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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight – Rikki Lewis

Rikki Lewis was born and raised in Woodmere, NY. She attended SKA for her high school career, followed by a year of learning in MMY and a half a year in Michlalah. She is now a junior in Stern College.

The girls in Rikki’s chaburah are Atara Charnowitz (Woodmere, NY), Tehilla Ornstein (LA, CA), Orit Reiter (Staten Island, NY), and Matti Fuld (Teaneck, NJ).

In her chaburah titled “Around the year with Tehillim at hand,” Rikki focuses on the special and individual significance that Tehillim has on our lives. Tehillim is the ultimate praise from Dovid HaMelech to Hashem and he begins the Sefer by expressing that G-d’s ultimate praise is man. By being the best person that you can be, you are epitomizing the essence of Tehillim ie; praise to Hashem. In chaburah, the girls explore themes of various chapters of Tehillim and relate them to the different time periods and holidays throughout the year. The lessons that are embedded within the words of Tehillim are everlasting and applicable to each and every one of us. Tehillim is the “bulldozing tool” that can help guide us through our lives if we tap into its’ tremendous power.

Question: What do you miss most about Chispin and why?

Atara: “What I miss most about Chispin would be the atmosphere. Something really special I took out of Chispin was the connection I had with the land. Now I really understand how my ancestors lived. Just like they traveled day by day in the midbar, never knowing when and where their destination would arrive. What got them through those times was their Emunah in Hashem. So too, through our trust in Hashem, we made it to our destination, Reishit!”

Tehilla: “First of all obvz the schnitzel! I mean, now that we don’t have meat, Chispin’s schnitzel seems pretty yummy…but for real, I’m going to miss taking long walks by the water. Just watching the gorgeous sunset with my friends and talking and making memories, I’m going to remember forever. I miss Chispin!”

Orit: “I’ll miss the dining room in Chispin the most. Although the food was…memorable, the picture perfect sunset that you saw through the window was breathtaking every night.”

Matti: “I loved that we spent so much time in the Gamla Room. The Gamla Room is a room where the whole Michlelet joined for davening (even though everyone davened in the lobby actually) and we had all of our homerooms there and all of our night activities there. But, the best part of the Gamla Room is that it was a bomb shelter, meaning that there was no service in there. So, whether it was Shabbos or even a weekday, everybody put their phones away while in the Gamla Room and we actually talked to one another. It was a beautiful room and I will really miss spending time there.”

Back to Beit Shemesh & Tisha B’av

On Monday we enjoyed our first regular morning back at Reishit.
We had wonderful learning (FINALLY in our beautiful Beis Medrash!) with our madrichot and teachers and exciting activities.
In the afternoon we had a special panel featuring our campers.
Tisha B’av on Michlelet was beautiful and inspirational as always, filled with achdus, gorgeous kumzitzes, meaningful kinnos, and special, thought-provoking programming. May this be the last Tisha B’av we ever have and may we celebrate next year’s together in Yerushalayim!

Chabura Spotlight – Hadassah Tirschwell

Hadassah Tirschwell is thrilled to be back on Michlelet once again, having come as a camper in 5769 and as a Madricha last summer. She lives in Teaneck now, but grew up in Boca Raton, FL, and is currently studying in Stern and Azrieli, while working at Bruriah High School! In the long term, Hadassah plans to pursue a life dedicated to Torah through a career in Jewish Education Administration.

The amazing NCSYers in Hadassah’s Chabura are Eliana Benoff (Teaneck, NJ), Racheli Cohen (Houston, TX), Devorah Greenberg (Woodmere, NY), and Michal Minkowitz (Flatbush, NY).

This summer, Hadassah’s Chabura is called “Nishmas Kol Chai: Hashkafic Symbolism of Physical Creations.” What does that actually mean, you may ask? Together, the Chabura studies various creations mentioned in Perek Shira, with the goal of learning the symbolic lessons and hashkafos that emerge from each, thereby leading to an understanding and appreciation of the unique shira of each creation.

