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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight – Sarit Zaret

Sarit Zaret is from Chicago. She went to Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov for high school, and then went to Michlalah for a year and a half. Sarit is currently a student in Stern College, majoring in Biology. Sarit spent two summers as a camper on Michlelet and is so happy to be back for more!

The girls in Sarit’s homeroom are Ariella Benovitz (Monsey, NY), Leah Berman (Toronto, Canada), Miri Minkowitz (Brooklyn, NY), and Margalit Silver (Teaneck, NJ).

Sarit’s chabura is on the specialness of Shabbos Kodesh. They go through Hebrew and English Torah sources starting with the written Torah and Gemara, through contemporary sources, all discussing different aspects of Shabbos and the meaning of it. Through each chabura consisting of sources and great discussions, girls build an excitement for Shabbos, the holiest day of the week. The learning in the chabura allows girls to apply the concepts of Shabbos weekly, creating a special connection with HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

What is your favorite part about Shabbos on Michlelet?
Ariella: “tisch -the food, the Rebbe, the works!”
Leah: “Ebbing because we have so much achdus as we sing together.”
Miri: “the singing and dancing on Friday night because I feel the achdus!”
Margalit: “the shiurim because there are always such great speakers!”

Color War Breakout!

It was another awesome day of learning here on Michlelet NCSY! We had a day full of learning and activities and were zoche to hear from Rav Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University as our night speaker. Afterwards, Rav Netanel Leibowitz broke out… COLOR WAR!!! After announcing our camper and madricha generals, the girls split up for team time to prepare for tomorrow’s Color War activities! Good luck Pesach (orange), Shavuos (green) and Sukkos (yellow)! We can’t wait to see all your talents shine!

Daily Update from Mrs. Yudin

Dear NCSY Michlelet Parents
Our Shabbos here in Chispin was absolutely fabulous!! To have the buildup of sharing three Shabbatot together in a row made the third Shabbos we spent together surpass even the incredible Shabbatot we’ve spent together up until now. It was truly uplifting, unified and full of spirit! Today was a fulfilling day with a combination of a phenomenal chessed trip and wonderful learning. We are looking forward to another wonderful day here in Chispin tomorrow.
May there be peace for all of Am Yisroel.

Mrs. Rivka Yudin
Michlelet NCSY

Chabura Spotlight – Cori Dennis

Cori Dennis is from North Miami Beach, Florida. She went to Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, then spent a year and a half at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) and is currently attending Stern College.

The girls in Cori’s Chabura are Moreet Levine (Teaneck, NJ), Reut Rappaport (Alon Shvut, Israel), Shira Levy (West Hempstead, NY) and Rebecca Lipsky (West Hempstead, NY).

Cori’s chabura focuses on understanding Midrashim and Aggadatas. By reading through and discussing the texts of various Midrashim and Aggadatas, the deeper message becomes more apparent. Each chabura continues and concludes with sources that support the original theme. The objective is to internalize these themes and integrate each message described into our lives.

Q: Describe a mashal that would best fit an experience you’ve enjoyed on Michlelet so far!

Moreet: “Just like a plane that is missing one tiny screw would come crashing down, so too we learned on Michlelet when we went to ODT (outdoor training) how important each person is to her group. If one person doesn’t hold her weight, it would negatively impact the rest of the group.”

Reut: “In order to produce the finest grapes, three conditions are necessary: 1) fruitful seeds 2) good land and 3) proper agricultural work. The ריהל applies this to the Jewish nation. Bnei Yisrael are compared to the fruitful seeds and In order to obtain greatness the Jewish nation must be in the (good land) of Eretz Yisrael serving Hashem in the best way. On Michlelet we are able to come to Israel as a unified group and serve Hashem through learning torah and Chessed. Hopefully we will be able to reach greatness and be zoche to see the rebuilding of the bet hamikdash.”

Shira: “The bees and flowers share a relationship of mutual benefit. Even though at first glance it seems that the flowers give more than they receive, when you look closer it becomes clear that the flowers gain just as much, if not more, from the bees. On the Chessed trips that we go on, similarly to the flowers, we all walk away having gained more than we could have given.”

Rebecca: “On our hike we were climbing upwards and stepping over rocks in order to reach our goal. Similarly in life we should always be climbing and reaching toward greater heights.”

Chesed – Painting Day!

