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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight – Daniella Lashak

Daniella, born and raised in Dallas, TX, is currently a Junior in North Park University and plans to become a Registered Nurse.
The NCSYers in Daniella’s Chabura are Miri Fried (Woodmere, NY), Chaya Sherman (Flushing,NY), Anna Lis (Chicago, IL) and Tamar Yastrab (Woodmere, NY).

The main focus of the chabura is the the influence of the mazalot, the constellations and their effect on the Jewish Months of the year, and how we can better tap into the unique power of each month.

Miri: “In Reishit, in Chispin… who cares?! It’s Michlelet wherever we are! And what’s more? -It’s Shana Bet! I am excited to be back doing Chessed, learning, and having fun in the best place under the sun!”
Chaya: “Michlelet feels like family”
Tamar: “Michlelet is cool and fun”
Anna: “Michlelet is where you grow with girls from all over in Torah so no matter where we stay we are at the actual campus. Michlelet is in our hearts and mindset so where we physically are staying is irrelevant.”

Kever Rambam, Nachal Kibbutzim, & an awesome Shabbos Kodesh!

What an incredible 2 days it’s been on Michlelet NCSY!
We spent Friday morning visiting Kever Rambam in Teveria where we had a chance to both daven at the kever and also to visit the Rambam history center next door where we learned more about the life of the Rambam through trivia games and other activities.
Next we traveled to Nachal Kibbutzim where we enjoyed a delicious lunch catered by Cafe Cafe and a refreshing swim in the cool spring water.
Shabbos was unbelievable! We enjoyed delicious meals, beautiful zemiros, inspiring divrei Torah and shiurim, and spent lots of time bonding and hanging out with our friends.
For tonight’s activity we were broken up into groups and each had to make a promo video from Michlelet focusing on different aspects such as: friends, food, tiyulim, our fabulous staff, and more. We had a great time laughing at our friend’s videos and eating a yummy pizza dinner.

We are looking forward to another fantastic week on Michlelet NCSY! Stay tuned!
Wishing everyone a shavua tov!

Weekly Update #2 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear NCSY Michlelet Parents, amush

It is so hard to believe that I am already writing the second weekly update on Erev Shabbos to you! This week has surely flown by. It is even harder to believe that I am writing it once again from Chispin, and that we are still here. We very much hope that things will calm down and be peaceful here in Eretz Yisrael very soon.

It is remarkable, with all the changes and not being where we planned, how wonderful our week was and how smoothly it went.
Last Shabbos was absolutely amazing!! The excitement, ruach, singing and dancing over Shabbos was incredible!! You would think the girls knew each other forever. There was so much spirit!! We had shiurim, an unbelievable Tisch filled with laughter, singing, programming and more.

After our amazing, inspiring and energetic Shabbos came to an end, Michelelet celebrated with a crazy and lively Melava Malka!! Our campers and madrichot came out ready to have fun dressed up from head to toe and danced the night away! Following the dancing, we continued the Melava Malka with delicious pizza!

Sunday morning, was our first opportunity to start real chaburahs. The girls really enjoyed getting into our Michlelet Schedule. Although we do not have many of our teachers here, the girls got to learn with teachers this week. They learned with either Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Mrs. Shanie Warman, Ora Laufer, Rabbi Josh Weinberg, Rabbi Joshy Starr or Mrs. Atara Starr. Following shiur, the girls got to learn from their madrichot chaburahs, the informal learning sessions with their madrichot (advisors.) Follow us on our blog this summer and we will continue posting Spotlights on the various Madricha Chaburot and the girls in them every few days.
Following our morning chaburahs, the girls had a choice of many diverse and exciting activities run by their madrichot. These activities included basketball, art, jump roping, Zumba and choir! They got to have fun together and let out some energy.
After lunch we traveled to the Talmudic village of Katsrin where we made clay chairs, fresh pita and learned about life in the Golan in the Talmudic era.