In light of Tisha B’Av which is approaching, and will hopefully be accompanied by the rebuilding of the third Beis Hamikdash, what aspect of the Beis Hamikdash are you most looking forward to?

Eliana: “I can’t wait for Kibbutz Galiyos because I really want to make Aliyah, and that way I won’t have to leave anyone behind!”

Racheli: “My father will bring home the prime ribs of the korbanos because he is a kohen! On a more serious note, I can’t wait for there to be no more fear of our enemies.”

Devorah Greenberg: “I am looking forward to peace in the world, shalom among Jews, and no enemies fighting against us, which we really need at a time like this.”

Michal Minkowitz: “I am most excited for the Shiras Halevi’im because when we sing, it sounds beautiful, so I can only imagine the Levi’im sing to Hashem.”

Week 4 Video!

Chabura Spotlight – Batya Schultz

Batya Schultz is from Los Angeles, CA. She went to Yeshiva University of Los Angeles (YULA), then spent a year learning at Michlalah, and currently attends Stern College, where she is majoring in Biology. Batya went on Michlelet as a camper and had such an incredible experience that she decided to come back as a madricha!

The amazing girls in Batya’s chabura are Sarah Engel (Oakland, CA), Shoshana Garfield (Silver Spring, MD), Nina Miller (Teaneck, NJ), and Orah Wilens (Chicago, IL).

Batya’s chabura, entitled “Maaseh Avos Siman Lebanim,” focuses on different personalities found in Tanach. In each chabura, we learn about particular people in Tanach, their relationship with Hashem (Bein Adam L’makom), their relationships with others (Bein Adam L’chaveiro), and their relationship with themselves (Bein Adam Leatzmo). By delving into the lives of these important personalities, we come out of the chabura with many personal and practical lessons. The goal of the chabura is to gain a better appreciation for Tanach and to integrate the middot of these personalities into our daily lives.

If you could be any room in Chispin, which room would you be and why?

Sarah: “I would like to be the hallways because during free time if you walk around, you will see people talking, laughing, bonding and learning. There is so much growth that occurs in this casual setting, which is an example of how Michlelet girls bond and grow wherever we are.”

Shoshana: “I would like to be the lobby! Everyone hangs out there, which creates a unified environment. Plus there’s WiFi!”

Nina: “I would like to be the Golan room because it is spacious and beautiful, which allows us to gather together to learn Torah and gain inspiration from so many incredible speakers.”

Orah: “I would like to be the Gamla room because all the fun announcements, random ordered-in lunches, chessed activities, and homeroom chaburas, happen there. Everything on Michlelet goes down in the Gamla room!!”


After a weekend away, we were all so excited to reunite again this morning! After many hugs and a beautiful lunch and Dvar Torah by Rabbi Yudin at the OU Center, we finally headed onto the buses for our first time at the KOTEL! After 3 weeks, we were finally able to go to the Kotel as a group and the experience was truly exhilarating. After our time at the Kotel, we made it to Beit Shemesh where our beautiful home of Reishit was awaiting our arrival! The girls were so excited to finally move into our dorms! Rav Menachem Nissel was our guest speaker tonight, and after our speaker we enjoyed a night activity of medical clown training. It was a long yet memorable day here on Michlelet NCSY!

