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Chaburah Spotlight – Noa Hacker

Noa Hacker is from Brooklyn, NY and went to Manhattan High School for Girls followed by a year in Michlalah. Noa is now a premed student at Hunter College, majoring in biochemistry and minoring in sociology. This is Noa’s second year on Michlelet (first as a Madricha) and she is having an incredible and uplifting summer. 

Noa’s chaburah is titled, “Tehilim – my life”. The chaburah delves into different life lessons that we learn from both the actual life of David Hamelech and through the Sefer Tehilim. Each day, the chabura focuses on different life lessons and middos that can be learned from Tehilim. For example, one of the chaburot focused on the importance of friendship. Together, they examined and studied the friendship of David and Yohnatan and learned what true friendship means. In another chaburah they focused on the idea of gratitude and studied Perek 100-Mizmor Letoda. They learned what it means to be a more appreciative person and how to become more positive throughout difficult situations.  

The incredible girls in Noa’s chabura are-Shira, Sarah, Tammy and Hadassah. 

What is the most impactful message that you have learned from the life and teachings of David Hamelech

David Hamelech taught me that simcha comes from the inside. Despite the pain that he endured, David constantly sang to Hashem and created mizmorim of praise that we use when we go through hardships. In our chabura we learned that the shechina does not rest upon someone who is lazy or bored but only on someone who does the mitzvos with simcha. Genuine avodas Hashem comes from a place of joy and happiness. We also learned that we must surround ourselves with people who are happy in order to become a happier person.  

The most impactful message that I learned from the life and teachings of David Hamelech is that, no matter what challenges David had in his life, he always turned to Hashem and asked Hashem for help. In our chaburah we learned that during hardships in our lives we should always know that Hashem only puts us in situations that we can handle and endure. Therefore when we are in these situations the most important thing to do is to Daven to Hashem and He will help us along the way.

What I learnt from David Hamelech is that the most real friendship is one where even when it’s hardest your there and loyal to one another. David and Yonatan’s friendship was special. David was going against Yonatan’s father, Shaul Hamelech to take his throne and Yonatan was on David’s side until the end. Even though David was going against Yonatan’s own blood, Yonatan understood that this is really what Hashem wanted. He stood by David and showed the most loyalty a person can show. To be lucky to have someone we can always count on and trust is soemthing we should cherish. We can learn from David and Yonatan the true definition of a loyal and loving friendship.

What I learned from the life of David Hamelech is that even though he went through so many hardships he always knew to turn to Hashem and have gratitude no matter what. We learned in our chaburah that during Modim in Chazaras Hashatz we say our own Modim Derabanan because no one can give gratitude for you. We also learned that in order to be a happy person we have to be grateful and know that the source of all goodness comes from Hashem. We made a gratitude list according to the Alef beis and I try to implement it into my davening before Modim every day. 

Chaburah Spotlight – Racheli Lovy

acheli Lovy is from West Hempstead, NY  and couldn’t be more pumped to be on Michlelet for the very first time. She went to SKA for high school and then continued on to MMY. Now she’s in Queens College pursuing dentistry. Her Chaburah is called “Just Jew It 24/7” in which the chevra goes through different moments, such as days of the week and different times in their day and discusses the koach of that time. The goal of this chaburah is to be aware of how powerful each moment is and through this, tap into each day’s koach and proper avodas HaShem. 

The rockin crew consists of: Basya, Sara, Adira, and Gabby. 

What’s your favorite day/part of the week and how does that keep you going? 

Gabby: My favorite part of the week on michlelet is shabbos when everyone is off their phones and connecting with one and other especially by the end of shabbos when we all join together in a circle and sing because you really feel the connection between all the girls.

Adira: My favorite part of the week is Erev Shabbos. The sense of hachana for this holy day is so special. Erev shabbos Kodesh is extremely meaningful for me especially in eretz Yisroel. Whenever I go to geula on Friday I feel a sense of excitement to get ready for shabbos wherever I may be. I can’t wait to implement my love for shabbos when I go back home.

