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About The Trip

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Today, Michlelet ran on a wonderful, regular schedule. We woke up and davened and had homeroom with our Madrichot. Chaburah and Shiur were amazing and inspiring, and the activities offered in the morning were basketball, aerobics, choir and drama. After lunch, we had another round of Chaburah and Shiur, and the activities were extremely engaging. Zumba drew a large crowd, and fruit carving offered an activity with a delicious treat at the end! The tennis courts were busy with players, and the art project of the day was corkboard initials. We had the privilege of hearing from Mrs. Shoshana Shechter, a professor and head of the Mechina program at Stern College for Women. After dinner, we heard from Rabbi Fix about the value of each and everyone one of us. The night ended with an awesome activity of “Build the Beis HaMikdash” and a kumzitz. Tomorrow is going to be another great day on Michlelet!

Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin

Listen to Rabbi Sufrin’s shiur to Michlelet on the meaning of Tisha B’Av and how we can internalize it’s message:’Av%20and%20Hashem’s%20Embrace

Visiting Holy Places

Our day started off bright and early, as we boarded a bus that would take us to Maaras Hamachpeilah. We heard from Rabbi Yudin before we entered to say tehillim and daven. The experience of visiting our forefathers and mothers was very special. We left Chevron and headed to Kever Rachel. Rabbi Nissel addressed the girls and spoke about the significance of davening at kivrei tzadikim. We davened and said tehillim, and were inspired by the other women there, spending time at the kever. From there, we went to an amazing park and ate lunch. Yad V’Shem was the next stop on the itinerary and we divided into four groups to see the museum. We learned about the churban and were inspired by the strength and emunah that so many Jews showed in the pictures and survivor testimonials. The last stop was Har Hertzl to hear about the lives of those who perished while protecting fellow Jews in Israel. The day concluded in Reishit with a wrap-up shiur by Rabbi Willig. After such an amazing and moving day, we are looking forward to a day on campus filled with learning and activities!

Chaburah Spotlight: Sarah Gomolin

Sarah Gomolin is from Toronto, Canada. After attending Ulpanat Orot high school, she spent a year studying in MMY followed by half a year studying at Michlalah Yerushalayim.
Sarah’s Chabura is on the topic of the twelve shevatim. The girls learn the details about each of the twelve sons as well as the shevet at large. Additionally, through learning the stories of each shevet and their personalities, the girls discuss and delve into different middos and hashkafic topics. With different meforshim on Chumash, midrashim and contemporary sources, the girls engage in textual learning to better gain understanding of the personalities of their roots and how it applies to their lives today.
The NCSYers in Sarah’s Chabura are; Estee Gerber (Manhattan, NY), Eliana Kahan (Monsey, NY), Kayla Samet (Monsey, NY) and Michal Miller (Woodmere, NY)
Which shevet do you relate to the most and why?
Kayla – Binyamin is compared to a wolf.  Binyamin is starving for more to sustain himself. He is always raving for more torah and knowledge to satisfy his hunger. Personally, I feel that I relate most to Binyamin because I love to learn. I came to michlelet to learn more and have a more productive summer. I love to grow and learn from all those around me everyday, like a wolf, hungry for more.
Estee – The Shevet I most identify with is Shevet Yehuda. Shevet Yehuda was the leader of all the Shevarim and the first to travel in the desert. Similar to Shevet Yehuda’s passion for Bnei Yisrael, my family and I are very passionate about supporting Israel and we lobby to congress on behalf of Israel. Just like Shevet Yehuda had to be passionate as the leader of all the Shevatim, I am proud to be a passionate active advocate for Israel. Therefore I very much identify with Shevet Yehuda.
Michal- Zevulun, because even though he couldn’t learn torah, he found a creative way to achieve his goal by sponsoring yisachar who was learning. This is an important message for us that even when our goals seem out of our reach, with some creativity and thought outside the box you can achieve anything!
Eliana- I relate most to shevet yehuda because yehuda stood up for what he believed in when he stood up for Yosef.

Welcome TJJ Ambassadors!

It was such an honor to welcome another amazing NCSY summer program to our campus today! The Anne Samson TJJ Ambassadors trip spent all of Monday with us. They learned in chaburahs, came to activities like art, aerobics, and jumprope and went on a small tiyul with Shanah Bet! Having them with us reenergized everyone and put all the campers in a great mood. To add to the energy levels on Michlelet, we heard from the hilarious and insightful Rav Gav, and then headed to the gym for a camp wide dodgeball game! TJJA left, but we cannot wait to see them in two days. We are so looking forward!

Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

Please follow the link to hear Rebbetzin Shira Smiles speak about the Nine Days and Tisha B’Av and how to make it impactful:’Av%20and%20Ahava%20Rabah


Chaburah Spotlight: Rikki Bulka

Rikki is from Woodmere, NY. She went to SKA and Michlalah and is now a junior in Queens College majoring in psychology and history. Rikki is so excited to be back on Michlelet as a madricha!