Weekly Update #4 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear NCSY Michlelet Parents, amush
I write this letter to you on our way back from the beautiful North. As I look out the windows, I see the glorious and breathtaking Golan mountains and serene and absolutely exquisite Kineret Water. May the peacefulness and calm felt when looking at the magnificent mountains and Kineret spread throughout the land to all of Am Yisrael. It has been a very special few weeks up here. We were taught resilience as a whole and that no matter what our expectations, and how much we plan, it is Hashem’s will that ultimately reigns and that is best for us. We were taught in practice to make the best of everything even when plans are altered and not the way we planned. Your daughters did this phenomenally, rolling with the punches with extreme positivity and energy, throwing themselves into every experience and gaining from it all.
At Michlelet NCSY, we have tried to maintain our commitment to excellence in every area, whether it be in the area of learning, chessed, touring and unity, no matter where we are. We are looking forward to continuing that experience at Reishit, b’ezrat Hashem.
Shabbos on Michlelet was actually a historical event. It was the first time, at least since I am here, that we had three in-Shabbatot with everyone in a row. And, wow, did you feel it. The power and energy was palpable. The zemirot over Shabbos, our Tisch and all the seudos were so strong and lasted for hours. The programming and shiurim offered by Rabbi Avraham Willig and Rabbi Andi Yudin were inspiring and motivating. On Shabbos we were privileged to hear Divrei Torah at our meals from NCSYers, Tali Weisinger, Anna Lis and Rebecca Russo. A highlight of Shabbos was that we were able to hear from Rabbi Zinger, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Mekor Chaim, the Yeshiva that Naftali Frenkel Hy”d and Gilad Shaar Hy”d learned. He told the girls how meaningful and important it was to be in Eretz Yisrael at this time, and how the women of Klal Yisroel were moser nefesh and offered encouragement all through the years, specifically Mrs. Frenkel, Mrs. Shaar and Mrs. Yifrach. It was such an honor to hear from him.
On Motzei Shabbos the girls played a large scale game of Capture the Flag across our beautiful Chispin Campus. You could hear the cheering, running and laughter everywhere. Following our activity, we had a pizza Melave Malka.
Sunday was an opportunity to help the community of Teveria in a meaningful way. We divided up into four groups and were able to paint an old age home, an absorption center for Russian People who have made aliyah, a Bayit Cham Center for children who need extra attention to spend time in for after school activities and homework help, and a soup kitchen. The girls had a great time painting and felt so accomplished when they were done. They did an excellent job and were happy to know they had lightened up the lives of so many elderly, young, immigrant and needy people who would come to a bright, cheery freshly painted center the following morning. On our way back, we had a delicious shwarma lunch. In the evening, we had the honor of hearing from Rabbi Moshe Benovitz, Director of NCSY Kollel and Dean of NCSY Summer Programs, as our night speaker. He spoke of rebuilding what we lost when the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, and about the concept of building ourselves with our summer at Michlelet. The girls left motiviated, encouraged and inspired.
Monday was a wonderful day of learning with teachers and madrichot. I love walking around watching everyone in their small groups learning throughout the building and on the grass. It is so inspiring for me to see teenage girls so excited about their Torah learning during the summer months. It was great to engage in fun activities, as well, and the girls participated in options of activities such as basketball, zumba, dance, art, softball, pioneering, jump roping and cake decorating. In the middle of the day, we were treated to a tasty falafel lunch.
Monday evening we had the tremendous zchus to hear from Rabbi Hershel Schachter, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University. Rav Schachter went through the special qualities and mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael and how the land belongs to Klal Yisrael. The girls felt so fortunate to hear from such a tremendous leader and posek.
Monday evening, the girls were completely surprised by color war breakout!! Rabbi Netanel Lebowitz, assistant director of NCSY Kollel, broke out color war with a big mussar schmooze directed towards our girls. It took them about ten minutes to realize he was kidding and that it was color war breakout. When everyone realized, the place was abuzz with laughter, cheering and excitement. The girls were immediately broken up into teams and quickly got to work preparing.
Tuesday was filled with a tremendous sense of ruach and achdus. The girls amazed us with their excitement for color war. They enjoyed the competitive panoply and apache races and excelled in all of their performances. We loved watching the girls shine with their different talents. In addition to the various competitions, artistic presentations and Divrei Torah, we watched performances of stomp, comedy skits, choirs, cheers and moving theme songs. The NCSYers really used color war as an opportunity to express their excitement about Michlelet and hopes for safety and peace in Eretz Yisrael. It was a very moving night and a beautiful day. They made choosing a winner a very tough decision. We were even more impressed when we walked into the dining room for breakfast and were greeted with a giant sign thanking us for the amazing color war with the signature of every girl.