Basya: My favorite part of the week on Michlelet is shabbos.
I wait for shabbos every week on Michlelet. The shabbasim we spend together are just unreal. From the meals to the singing, shiurim, tishes and all the girls that you are surrounded by there is no way in the world you don’t feel the Kaddusha we have here on Michlelet. After a full week of splitting up the camp everyday to go on different, fun and exciting trips we all come together as one for shabbos. That’s really how it feels physically and spiritually.

Sara: Each day of the week has a different kind of potential. Although each day has different significance, Monday is especially meaningful to me. Monday is a fresh start. A new beginning. When we start off the week with a positive, meaningful day, it sets the tone for the rest of the week. Monday is also the hardest day of the week because it signifies the end of a relaxing weekend and the beginning of a challenging week. If we wake up every Monday morning with the mindset of wanting to accomplish and achieve, the rest of the week is bound to be successful.


Chaburah Spotlight – Sheva Greenberg

Sheva Greenberg is from Bergenfield, New Jersey. After attending Bruriah High School, she learned in Michlalah for a year and a half. She is currently in Stern College studying Jewish Education. Sheva was a camper on Michlelet and is so excited to be back as a madricha this summer! 
Sheva’s chaburah is called “A Glimpse Into G-d’s Glasses- והאר עינינו.” Each chaburah is focused on different values, middos, and situations we encounter in our lives, and explores how to approach it through a Torah perspective in order to enhance our avodas Hashem. The goal of the chaburah is for each girl to develop a sense of mindfulness and a constant awareness to live each moment with the ‘glasses’ of Judaism. Through learning  sources about different values in Yiddushkiet, stories about gedolim who acquired these middos, and discussions about how we can implement/‘wear’ each pair of ‘glasses’ in our own life, we can leave empowered to connect to Hashem through every situation!
Sheva is having an amazing time learning with the awesome chevra in her chaburah: Tova, Elana, Tami, and Avigayil.
What has been an impactful or inspirational moment for you this summer so far?
Tova- A moment this summer that truly moved me was Yom NCSY. Yom NCSY was an experience like no other, because I felt so part of a whole, and it proved to me how strong the Jewish nation is. Even though we all have differences it shocked me how we all came together and bonded over the same thing. Thank you NCSY for creating both a funfilled and meaningful day for all the NCSYers to experience!
Elana- One inspiring aspect I have experienced on Michlelet has been the constant atmosphere of Torah. I feel fortunate to wake up every day and learn in my chaburahs and to end the day with an inspirational speaker. One specific concept that inspired me in my chaburah was the idea of perspective, two people can look at the exact same object and see different things. Having a positive outlook on everything that happens can really contribute to having the BEST SUMMER EVER filled with inspirational moments and Torah!
Tami- An impactful moment that I had this summer was when we hiked up Masada for sunrise. It was really fun to hike up with my friends, and then daven overlooking the beautiful view of the sunrise in Israel. 
Avigayil- One of the many impactful moments of my summer has been the night speakers at the end of each day. I love ending off my day with some inspiration after a full day of learning. The night speaker is like the cherry on top to an awesome day on Michlelet!

Chaburah Spotlight – Leora Ciment

Leora Ciment is from West Hempstead, New York and went to Central for high school followed by a year in MMY. She currently attends Stern college and is majoring in Jewish Education. Leora is so excited to have the opportunity to be spending her first summer on Michlelet and is having the best time!
The AMAZING girls in Leora’s chaburah are:
Ahuva, Dina, Miri and Rachel. 
Leora’s chaburah is titled: “Becoming a part of the dream team”. Everyday in chaburah, we learn about a new Gadol; a biography about them, and share impactful stories which we can learn so much from in a practical way. We then learn about a specific middah that the Gadol embodies from different seforim such as Mesilas Yesharim, Alei Shur, and Pirkei Avos. Everyday is ended with a game plan for each of us with practical tips to help us further grow in this middah. The goal is for each girl to learn about our Gedolim and their incredible middos in order to feel as though we can one day become Gedolim in our own respective ways!
Each of the girls were asked: “ What is your favorite activity on Michlelet and why?” 
Ahuva: “I really love the learning on Michlelet because the learning is done in such an enjoyable and easy way. Each chaburah and teacher shiur has something new and exciting to teach that it doesn’t even feel like learning sometimes!”
Dina: “ My favorite activity was medical clowning because it was really amazing to see what a smile can do for people. Dressing up and singing for sick people really cheered them up. It was really nice to see how far a smile can go!”
Miri: “Yom NCSY was definitely one of the best nights this summer. It was amazing to see so many people from so many programs and backgrounds come together to have one awesome night. Not only did I feel the achdus from the whole NCSY but I really felt like it strengthened the achdus from all the girls on Michlelet. What was especially fun was that we had the privilege to have a concert from Ohad and Simcha Leiner to make the night even more special and meaningful!”
Rachel: “I love all the chessed opportunities we have on Michlelet! Tonight, for example, we went to help prepare food for shabbos at the Machlis home. I’m so thankful that Michelet gives us so many chances to help klal yisroel in so many varied ways.” 


