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About The Trip

Eilat Trip Ending

The Eilat trip will definitely be a highlight of Michlelet 2015. After an incredible first day of hiking, our second day started off with an optional 4 AM hike that would end with davening on a mountain as the sun began to rise. The view was amazing and many girls enjoyed the experience of davening so early. We ate a delicious breakfast at the hotel and were on our way to the Eilat beach to spend the day! First up was water sports, with banana boating and tubing being offered, as well as kayaking and peddle boating. After the first activities, everyone boarded a boat that took us off shore to a beautiful spot on the ocean. We had the opportunity to swim and snorkel, and the water was beautiful! We got back to shore, got on the busses and stopped at Mitzpeh Rimon for a barbecue! Chicken, hot dogs and salad were the perfect ending to a fun, action filled day. After getting back to campus, some girls even made it to the optional mishmar! Michlelet is an inspiring place, and we cannot wait to see what Week 3 is going to look like! Have a wonderful shabbos and a chodesh tov!

Weekly Update #2 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear Michlelet NCSY Parents, amu”sh

What a tremendously satisfying and superb first full week we have had! It is such a pleasure getting to know all your wonderful daughters. We are really coming together as a cohesive group, filled with special shared experiences and an impressive amount of spirit and excitement. 

I am sure you are following our blog ( and are seeing the incredible blend, merging first rate encounters with learning, chessed, touring our land and having pure fun.

Our first Shabbos was really delightful. The singing, ruachzmirostish and kumzits were indescribable!! Some highlights were…..the Infamous Michlelet NCSY Tisch led by our “Rebbe” (Madricha– Rina Landsman) and “Rebbetzin” (Madricha-Leora Litwin,) was filled with energy and you could hear the laughter and singing from miles away. Throughout Shabbos more and more singing…zmiros…fun, getting to know you programs…a beautiful kumzits at sunset and surrounded by beautiful hills at Shalosh SeudosThe girls had so much spirit and were really into the programAt the meals, we heard beautiful divrei Torah presented by Michlelet NCSYers, Michal Yacker and Goldie Serwatien. There were also optional shiurim offered by Rabbi Andi Yudin and Rabbi Joshy Starr. It was amazing to see how many girls came to both of the optional shiurim!! It showed how exceptional and unique our girls are!! It was a really beautiful Shabbos filled with bonding, good feeling and spirituality.

Upon reflecting our week, each day was packed with so many meaningful and exciting experiences. 

In the area of learning, it really got off to a great start. I was so touched watching the Michlelet NCSYers so involved in learning in their small, informal chaburahswith their phenomenal madrichot. Their interest in learning with their top notch teachers was also veryinspiring to me. This was a personal real highlight of my week. I loved walking around, watching their excitement and involvement and listening to the sounds of Torah reverberating in the airThey were so engrossed and moved while listening to our extraordinary night speakers this week as well. (This week we had the privilege of hearing from Rav Dani Marcus, R’ Lavi Greenspan and Rav Menachem Nissel.)

Our touring, and getting to really know and feel our beautiful Land of Israel was another high spot for so many this week. We hiked the magnificent cliffs of  Nachal Arugot, the very same cliffs where Dovid Hamelech travelled. There was nothing like the thrill of banana boating, tubing, swimming, snorkeling and going on a boat ride on the beautiful blue water of Eilat at the Red Sea. Equally as important as the fun that was had, were the new bonds created as we enjoyed each other’s company, splashing and laughing together.

Our activities this week were delightful, with a plethora of activities throughout the week for the NCSYers to choose from; Swimming, Aerobics, Yoga, Basketball Leagues, Art, Dance, Baking, JumpropingCake Decorating, Beat boxing and Jumproping. It is great to relax and have a good time together with fellow Michlelet NCSYers and madrichot.

Our Night Activities weren’t any less sensational.  During all our Night Activities this week; Iron Chef Michlelet, Farmhouse or Game Show Night, the laughter, unity and energy was strong and palpable as they competed, participated in fear factor activities, minute to win it and are you smarter than a 5th grader. 

In the arena of chessed, it was really special to assist the people of Yerushalayim. Whether packaging food at Chasdei Neomi or Yad Eliezer for the needy of Jerusalem, or organizing medical equipment at Yad Sara, the NCSYers felt accomplished and fulfilled.

What a treat it was to participate in another chessed this week; greeting a Nefesh BNefesh flight early Tuesday morning. The girls were so enthusiastic and lively. How beautiful it was to witness the landing as well as to be part of their warm welcome. The girls were literally in tears as they watched everyone come off the plane. On a personal note, it was especially moving for me to watch the girls give such a warm welcome, being that it is about seven years now that our family has made aliyah, and it made me reminiscent of the emotions we felt when we came home. I was so proud of all our Michlelet NCSYers as they cheered the new Olim on as they landed, warmly welcoming them, grabbing them and dancing with the youngest new olim, the sweet delicious children. There were many young children as well as elderly people on this particularly packed flight.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Upon contemplation of our week, one scene that was particularly moving for me was at the Ben Gurion Airport while waiting for the plane to land. I turned around and saw an elderly woman, a Holocaust survivor, standing, anticipating the arrival of family members to land in our Holy Land. In her hand, she held a sign that read, “Am Yisrael Chai”, (“The Jewish Nation Lives On.”) Where else, and how else, does the eternity of our people come together than in a scene like this? As our girls, along with many others, greeted the olim warmly, with love and excitement, I turned around and glimpsed at her holding the sign, with tear filled eyes. It was a moment where our past, present and future all came together in such a poignant, stirring way.

As our off Shabbos has begun, I look forward to next week, where we can continue connecting to our past, building our present and creating our future while growing through Torah, Chessed and Ahavat Yisrael in this land of our dreams.