Wednesday was another chance to get to know and feel the land of Israel and become more attached to the Land of our heritage. The girls got to choose options of either hiking the Banias or Biking in the Galil. Those that chose to hike the Banias, hiked an enjoyable hike alongside a beautiful stream that ends beside a gorgeous waterfall. The girls had a wonderful time. Those that chose to go biking, traveled to a nearby yishuv, donned helmets and enjoyed an exhilarating bike tour. They worked up a real sweat as the biking was challenging, yet invigorating. Afterwards, each group enjoyed a lunch from either Café Café or from Pizza Pazzaz in a shady park. Both groups stopped at different times at Tzuk Menara to go alpine sliding! They had a great time zooming down the hills of the Golan in little go carts in pairs. On the way back, most of the girls had the distinct privilege of davening at the kever of the famous tana, Choni Hama’agal who had his tefilos answered in a very unusual way as he was considered a ben bayis (a regular guest) of Hashem.
When we returned on Wednesday evening, we enjoyed a wonderful shiur from Rabbi David Katz, director of MMY, who spoke about the mitzva of Shmita. The girls really enjoyed it and were involved in learning about a mitzvah unique to Eretz Yisrael.
Afterwards, we had a special learning program to mark the shloshim of our three boys, Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frankel and Ayal Yifrach, HY”D. The girls learned together about the mitzva of Ahavat Yisrael and achdus, trying to perpetuate the feelings we all had those eighteen days as we joined together and prayed for the boys to be found.
Thursday, was another fulfilling day packed with so many meaningful experiences, glimpsing the depth and beauty of Torah with our learning, having fun with activities and being able to participate in a very special and unique chessed. With the help of our fantastic shana beters, we broke out the fact that we were going to have the opportunity of making a wedding and bridal shower for a poor kallah (bride) and that we would be making her a bridal shower that very afternoon in Chispin! The Kallah, Leah, is a ba’alat teshuva from Russia and her chatan is as well. She unfortunately was orphaned from her father at a young age and her mother is still in Russia. Her chatan is a chayal, serving in the army, and will G-d willing get out for the wedding. She is tremendously needy and has no money to pay for anything.
The girls got right to work, wrapping presents, decorating a chair for the kallah, and decorating the hotel dining room. The dining room looked absolutely gorgeous. You had to see the warmth and excitement with which the girls greeted Leah, whom they didn’t even know! The Ahavat Yisroel in the room was palpable – so so incredibly moving and special. Michlelet NCSYers came together to sing and bring joy to a fellow Jew who they never met before, simply because she is a Jew. They even prepared a beautiful song for her and video giving her brachos. It was so moving!!
Then came time to give the presents!! How touched and excited she was to get a whole table full of presents, including pots, towels, dishes, silverware and more. The kallah was so so touched not only by the actual presents, but by the warmth and love that the girls displayed. She spoke to the girls afterwards and told them how touched she was by their kindness, warmth and sincerity, and said that they treated her as if they were close relatives. She thanked them profusely from the bottom of her heart and told them she is looking forward to dancing with them at her wedding. We are still collecting money to sponsor the wedding. If you would like to contribute to this very special need, please be in touch with me. Thank you.
Thursday after our moving and heartwarming bridal shower, we had the pleasure of hearing from Rabbi Yisrael Haber, a Chabad Rabbi living in Chispin. He started off by thanking the girls for the incredible carnival they had provided a few weeks before. He spoke about how down so many in the community were with their husbands called away to the reserves and with the war starting. He continued, saying that the carnival the girls made for their children, really gave them tremendous encouragement. They all left the carnival saying, “who are these girls who have come with such happiness and enthusiasm?!” It literally injected them with simcha and gave them a tremendous sense of chizzuk. They are still talking about it now. He then entertained and inspired them with his story of being a chaplain in the American Army in Alaska and then coming to Eretz Yisrael.
In the evening, when I announced that we will G-d willing be moving back to Reishit, the girls literally erupted in cheers. It has been a wonderful stay in Chispin, but we are looking forward to moving back to our natural home at Reishit. We continue to pray for peace and quiet for all of Eretz Yisrael.
This morning, our first off Shabbos has begun . We will definitely miss being together for Shabbos but it is nice for the girls to spend time with family and see the various communities of Israel.
Please feel free to be in touch with any feedback you may have and to view our pictures and weekly recap videos at
With hopes and prayers for safety and protection for all our soldiers on the front lines and all the families all over Eretz Yisrael,
Rivka Yudin