Our fabulous Michlelet NCSYers took part in an amazing chesed project today.
We split into 4 groups and traveled to 4 separate locations in Teveria, such as a nursing home and a soup kitchen, to paint their facilities. Some of these places required touch-ups only while some required more elaborate artwork and painting. The girls not only had a fabulous time but were also able to truly give back in a pure form of chesed – we are so proud! We enjoyed a delicious shwarma lunch afterwards before heading back to Chispin to clean ourselves off 🙂
After dinner we were privileged to hear from Rabbi Moshe Benovitz, director of NCSY Kollel (and father of our camper Atara Benovitz :), who spoke about the unique opportunity we have to be in Israel this summer, and left us feeling empowered to rebuild and stay strong.
Looking forward to another amazing week on Michlelet NCSY!

Week 3 Recap Video

Our third amazing Shabbos!

Shabbos on Michlelet was awesome for the third week in a row! Our weekend started when we all went to Tiveria together Friday morning to enjoy a day out strolling on the tayelet and enjoy the beautiful views of the Kinneret. The girls enjoyed walking around with their madrichot and being able to do some shopping and relaxing with their friends. We then got back to Chispin with plenty of time to get ready for Shabbos. Our Shabbos was amazing yet again! We were joined by Rav Avrohom Willig and family who told over beautiful Divrei Torah and sang zemirot with us. On Shabbos day we were zoche to hear from Rav Dov Zinger, Rosh Yeshiva of Mekor Chaim Yeshiva in the Gush, the Yeshiva of Naftali Fraenkel and Gilad Shaar hy’d. The girls were super leibadik and the achdus was really inspiring to see. After our beautiful Shabbos, we had an awesome Capture the Flag night activity around our Chispin campus and then enjoyed a delicious pizza Meleva Malka! Shavua Tov!

Chabura Spotlight – Ariela Bortz

Ariela Bortz is from Woodmere, NY! She attended SKA for high school, then spent a year and a half in Michlalah, and is now majoring in Psychology at Queens College.

Ariela has the zechus of learning with Shaina Reissman (Monsey, NY), Miriam Samuels (Lawrence, NY), Michal Yacker (Lawrence, NY), and Yonina Fireman (Cleveland, OH).

Her chaburah is called V`Ani Tefilasi. The girls work on their appreciation of Tefilah by understanding the words of birchos hashachar and connecting them to the themes and ideas behind them. The goal of her chaburah is to have her girls walk away with a personal connection to Tefillah!


Shaina: “Michlelet has been an amazing experience so far! Every day we have new opportunities to do a lot of chesed, bond with friends and have a good time. The staff on Michlelet has been amazing at entertaining us from morning till night. Thank You!!”

Miriam: “Michlelet has done an amazing job with keeping us busy and having an awesome time. Even though we are not in our regular place we never feel lacking and we always have a great time!”

Michal: “Not the experience I expected but it’s truly incredible!”

Yonina: “Amazing I love the learning and the girls!”

