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Chabura Spotlight: Reflections on Summer ’15

Aviva Zimmermann is from Cedarhurst, New York. She went to SKA High School and spent two years learning in Michlalah. She is now a senior in Queens College. Aviva went on Michlelet as a camper for two summers, and was so excited to be able to come back as a madricha this past summer!
The girls in Aviva’s chabura this past summer were Eliana Carasso (San Rafael, CA), Racheli Pollack (Beachwood, OH), Ariella Benovitz (Spring Valley, NY), and Sara Golombeck (Lawrence, NY). Aviva’s chabura was called “You, Me, and Hashem: Lessons from Pirkei Avos.” Every chabura focused on a different mishna from Pirkei Avos, each geared towards improving one of the three relationships we all have; Bein Adam L’makom, Bein Adam L’atzamo, and Bein Adam L’chaveiro.
Q: Reflecting back on the past 6 weeks, what was one of the most meaningful experiences you had this summer?
Eliana – One of the most powerful experiences I was lucky enough to experience, was talking to and learning with the TJJ transfers. It’s a commendable thing to know that you’re going to set aside time for yourself to grow during the summer, but it’s a greater thing to set aside your summer for growth, see the Emet contained in your growth, and then to come in the middle of a program of 100 girls in order to pursue that Emet. It was one of the most incredible, inspiring this to see.
Racheli- The most meaningful experience for me was listing to guest speaker Rabbi Doni Marcus. He spoke about Jewish pride. The reason I found this so significant to me was because I often hide the fact that I am Jewish in a public setting because I feel I will be judged or ridiculed. However, after listening to his inspirational speech, I realized that I shouldn’t care what others think and I realized I have no reason to be embarrassed. Actually, quite the opposite! Though I don’t go around parading the fact that I am a Jew, I no longer feel the pressure to hide it.
Ariella- The most meaningful experience I had this summer was when we made a carnival for some children who live in sderot. I found this especially meaningful because all I did that day was draw a picture of a clown but that same picture gave children living lives of trauma an hour of fun. That day showed me how much tiny acts of chessed can effect the lives of other people.
Sara- One of the most meaningful parts of my summer was when we made a wedding for a couple who could not afford to make their own. It was so special to help out so directly and really see your hard work pay off. I really gained an appreciation for chessed from all we did on Michlelet.

Chaburah Spotlight: Lauren Rubin

Lauren Rubin is from Woodmere, New York. She went to SKA and spent a year and a half in Michlalah. She is now a senior in Queens College, majoring in Nutrition and Dietetics. Lauren is a long time Michlelet camper. She spent 4 summers on Michlelet as a camper, last summer as a madricha, and is so excited to be back again as a madricha for her 6th summer! 

The girls in Lauren’s homeroom are Shira Rothwachs (Teaneck, New Jersey), Leeba Goldenhersh (Baltimore, Maryland), Tzip Kupferstein (Lawrence, New York), Nina Melohn (Manhattan, New York) and Mina Stein (Passaic, New Jersey).

Lauren’s Chaburah is called “Life Lessons of a Board Game.” At the start of each chaburah a game is presented with a lesson that is derived from the rules or objectives of the game. The girls analyze, discuss and learn different types of sources – they even play a few of the awesome games! They come out learning many personal lessons and understanding some very applicable concepts.

Whats your favorite breakfast food and why?

Leeba Goldenhersh: chocolate chip muffins because they are breakfast and dessert!

Shira Rothwachs: Cinnamon life cuz its delicious!
Tzip Kupferstein: honey nut cheerios its a classic with a twist! Like me ;)!!
Nina Melohn: chocolate chip pancakes a little raw because they are sweet and fluffy with a unexpected chocolate taste!
Mina Stein: honey nut cheerios bc everyone is a little nutty sometimes!

Weekly Update #6 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear Michlelet NCSY Parents, amu”sh

Another exceptional week on Michlelet has gone by. What an awesome week it was; filled with such meaning, purpose and absolute thrill!

It is with conflicted feelings that I write you this last weekly update, before our sixth Shabbos, here at Michlelet NCSY 2015.  On the one hand, it is so sad that Michlelet is ending. They are such a fantastic group of girls with so much positivity and enthusiasm and have grown so much in so many ways. I am honestly absolutely blown away by them!! I have enjoyed the girls so much! On the other hand, it is so nice to look back and see how much we have accomplished this summer. We have shared so many outstanding, glorious memories and important experiences.