We had the great zechus of learning in our regularly scheduled chaburah and teacher shiurim this morning after a late wake up, and then enjoyed a delicious and healthy lunch. Next, we boarded the busses and went to Cholon. We split up, with some of us experiencing the Dialogue in the Dark – an interactive experience that helps us gain sensitive to people who are blind. Others went to a Dialogue with Time – another experience where we learn to be sensitive to the difficulties and appreciate the beauty in becoming elderly. Lastly, the rest of us experienced an Invitation to Silence – where we were immersed in a world without sound and gained sensitivity for people who are deaf. After, we headed back to Reishit where we heard Levi Greenspan speak about his life experiences being blind. Lastly, we had an incredible night activity – counselor vs camper machanayim and basketball games!!! 

Chaburah Spotlight – Nava Rosenblatt

Nava Rosenblatt is from Highland Park, New Jersey. She attended Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School, followed by Sha’alvim for Women. She is currently in Stern, studying math and computer science.
Nava’s chaburah is titled “Middot from Characters in Tanach.” Each chaburah focuses on a different character in Tanach and a middah that they embody. We examine how they exhibit the middah, and then learn about the middah in general and how we can apply it to our lives. For example, we learned about Daniel in the lion’s den and saw the tremendous bitachon that he placed in Hashem, and we then learned different sources and perspectives on bitachon and hishtadlut, and discussed how to make it relevant to our own lives. In another chaburah, we learned about Yaakov and his middah of emet, and delved into sources to understand how Yaakov embodies this middah, and then talked about the value of emet while recognizing situations in which telling the truth might not be as black and white.

Nava’s awesome homeroom girls are Meira, Breindy, Tiferet, and Shira

What’s your favorite Israeli snack?

Meira: My favorite Israeli snack is Kinder hippos. I love the creamy chocolate along with the fact that they’re hippos

Breindy: Not really a snack but the yogurt and pudding here is really good (yogurt with strawberries and all pudding)

Tiferet: My favorite Israeli snack is the ice cream cones with the chocolate at the bottom

Shira: My favorite Israeli snack is the black Doritos because they’re really spicy

Chaburah Spotlight – Neti Linzer

Neti Linzer is from Bergenfield New Jersey. After going to Maayanot for high school, She spent a year learning at Migdal Oz, and is now studying at Princeton University.

Her chaburah is about emotions; the goal being to better understand specific emotions and the broader role they play in avodas HaShem. Each chaburah focuses on a particular emotion- happiness, loneliness, fear, confusion, etc.- and looks at how it’s manifested in Tanach, codified in Halacha, and viewed by Chazal. The girls also continue to delve into more meta questions: how Halacha can dictate our emotions, whether we really have control over what we feel, and the extent to which we can be held accountable for how we feel.

The fabulous girls in Neti’s homeroom are: Ayelet, Michal, Miri, Anni and Leora.
What was your favorite tiyul on Michlelet so far?
Miri: My favorite Tiyul on Michlelet so far has been our Shabbos in Tzefat. On Shabbos day, there was a tour where we got to walk around Tzefat and see all the beautiful sights. One place we went to on the tour was a sound cave where we had a powerful
Kumzitz. Tzefat was a great bonding experience with everyone on Michlelet.

Anni: My favorite tiyulim on michlelet were the water activities we did when we went to Tzfat! I really enjoyed raft building and the water hike we went on! In raft building we all learned to work together as teams and the water hike was so much fun!