Weekly Update #3 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear Michlelet NCSY Parents,
It’s hard to believe that I am sitting here writing our THIRD weekly update already!! What an exceptional, special, meaningful week it was! At Michlelet NCSY, our goal is to provide the girls with a phenomenal experience in everything we do. We strive to provide excellence in the learning, chessed, and touring we do, and have the girls truly experience Torat Eretz Yisroel, Chessed B’Eretz Yisroel and the Magnificent Land itself.
This past Shabbos was once again absolutely beautiful. From Kabbalas Shabbos together, to the beautiful meals filled with singing… the entertaining and enjoyable tisch.. the shiurim from Rabbi Andi Yudin (my husband ) and our guest speaker Rabbi Gotch Yudin (my brother-in-law).. special thought provoking programs.. fun activities and a gorgeous performance by our choir…magnificent singing at seudah shlishit… sitting outside as the sun set…bonding with friends and madrichot…beautiful divrei Torah at our meals from NCSYers Sara Engel, Liba Kurz and Mindi Gelbtuch… Shabbos on Michlelet is such a highlight of every week!
Motzei shabbos we had a very lively melava malka in which the girls were split up into groups and asked to make Michlelet promotional videos highlighting some of the following things: The tiyulim, accomodations, madrichot, learning, the girls, the head staff and more. The girls all got to enjoy their pizza as they watched all of their friend’s video creations. The videos were hysterical and a great time was had by all.
Sunday was another Michlelet wholesome day with learning, chessed and fun. It was a great morning of learning with our phenomenal madrichot and excellent teachers. I love walking around and seeing the girls learning with each other, their madrichot and teachers in these informal settings. It is beautiful and inspiring to see. Then, they got to relax with each other and enjoy activities together.
Sunday afternoon we had the z’chut of participating in a beautiful chessed opportunity. First, the Michlelet NCSYers packaged chocolates, towels, socks shampoos and soaps beautifully for our chayalim. The girls also attached notes of appreciation and encouragement to our soldiers. Then, we were divided up into three groups, and each one had a chance to go to a different army base and personally deliver the packages and thank the chayalim. The girls also got a tour of the army bases while there. The chayalim were so touched and appreciative and our Michlelet NCSYers felt so good to be able to give to them and express our Hakarat Hatov. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mordy and Eva Rothberg, parents of Michlelet NCSYer Zahava, for sponsoring this chessed to help our chayalim. From there, we stopped at a scenic park and enjoyed a delicious shwarma dinner!
When we got back in the evening, we had the honor of hearing from Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky, Menahel of DRS Yeshiva High School for boys, as our night speaker. Rabbi Kaminetsky addressed the current situation in Israel and gave us chizuk by telling us that this summer is unique and that we have the ability to utilize our experience to strengthen our Judaism.
Afterwards, we all joined in a night of kumzits singing, tehillim and inspiration. Although, thank G-d, we feel safe here and away from things, the NCSYers very much felt the need to be a part of the tzarah Klal Yisrael is going through, as our soldiers have started going into Gaza. Each girl received a name of a chayal to daven for and our madrichot provided the girls with words of chizuk and encouragement at these trying times. It was a really special night, with the girls sincere tefilos and voices joined and united in heartfelt song. The girls left feeling empowered to continue to daven and learn strongly, as well as to continue to do acts of kindness in the merit of the safety of all our brothers and sisters.
Monday morning was another first rate Michlelet day with learning and activities. The girls have really gotten used to the our schedule here and are delving deeper into their learning. Options of activities included choir, drama, media revolution, softball, soccer, notebook making, pioneering (which was tie-dying) and fondant creations! In the evening, we had the privilege of hearing from Rabbi Netanel Lebowitz, Menahel Ruchani of Yeshivat Lev Hatorah and Assistant Director of NCSY Kollel. Rabbi Lebowitz explained that every moment is an opportunity for us to define ourselves through our actions and that we are never too young to start defining who we are.
For Night Activity, the campers enjoyed a game of Banana Measures! Each team was given three bananas and a list of wacky things (and people!) around campus to measure with bananas. Once the list was complete the camp celebrated with pareve banana splits!
After Night Acitivity, the girls got pumped up and had an exciting game of basketball against Sulam. The cheering and camp spirit was great. Most of all, our girls were proud of their program and played and acted with exceptional midos. We did not win, but our girls had a great time and played well!
Tuesday was another exceptional morning and afternoon of learning and activities. The girls learned strong and then enjoyed immensely. In between our morning and afternoon learning and activities we treated the girls to a scrumptious Café Café lunch.
After afternoon learning, we had our night speaker earlier on in the day than usual. We had the pleasure of hearing from Mrs. Leba Schneider, administrator at Tiferet Institute. Mrs. Schneider spoke of the importance of making the most of our time in world by doing mitzvot, and that every mitzvah opportunity we grab leads to another mitzvah opportunity. We so appreciate the speakers who have taken time out to travel all the way up to the North to speak to us!
In the evening, we had the really exciting opportunity to go to a water park rented out just for NCSY!! The girls had an exhilarating, splashing time, and we ended off the evening with a pizza dinner.
Wednesday was an extraordinary Tiyul Day. The Tiyulim are a time for the girls to really get attached to and know the land of Israel. We started off the day with two tracks. The girls got to choose to go on a hike, and feel the land of Israel with their feet, or go to a farm and pick the fruits of Eretz Yisrael. The girls who chose to hike, hiked Nachal Zivatan. This hike is along Nachal Zavitan, the longest river in the Golan and ends overlooking a beautiful waterfall. The girls who chose to pick fruits picked delicious plums and nectarines and really enjoyed themselves. Both groups had a great time, each making up a cheer about where they went. For lunch, we ordered yummy felafels which the girls enjoyed. All the Michlelet NCSYers got to experience the Dekarina Chocolate Factory at some point during the day. There, the girls watched a movie on the history of chocolate, then got a tour of the factory where they hand make all the chocolate. They were then able to each make their own individual chocolate bar, truffles, and pralines, and they got to see how chocolate is made and taste it as well. Everyone enjoyed. All the girls went to an Outdoor Training Ropes Course as well. The Michlelet NCSYers had to work in groups to accomplish various challenging team building activities. The activities required them to develop positive leadership skills, respect and teamwork.
Wednesday evening, we had the distinct pleasure of hearing from Rabbi Noam Fix, principal of Tomer Devorah Seminary, as our night speaker. Rabbi Fix spoke about the importance of chessed and explained chessed as going outside of yourself, being sensitive to others, and that doing chesed is a way to emulate Hashem.
After he spoke, the Michlelet NCSYers got to partake in something most of them had never done before. Those who went fruit picking, put their plums together, and then nectarines together, and got to do the mitzvah of taking terumos and maasros for the very first time! My husband explained the halachot, and we spoke of the yearning for the time when we can actually separate trumot and maasros and give it to the Leviim and Kohanim instead. It was such a beautiful sight to behold.
Thursday, we started off our day with solid learning and activities. In the afternoon, we got to partake in a very moving chessed opportunity. The girls got busy decorating and packaging the following into each little bag: two tea lights and a paper which had the time of candlelighting, the bracha for candlelighting and a special prayer for the chayalim. Then, we went to three different places in Katzrin and the girls handed out these beautiful packages to the women of Katzrin. Many, who normally don’t light candles for Shabbos, took the packages and were so touched when the girls told them to light and say this special tefilah in the merit of a protection for our soldiers. Two chayalot in particular were so moved, and walked away clutching the packages to their heart. The girls really displayed true ahavat yisrael and made a real Kiddush Hashem. May the merit of all the women of Klal Yisroel lighting candles this Shabbos, and all our acts of goodness everywhere, indeed be a source of protection for our chayalim and all of Am Yisrael. The girls were proud of the opportunity to spread ahavat chinam and the light of Shabbos.
When we returned, we had dinner and had the z’chus of hearing from Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky, director of religious guidance at SKA, and beloved teacher and source of guidance to so many. Mrs. Kaminetsky spoke about the universality of Tehillim, and how it can be personalized to any given situation or person. It very much spoke to us during these difficult times for Am Yisrael. Afterwards, for Night Activity, the girls were transported in time and place to the near future of the third Beit Hamikdash in Yerushalayim! They were given the task of completing Aliyah Laregel with their “families.” Along the way they had to buy a korban, give terumah and maaser, visit their Saba and Savta, sing with the leviim, stop in meah shearim and so much more! The girls had a blast! It was a huge success! We even got to enjoy the participation of Rebetzin Shoshana Schachter who joined in for the activities.
This morning, the girls got to relax and enjoy walking around at the Teveriah Tayelet with their madrichot.
We are looking forward to another superb and dynamite Shabbos here at Michlelet NCSY, and are excited to have Rabbi Avraham Willig as our guest speaker this Shabbos.
Please remember to check out our pictures, and weekly recap videos on our blog at
With hopes of security and peace for all of Am Yisrael,

