear Michlelet NCSY Parents,

There is nothing more thrilling than beginnings, when opportunity lies ahead and there are dreams, aspirations and hopes in the air. That feeling is definitely very strong here! Although, of course, it does take some longer to adjust, the excitement, hopefulness and real positivity can already be seen on the faces of the Michlelet NCSYers and madrichot. Last night, after night activity, Michlelet NCSY burst into spontaneous dancing and singing and the energy and happiness in the air was already palpable. Michlelet NCSY 2016 is quickly coming together to form a cohesive unit.


So much has happened since many of you said goodbye to your daughters in the airport this past Tuesday. Davening at the Kotel…Arriving and settling in at Reishit…”Getting to know you” activities…Orientation…Chizkiyahu’s Water Tunnels…Ir Dovid…A delicious Holy Bagel Dinner in Yemin Moshe…Tanach Escape the Room for shana bet…More Getting to Know You Acitivities…Dancing and Singing…Our first incredible speaker Rav Doni Marcus…the Beach in Ashdod and so much more!

We are now preparing for our first Michlelet Shabbos!     


There is nothing more thrilling than a beginning at Michlelet NCSY, other than actually experiencing it.  Which is why I can’t be more excited to spend what will hopefully be a growth filled, inspiring, exciting, fast paced, fun summer with all of your daughters.

Good Shabbos,

 With love from the Holy Land,
Rivka Yudin

Orientation & First Tiyul!

Our first full day on Michlelet was amazing!!!

We spent the morning in our beautiful Beit Medrash for orientation with Mrs. Yudin and other members of our head staff.

After a delicious lunch, we headed to Yerushalayim for our first tiyul at Ir David where we got to hike through the beautiful Chizkiyahu Water Tunnels. From there, we headed to Yemin Moshe to enjoy a yummy Holy Bagel picnic dinner! We returned to Reishit just in time for night activity – human bingo and tons of crazy singing and dancing!!

What an unbelievable day! Looking forward to our first shabbos on Michlelet!!!

Stay tuned for more and keep checking our pictures for daily updates!

Welcome to Michlelet! We have arrived!

Michlelet 2016 is off to an amazing start!!!

Our group flight took off from JFK on Tuesday night and we landed safely in Tel Aviv on Wednesday afternoon.

We drove straight from the airport to the Old City of Yerushalayim for our first visit at the Kotel. It was so special and exciting to be there!

From the Kotel we drove to our beautiful home base for the summer, Yeshivat Reishit in Beit Shemesh. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and a fun “getting to know you” night activity. Then we headed to our rooms to unpack and get some rest!

We cannot wait to see what else is in store!
Be sure to check out our pictures for new albums daily!

michlelet test 1


End of the Summer Video!