There were many highlights this week, and as I’m sure you’ve been doing all summer long, you can get a small glimpse of the goings on here on our daily blogs and website.  Learning excitedly in chaburahs and shiurim, guest speakers, fun night activities,  rappelling, water hiking, davening at the Kever of the Rambam, bonding, laughing, activities, visiting the blind museum to sensitize ourselves to the challenges of the visually impaired, dancing, dancing and more dancing  and so many other first rate experiences.

 To me, though, there are three events in particular that stand out and blend together into the magnificent balance of everything Michlelet NCSY has to offer. We have connected with our rich heritage, our magnificent and perfect Torah, with Klal Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, with incredible friends and inspiring staff and madrichot, all in the context of a fun, exciting, fast paced summer with unparalleled experiences.

The first was the tremendous privilege we had to hear from Rav Mayer Twersky, shlita this week. Rav Twersky spoke about the importance and beauty of emuna and of practical ways to acquire emuna. Afterwards, the Michlelet NCSYers had the extraordinary privilege to ask Rav Twersky questions on the topic of emuna. The questions were excellent, thought out and very impressive. They reflected the high caliber of our girls and how much thought and attention they each give to their avodat Hashem. The girls were able to tap into so much of what the summer has imparted to them; the ability to love and appreciate Hashem’s Torah and to really think and contemplate theological concepts.  The honor they accorded Rav Twersky and the awe with which they sat and listened to his words of Torah and wisdom showed me just how much they have grown in their love and respect for Torah this summer.

Another special time for me this week was the day of the magnificent wedding the Michlelet NCSYers made this week.  It was so touching to see how the girls really put their heart and soul into all the preparations….Shlepping and setting tables and chairs, setting the tables, centerpieces, chuppah, yichud room, mechitzot, the Kallah chair, shtick, preparing food arrangements.  Then came time for the wedding. They served and waitressed and were absolutely unbelievable. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous; the Kallah beautiful, ecstatic and glowing!! Her mother not only thanked me countless times for the exquisite wedding, but could not stop thanking me for the incredible ruach and pure happiness the girls danced with. They made the wedding so leibadik, danced with their heart and soul and the dance floor was literally rocking. They gave the young couple a beautiful wedding, both aesthetically, and in the unbelievable spirit and love they displayed!!

 The Kallah and her family couldn’t get over the devotion and amount of effort the Michlelet NCSYer’s put in, and how gorgeous and beyond their greatest expectations the wedding turned out.

Wednesday morning, the girls woke up with the thought, “Oh my goodness! We actually made a wedding last night!” echoing in their minds. This couple began to build their home in Klal Yisrael with a most beautiful wedding because of our girls!

This scene to me, brings home another one of the magnificent ways we have bonded and grown over the summer; a feeling of connection to our entire nation!! They put in so much effort for someone they only met once at the bridal shower we had made a few weeks ago!! They also danced with such pure real joy!! This was a true display of Ahavat Yisrael and characteristic of so much of what we have tried to impart in our Michlelet NCSYers this summer!

The last of the many magical scenes that stick out in my mind this week, is that of our touching banquet last night.  This truly brought it all together. We heard from Michlelet NCSYers Ariella Benovitz, Eliana Feifel, Kayla Samet and Noa Silverstein. Each echoed the idea over and over again how much they loved to learn now, how proud they were to be Jews, how connected they felt through the chessed and touring we did, how much fun they had and how much they felt they grew this summer! But the one theme that came through loud and clear throughout the night was how they each felt like we had become a family here at Michlelet in the last six weeks. How close they felt to each other and the bond they felt which was unbeatable because they not only shared so much fun and excitement this summer but so much growth as well!  In fact, I overheard in the halls of the dorm afterwards, “They’re not just my friends, they’re literally like my sisters! It’s crazy because we’re only here six weeks but I feel like I grew so much!!!”

A most stirring part of the banquet for me was the end, when everyone danced together. To me, that represented so much of our summer as well! The strong bond felt, the excitement and unbelievable energy and fun so characteristic of our summer, the sense of a feeling of accomplishment felt in the room, was palpable as we moved to the beat of the music together.

Of course, we still have Shabbos together ahead of us, which we are all really looking forward to!

Thank you for a most extraordinary, beautiful summer! I have been so inspired by your daughters!