Chabura Spotlight – Julie Harary

Julie is from Hollywood, Florida and a student at Stern College. This is her third summer on Michlelet and she’s so excited to be back!

The NCSYers in Julie’s chabura are Chaya Shira Fink (Woodmere, NY), Sarah Last (Plainview, NY), Michali Mazor (Boca Raton, FL) and Tzipora Hirsch (Queens, NY).

Julie’s chaburah is about the Sheish Zechirot. It’s a small tefilah said at the end of Shachrit every morning, in which we remember six events and people in Jewish history.

Each zechira is it’s own unit, in which the girls discuss the topic, why it needs to be remembered and then connect it to relevant ideas encountered in their daily lives. The goal of the chabura is to understand each zechira and the history behind it, and then learn something very special from it. The girls should hopefully make the Sheish Zechirot a part of their daily tefilah, and connect to each in a new and unique way.

Q: If you could plan your own color war, which team would you be on and why?

Chaya Shira: “Team Or, to represent all of the good that Hashem does for us.”
Sarah: “Team red, to represent #pimplepesach!”
Michali: “Team Ahava, to help show and increase our Ahavat Yisrael during this time.”
Tzipora: “Team Rainbow, so none of the other colors feel left out!”

Chabura Spotlight – Chani Hyman

Chani Hyman is from Teaneck, NJ. She went to Bruriah for high school, then spent a year in MMY, and is now a junior in Stern College.

The girls in Chani’s chaburah are Shira Felsenthal (Beit Shemesh, Israel), Ayelet Berkowitz (Silver Spring, MD), Allison Weinick (Plainview, NY), and Chava Segal (New York, NY).

Chani’s chaburah focuses on the importance of emulating Gedolim and Tzadikkim. By reading stories and discussing the lives of Gedolei Hador, we realize how much there is to learn from them. Each chaburah continues with sources that support that message or middah. The goal is to internalize these ideas and integrate it into our daily lives.

Q: If you could travel to any place, where would it be and why?

Shira: “Arkansas because based on my vast knowledge of the U.S. nobody ever goes there, and I think it feels left out. We learned in chaburah that it’s important to pay attention to little things, and find your role in life. Therefore, I would go to the little state Arkansas, because even though it’s small it could make a big difference in my life and theirs.”

Ayelet: “I would visit Africa to play with the children and make them happy, because we learnt in chaburah the importance of an act of chessed and how one small deed can change someone’s day.”

Allison: “I would stay here in Israel because it is our homeland which is filled with kedusha.”

Chava: “If I can go anywhere in the world I would want to go to Poland. My interest stems from the stories that my grandmother has told me and my imagination of what life was like in the old country.”

Color War!

Today was an unbelievable day of ruach, fun and achdut here on Michlelet NCSY! Our NCSYers really got to shine and show their talents in sports, trivia, song, dance or art, and it was amazing to see their achdut and respect for one another throughout the day! Congratulations Sukkos/ Yellow Team! A huge yasher koach to all teams involved! We had a great day of learning and color war fun!