Please feel free to be in touch with any questions or feedback you may have.

Thank you for this most special privilege,

Rivka Yudin


Hiking b’Derech Eilat

Today was an another amazing day on Michlelet NCSY! We woke up bright and early and headed out of Yerushalayim on our way to Eilat. We made lunches and cheered on the busses. The hike was exciting, beautiful and we loved walking and sweating through the land of Israel! After lunch at the springs, we went to Yotfata to enjoy some ice cream. At the hotel, we settled in and got excited for another day on Michlelet NCSY!

Welcoming Olim to Israel!

Michlelet had an extremely early start today…. And by early, we mean 5:30 AM early! We woke up and boarded the busses so we could be on our way to Ben Gurion Airport! We were going to greet the olim coming to Israel on the Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flight! 220 new Israeli citizens landed and Michlelet NCSY was there singing and holding signs. After the excitement of the flight, we headed back to campus and had a late breakfast. We learned and had activities, and heard from Rabbi Nissel for our guest speaker. The day ended with a fun and crazy night activity of “Fear Factor”, “Minute to Win It” and “Are You Smarter Than a 10th Grader?” It’s another early morning tomorrow as we head down to Eilat for a trip!

Chaburah Spotlight: Baila Bachrach

Introducing a new feature on our blog! We will be showcasing our amazing madrichot and their chaburas. Enjoy!

Baila Bachrach is from Chicago, IL. She attended Hanna Sacks for High School, then spent a year and a half in Michlalah, and is now a Junior in Stern College. She is pursuing a degree in Mathematical Economics.

The girls in Baila’s chaburah are Esti Steinberg (Chicago, IL), Rivka Zimmermann (Cederhurst, NY), Elinor Babyoff (Brooklyn, NY), Michal Richland (Brooklyn, NY) and Sheva Greenberg (Teaneck, NJ).

Baila’s chaburah is called “Disney Gone Jewish.” The chaburah is centered around the incredible power of the imagination within personal growth. Throughout the chaburah Baila uses different Hebrew and English sources to connect stories from  Disney films to applicable and relevant Jewish concepts. The girls delve deeply into these ideas through activities, sources and open discussions. The goal of this chaburah is to assist the girls in gaining an appreciation for these many different topics in a fun and relatable way.

Question: If you could be any Disney character, who would you be and why?

Michal – Belle because she sees the beast for who he truly is. She is able to see past the outside and straight into the inside, which is what truly matters.

Elinor – Cinderella because although she had nothing in her life she managed to still appreciate everything she did have. She is shown throughout the movie as a girl filled with simchas hachaim. That even in her rags and with the people around her pushing her down she is constantly happy.

Rivka – Elsa because you can truly see her strength that she was willing to put her entire life down the drain just for the safety of others. She conceals everything she has in order to ensure the safety of her people. This shows us that we should always care about other people and if there is something we do that could hurt another we should be careful to conceal it. Any time we may unintentionally hurt another person we should hold ourselves back in this same way

Esti- Mulan because she fights for what she believes in (her family and country), although this means putting her life in danger. This connects to Judaism and the Torah because being a Jew we have something worth fighting for. We have the Torah, our religion, and our country. She was willing to give up everything for these things and so to we as Jews should aspire to be like this and be willing to give up everything for Hashem, our father who loves us so much.

Sheva- Wendy because even though she enjoyed her time in never land and had a fun side. She knew what was important and when it was time to go home and take care of the things she was needed for.

Full, Full Day

Today was our first full day on Michlelet! We followed the regular schedule which is jam packed with learning and fun activities. Davening, breakfast, Homeroom, Chaburas and Shiurim ran smoothly and set the day up to be a success! The first round of activities included aerobics, art, and basketball. After lunch and some more amazing learning, the second set of activities included jump rope, yoga and baking! We had a break before dinner, but for so many girls, the break was spent at an optional shiur given by Michlelet staff member, Ayelet Roller. It is always so inspiring to see so many girls choose to learn Torah during rest hour! After dinner, we heard from Lavi Greenspan, a motivational and emotional speaker. We ended the day with night activity, Iron Chef Michlelet and sign making! We have an early day tomorrow and we can’t wait!

Rabbi Doni Marcus

Please follow the link to hear the incredible Rabbi Marcus who came to address Michlelet last night! Rabbi Marcus spoke about Jewish Pride and what it means to be a Jew:

Olam Chessed Yibaneh

We had the tremendous opportunity to do chessed on Michlelet today. Our day started off with davening and breakfast as usual, which then lead into our first chaburahs and shiurim of the summer! The girls were so excited to start learning, and the Torah presented did not disappoint. We also had our first activities of the summer! Today, there was swim, aerobics, art, cake decorating and basketball. These activities change on a regular basis so keep an eye out for some interesting ones! We boarded the busses and headed to three different locations- Yad Sarah, Yad Eliezer and Chasdei Naomi. We helped out at these amazing organizations and headed back to campus. After dinner, we heard from Rabbi Dani Marcus and had a wild night activity based on farm animals. Another great day on Michlelet!

NCSY Michlelet Week 1 Video

Post-Shabbos Recap

Our first Shabbos on Michlelet was incredible! On Friday, we heard from Rabbi Schneider and went to Geulah and Meah Shearim to get ready for Shabbos! We took some Erev Shabbos pictures and then went to daven Mincha and kabolos Shabbos as the sun set over Beit Shemesh. Shabbos was relaxing and inspiring, filled with delicious meals, divrei Torah and zemiros. After Shabbos, we saw the weekly recap video and had an amazing night activity. Pizza was served and everyone had a blast! Week 2 on Michlelet starts…. Now!