Have a wonderful Shabbos,

Rivka Yudin

Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky

Here is the link to the amazing shiur that Mrs Kaminetsky gave to Michlelet this past week:

Chaburah Spotlight: Sara Wiener

Sara Wiener is from Teaneck New Jersey and she is so happy to be a madricha on Michlelet for her second consecutive summer. She went to Touro College for undergraduate studies and is going to be starting Touro Social Work Graduate School in the fall. 

The girls in Sara’s Chaburah are Esther Trevino (St. Louis, MO), Shana Kaplon (Baltimore, MD), Meira Margulis (Chicago, IL), Debi Benedek (Brazil), and Rachel Retter (Bergenfield, NJ). 

The title of the chaburah is “Student of Life,” General Subjects and How they Connect to Torah and Judaism. Each day we focused on a different school subject and developed a Torah and hashkafic lesson that we can learn from it. 

Q: what is your favorite (Chaburah) subject and why?
Esther- To pick a specific topic would be impossible because I loved them all. So if I had to take one, I would choose the introduction. The introduction teaches us the fundamentals before we can even dive into the Torah we are about to learn. We learned that secular subjects like science and math are there as a means to marvel at the beauty of Torah. Without the introduction I would not have understood the need or reason for learning secular studies. Just like without the knowledge of secular studies I would not be able to understand how amazing Hashem’s Torah is and how everything we learn is ultimately to help us grow closer to Hashem and marvel at the world He created. 
Shana- Science. Because it helped me understand and appreciate G-d’s world. 
Meira- Science. We focused on how even if one our organs were to shut down, we could not survive. I thought it was so incredible that we take the miracle of waking up healthy every day for granted, when in actuality it is a neis that every bodily function of ours is working to its standard. 
Debi- Ecology/Nature. Now I can see more of what HASHEM made and appreciate it. 
Rachel- Health. My favorite Chaburah subject was when we learned about how health and taking care of our bodies applied to Judaism. To me it had always been something so secular and physical, but we learned how to elevate it to help us do mitzvot. 

Banquet 2015

Today was the last whole day of camp, and was our last opportunity to soak in everything that made this summer great. Learning was strong, with a full day of Chaburahs and Shiurim. Activities were amazing as usual and everything about today was the perfect way to end on a high note. As the day came to a close, we prepared for our Banquet. It was a beautiful event, with divrei Torah from staff and campers, and an end of the summer video. The sweatshirts we ordered came, and presents were given out! It was a very exciting night, and ended with dancing and singing. We are all looking forward to a special last shabbos together!

Chaburah Spotlight: Chani Hirschey

Chani Hirschey is from Elizabeth, New Jersey. She went to Bruriah High School and then spent a year and a half learning in Shaalvim for Women. Chani went on Michlelet as a camper and is so happy to be back as a Madricha. 

The girls in Chani’s chaburah are: Ashira Feld (Teaneck, NJ) Chani Reich (Far Rockaway, NY) Efrat Rosenwasser ( Chicago, IL) Goldie Serwatien (Houston, TX) and Sarah Kurtz (Lawrence, NY).
Chani’s Chaburah is called “Mitzvoth and Middot of the Human Body”. We focus on different Mitzvoth and how they correspond to different parts of our body. Chani began with the brain learning about “who is wise;one who learns from everyone” followed by our eyes and focusing on ayin Tova, the mouth representing Tefillah and Hilchot Brachot etc. Each chaburah Chani and the girls learn together through episodes in Tanach how to perform the Mitzvah and making it relevant to our lives. We learn how our physical bodies can be used and elevated to perform mitzvoth.
In our homeroom, each morning they learn about a different Gadol. Together we read a story and how they conducted their lives and how we can apply their values and accomplishments into ours.
Q: If you could meet any Gadol, who would it be and why?
Ashira: The Chofetz Chaim- because he contributed so much to Torah and he was so humble despite how great he was. He had the mentality and perspective on life that it is all truly work towards a greater purpose of the times of Mashiach and Olam Habah.
Chani: The Kli Yakur- because his miforash is remarkably enlightening and inspiring.  He expertly explains countless concepts and highlights the profound beauty at the words of Torah.
Goldie: The Rambam- because of his tremendous impact he had on the Jewish perspective of the outside world. He was able to bring Torah and Mada together in such a way that complimented each other and he was able to see the miracles behind every day life.
Sarah: Rav Ovadia Yosef- because he saw his calling and stepped up at a time when the Sedardi community needed a leader. He unified the Sefardim and saved the community. Even in his death, he had over 800,000 Jews at his funeral, all Jews came together because he promoted such unity within Klal Yisroel.
Efrat: Rav Ovadia Yosef- because I come from a Sefardi background and I think that it’s very important to connect to your heritage and it’s really inspiring to me that he didn’t only learn for himself but he devoted his time to Am Yisroel and helped people connect to their roots.