Rivka Yudin

Chabura Spotlight – Tova Haft

Tova Haft is from Woodmere, New York, and currently attends Queens College. This is Tova’s first summer on Michlelet and she is very excited to be part of the Michlelet mishpacha 🙂

The spectacular girls in Tova’s chabura are Rivka Axelrod (Cedarhurst, NY), Ahuva Wakschlag (Silver Spring, MD), Fradel Adler (Monsey, NY), and Suri Huttler (Lawrence, NY).

Tova’s chabura is entitled “Powerful Personalities.” The chabura focuses on important character traits we learn from outstanding Jewish personalities throughout history including Nachum Ish Gamzu, Sarah Schneirer, Rabbi Noach Weinberg, and Zach Pollack. Some of the traits we learn from these great individuals include steering away from jealousy, learning to believe in yourself, serving Hashem with joy, and knowing that everything is for the good. These lessons are important for all of us, but can have a special impact on high school girls. The chabura’s goal is to internalize the fact that we can learn from everyone we meet, and that every encounter is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Q: What important lesson have you learned so far on Michlelet?

Rivka: “I have learned that it is our choice to think of positive thoughts and it is our responsibility to negate the negative thoughts that come into our mind.”

Ahuva: “I have learned that in life it is important to appreciate everything that G-d gives us, even the smallest things. Particularly, I spent one day focusing on our incredible ability to hold things and it made me realize how lucky we are.”

Fradel: “I have learned how valuable friendship is and the power a smile can have when you pass someone by.”

Suri: “I have learned from the hard work and careful planning that each Madricha has put into her chaburas that they all truly care so much about us, and how and what we learn.”