Leora: My favorite Tiyul was when we went to Ein Gedi. When we got there our tour guide read the Pesukim from Tanach that mention Ein Gedi, it was so cool to be standing in the same place that Dovid Hamelech once was. The waterfalls and views were so beautiful and really allowed me to take in Israel’s beauty.  Overall it was a great trip and so much fun to hike with my friends!

Michal: My favorite tiyul was definitely water sports in tiveria. We got to go banana boating and also to lie on a raft being pulled by a motor boat. Of course we did fall off a few times but that only added to the excitement! Afterwards we got to hang out in the kineret, had a Pizza Hut lunch, and then daven mincha at the Rambam’s kever. It was the perfect day!!
Ayelet: My favorite tiyul was the shana bet tiyul we did in tiveria. We got to go ATVing, and not only did we enjoy each other’s company, and thrill of the ATV ride, but there were also the most breathtaking views. I couldn’t stop watching the beautiful expanse of mountains, and couldn’t help feeling מה רבו מעשיך ה. It was an experience that I won’t forget.

Chaburah Spotlight – Leana Thurm



Leana Thurm is from Woodmere NY. After attending HAFTR high school, she spent a year learning at Midreshet Moriah in Jerusalem. Leana is currently in a joint program with Stern college  and Wurzweilers school of Social Work. This is her first summer on Michlelet and she is having the best time!!!!

The girls in Leana’s chaburah are Shoshana, Avia, Hadassa, and llana.
Leana’s chaburah is titled: Geshmak To Be A Yid! This chaburah goes through different topics in Judaism, such as Shabbos and emunah, and discusses how they not only relate to our lives, but can enhance it as well. The goal of her chaburah is for the girls to feel that living a life of Torah and mitzvot  will infuse their life with meaning and happiness.

What is one thing you learned on Michelet that had an impact on you this summer?

Shoshana: This summer on Michlelet, I have learned that in order to enjoy my experiences, I need to be more flexible. A lot of times what we think is going to happen does not, and that can be difficult and hinder my enjoyment of the experience. However, if I go into each tiyul and activity without expectations, I enjoy it a lot more, no matter what happens. Flexibility will also help me evolve in my learning, in terms of being open to new ideas and concepts. Being flexible will ultimately lead me to have the best summer ever.

Avia: One thing I learned is that Just because people don’t seem like they’re growing doesn’t mean they’re not

Ilana: “Bishvil li nevrah haolam”
I hear this constantly through out my chaburas, teacher Shuirs and night shuirs. All the explanations and interpretation I heard about this had an impact on me. An explanation I heard from one of the night shiurim stood out to me. Right before Avraham goes to sidom and saves loat he says “anochi afar v afar.” This contrasts to what the mishnah says which is to always think “Bishvil li nevrah haolam.” So how can we understand that one belittles himself while also praising himself, this is seemingly contradicting. The way we can understand this is through a mashal. Imagine a famous basketball player asked you to make him a coffee. You try to make that coffee taste the best you’ve ever made it. Everyone around you will be jealous that you were chosen to make the coffee. We feel so happy once we do the job even though it seems so small. Hashem is like the basketball player who asks us to make Him coffee. By seeing the reaction of others we realize how lucky we are plus we feel good which causes us to have a connection with Hashem which makes us come to the conclusion of “bishvil li nevra haolam.”

Hadassa: One of the many things I have gained from michlelet is how much I have strengthened my emunah and bitachon. We have been taught many times throughout the summer different approaches on improving our emunah and bitachon in Hashem, realizing that He is the Only One in control. I now have the ability to be more mindful and make good decisions knowing that Hashem is in control.

Save A Child’s Heart/ Tammy Karmel/ iJump (8/7/19)

We started our day with a meaningful learning program l’iluy nishmas Ari Kahn, where we took the Ahava Pledge to love each other as family. Afterwards, we continued with regular chaburahs and activities. Following lunch, we continued with learning and then split up. Some of us went to Tammy Karmel, while others volunteered at Save a Child’s Heart to work with children. Eventually, we gathered together for a Siyum and dinner, and then heard from Rabbi Gradjower about practical tips in doing chessed. Finally, we had an incredible night activity in Petach Tikvah, where we bounced the night away at iJump.