There Are No Regular Days on Michlelet

As we come closer and closer to the end of summer, each day is more precious and fun! Their was learning in the morning, with Chaburahs and Shiurim, and activities before lunch. Today there was a Staff Appreciation Luncheon that was very beautiful and well deserved. After a summer of working hard, the Madrichot had the chance to eat delicious food and reflect on an amazing summer. After lunch there was more learning, and other activities were offered. There was an optional shiur during rest hour and many girls give of their free time to learn a little more. After a delicious dinner, the camp heard from Mrs Elisheva Kaminetsky about visions and perspective. It was one of our last guest speakers of the summer, and was incredibly meaningful. The night activity was Talent Show and girls had the opportunity to entertain their friends and highlight their kochos. Tomorrow is another “in” day, with time given for packing. Everyone is looking forward to banquet and other fun end of the summer activties!

Chaburah Spotlight: Dana Weinstein

Dana Weinstein is from Woodmere, New York.  She went to SKA for High School and then studied in Israel for a year after graduating. She is about to enter her senior year at Stern College, majoring in biochemistry, in hopes of pursuing a medical degree. Dana has had an amazing experience as a madricha and loves being able to be back on the summer program that gave her so much!

The AMAZING girls in Dana’s chaburah are:Eliana Benia (Toronto), Batya Blitz (Los Angeles), Bryna Greenberg (Queens), Eva Hershco (Oceanside), Bracha Jacobson (Far Rockaway) and Mali Lobel (Brooklyn)!

The official title for Dana’s chaburah is “Tanach: The Musical,” but that doesn’t really get to the gist of the chaburah. Every time in chaburah the girls listen to and analyze popular English songs and then connect them to stories in Tanach. The songs and the tanach stories then relate to a deeper message that they can apply to their lives. A really cool part about this chaburah is that it allows the girls to find meaning in the songs they listen to on the radio. Also, every chaburah does not only involve looking at sources, but also having thoughtful discussions and usually a hands-on component as well. As an example, in one chaburah entitled “You are Beautiful”. The girls looked at the song “Beautiful” and drew parallels between the lyrics and different characters in Tanach, like Yosef and Esther, who are described as beautiful. The overall message, that internal beauty is much more meaningful and everlasting than external beauty, was solidified with each girl decorating her own mirror.

Who from tanach would you want to meet and what song do you think relates to their story?

Eliana Benia- I would want to meet Korach and I think the song “Rude” relates to his story because he was a really rude person.

Bryna Greenberg- I would want to meet Yosef. The song “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes you Stronger” relates to his story because he faced so many hardships in his life and still became the amazing person he was.

Mali Lobel- I would want to meet Esther because she was able to use her modesty in a proper way and be a savior for the Jews. I think the song “Who run the World” by Beyonce really relates to her story because she really shows the message of girl power because it was her that stopped Haman and saved the day.

Bracha Jacobson- I would want to meet Shlomo because he epitomized shalom and binah. The song “Get Along” applies to his life because it talks about the importance of the unity of mankind which is something Shlomo achieved in his life.

Batya Blitz- It would be really cool to meet Avraham. I think the song “Brave” really applies to his story because he had the courage to smash all the idols and stand up for what he believed in when no one else would.

Eva Hershco- I would want to meet Moshe. The song “Hero” really connects to Moshe’s story because even though he didn’t think he was a fit leader at first, he eventually became a hero and saved the entire Jewish people in a way that no one else has or ever will.

Sarah and Eliran are Married!

Last night we celebrated an amazing simcha. A lovely couple, Sarah and Eliran, got married! They are a young Israeli couple who needed help starting off their lives together. Michlelet had the zchus to make their wedding on our campus and it was incredible. The day was filled with the usual learning, as well as an inspirational shiur from Rav Mayer Twersky on emunah. Activities were cancelled, and instead the girls decorated and prepared for the simcha. We set tables, made shtick and did everything we could possibly do to make the wedding a beautiful affair. The kallah and chosson were greeted and welcomed, and after the chuppah, we danced the night away! To have the opportunity to be mesamech chosson v’kallah as a camp was exceptional, and we wish the new couple all of the brachos in the world!