The NCSYers in Rikki’s chaburah are Michal Yacker (Lawrence, NY), Ayelet Stern (Chashmonaim, Israel), Talia Yahav (Chicago, IL), Rivki Feldman (Lawrence, NY), and Naama Schwartz (Edison, NJ)!!!!!

Rikki’s chaburah focuses on the meaning of the words of Shmoneh Esreh and allows the girls to delve deeper into something they are used to saying everyday and gives them a better understanding of the words they’re saying. Her chaburah is about gaining an appreciation for the specific words that the Anshei Knesses Hagedolah chose for us to say each day and to attain a level of excitement to open up a siddur and harness our daily opportunity to have a personal conversation with our Avinu Shebashamyim!

What would you want 18 of in your life and why?

Ayelet: 18 meters of hair so I can donate a few times for cancer patients.

Talia: if I could have 18 of anything, it would be 18 places where I feel like I’m happiest… Any time I want to be in a better mood or cheer myself up, I choose one of the 18 places in the world I feel the best, and just go there and ‘refresh’.

Rivki: If I could have 18 of anything, I would add 18 more yamim tovim so I could have a chance out of school to reflect and connect to Hashem.

Michal: If I could have 18 of anything, I would add 18 hours to my day to have more opportunity to do good and really make a difference in the world. 

Naama:I’d like 18 sisters so I could borrow all of their clo

NCSY Michlelet Week 2 Video

Chessed Sundays

On Sundays, we have an amazing combination of learning and chessed! The day started off with chaburah and shiur, and then we went straight to a delicious lunch. We headed onto the busses to go to the centers to play with underprivileged children. We made kites and played soccer and tag with them! It was an extremely moving and eye opening experience. We went back to campus and had dinner, and then heard from Rebbetzin Shira Smiles. Night activity was so fun! We went to the mall and played a version of Capture the Counselor. They dressed up and were spread around the mall! This Sunday was amazing, and we cant wait for Chessed Sunday next week!

Chaburah Spotlight: Bracha Brauser

Bracha Brauser grew up in Hollywood, Florida. After attending Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, she spent a year studying in Michlalah in Yerushalayim. Bracha is a junior at Stern College, pursuing a double major in Psychology and Judaic Studies. Bracha loved her summer as a camper on Michlelet and is so excited to be back again as a madricha!

Her chabura is titled, “Making Torah APPlicable: An App a Day to Live the Torah Way.” Each of Bracha’s Chaburas is designed to apply a popular iPhone app to teach a particular theme or concept in Judaism. A recent chabura she taught, called “APProaching G-d One Text at a Time,” conveyed the idea that just as a texting conversation can be constant throughout the day, tefillah should be thought of as a form of communication with G-d which has the potential to create a constant, personal relationship with G-d. The structure and theme of Bracha’s chabura lends itself to textual learning, interactive activities, and stimulating discussion.  The goal of Bracha’s chabura is to explore and understand seminal topics in Judaism, with an emphasis on imbuing meaning and purpose into our daily routines.

The girls in Bracha’s chabura are Atara Benovitz ( Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel), Tova Felsenthal ( Passaic, NJ) ,  Zahava Pfeiffer (Teaneck, NJ),
Liora Steinberg ( Chicago, IL) and Menucha Volkov ( Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

If Michlelet was an iPhone app, which would it be and why?
Atara: “If Michlelet was  an app it would be the compass app because just like a compass points us in the right direction, Michlelet reminds us of who we want to be, and points is in that direction. Whenever you’re lost you can pull out a compass to steer you back home. So too, Michlelet is our inspiration throughout the year, always  steering us home.”

Tova :” If Michlelet was an app it would be the settings app because there are so many different “settings” on Michlelet which come together into one app. On Michlelet there are so many different girls that all come from different places but all come together as one, just like one app. Also, there is so much you can do on Michlelet with just an advisor, or a camper, or siddur, or with anything, there are just so many options just like the settings app. Whether standard mode or expert mode, it’s Michlelet, and it’s incredible.”

Zahava: ” If Michlelet were an app it would be the clock app. With only 6 weeks on michlelet, the madrichot and staff always make sure there is enough time to pack in everything including learning, chesed and tiyulim! We pack so much into one day using our time wisely and making sure we have a meaningful, productive, and the best summer ever. As time ticks by, we are all confident that each moment of our day is being used to its fullest.”

Liora: “If Michlelet was an app it would be the Waze app. Just as a GPS directs you to your destination, the  madrichot, head staff, and teachers are always there to guide you. The environment of all the girls on Michlelet is conducive ito growth and always steers you where you want to go”.

Menucha:  “If Michlelet was an app it would be contacts because just as when you get a new phone you have no contacts, so too when you come onto Michlelet you might not know many people, but when you leave your contacts will be overfilled.”