When the NCSYers returned back from their trip to the ancient city of Katsrin, we had dinner and then heard from our night speaker, Mrs. Aleeza Lebowitz, teacher at Tiferet Seminary. She spoke about her personal experience with a child of hers and the power of Tefilah. The girls left her speech touched and inspired.
After our speaker, they enjoyed another incredible night activity: picture scavenger hunt! The camp split up into teams and went on a scavenger hunt around campus searching high and low for many things which they had to snap a picture of and bring back to the judges! The winning team was team 2 who won free ice coffees! The girls had a great time.
Monday morning we had another wonderful morning learning with our teachers and madrichot. Afterwards, the girls got to choose from activities such as pioneering, aerobics, capture the flag and hair braiding.
Monday afternoon, we headed to the beautiful Kineret Beach. The view there is simply breathtaking. Everyone had lots of fun swimming, relaxing and cheering in the beautiful calm blue Kineret.
When we got back, we had dinner and then had the privilege of hearing from our guest speaker of the night, Rebetzin Shevy Yudin, Rebetzin of Shomrei Torah in Fair Lawn, NJ and my mother-in-law . She spoke about the importance of chessed, and how chessed has a boomerang effect; when we do for others we are the ones who come out the beneficiaries. She spoke about many personal stories and left everyone very inspired. After that, we had a hilarious night activity of Project Runway. Each team was given a theme and had to come dressed up with different criteria. They were hysterical and the night activity ended with all the girls dancing in their costumes.
Tuesday was Shiva Asar B’Tamuz. After a late wake up, we had a productive morning of learning with our teachers and madrichot. The girls are really enjoying learning Torah from and with their teachers and madrichot. Then, all the Michlelet NCSYers joined together for a program. We spent time focusing on the five reasons we fast. The girls discussed why each tragedy warranted a fast in its name and how the root of those tragedies are still challenges we face today. They took initiative coming up with ideas that we as Michlelet NCSY could work on during the course of the three weeks to enhance our growth and successfully overcome some of our nation’s greatest challenges. We were very impressed by all of their amazing ideas, and the program left the staff feeling empowered after hearing what the girls had to share!

Tuesday night, after the girls had some time to regain energy after the fast, we put the madrichot up on the stand for night activity and got to see how well the girls have been getting to know them. All of our madrichot shared fun facts/stories about themselves, and we shared them out loud while the girls guessed who it could be. They enjoyed having a “chilled out” activity that enhanced their relationship with the madrichot!
Wednesday morning, we had a normal schedule learning in shiurim and chaburahs. They then chose from activities such as basketball, choir, drama, cake decorating and kickboxing.

Wednesday afternoon we had the tremendous privilege of hosting a carnival for children from Chispin and the surrounding areas whose fathers have been called up to miluim, the reserves. Their fathers have not been home for quite a while already and their mothers very much needed a break and respite. The Michlelet NCSYers single-handedly set up and ran each booth and provided entertainment and fun for the children. Our girls were amazing. I personally got choked up watching our girls in action at the carnival, bringing happiness to these children whose fathers have not been home for quite a bit now. Not only did the children enjoy, but the mothers were so pleased and thankful. Our girls had a great time as well!
For our Night Speaker, we had the opportunity to hear from Rabbi Natan Gemedze, prince of Swaziland, who came from Tzfat to speak to us. He shared his experience of coming to Judaism from being an African Prince. His words reminded us of the honor it is to be a Jew.

Wednesday’s night activity was “revenge of the nerds”. The girls dressed up in their finest suspenders and bow ties and joined us for some fast paced trivia competitions ending off in a Michlelet spelling bee showdown! Who knew that the girls could get so excited about math problems…but they may want to work on their spelling 
Thursday was a wonderful Tiyul Day. We started off the day with raft building on the Kinneret ! The Michlelet NCSYers had to work together to combine barrels, wooden boards, rope, and other materials to make a raft. The girls had so much fun going into the Kinneret on the rafts, singing, dancing, cheering and more! Then, we went to Kfar Kedem where we heard from Menachem, a resident of Kfar Kedem, about living on this yishuv. Then we were treated to a delicious lunch, got dressed up like Avraham Avinu and the girls got to ride donkeys!! Everyone had a blast! After that, everyone learned about and made pita from scratch!
After dinner at Chispin, we had our first Thursday night Mishmar where the girls broke into groups with their madrichot and learned prepared source sheets on this week’s Parsha together. The theme they took out of it was feeling part of the Klal, of the greater Jewish Nation.
Friday morning, we had the tremendous opportunity to go daven (pray) at the Kever of the Rambam, Maimonides. We first watched a video at Michlelet, prepared by one of our madrichot about his life, and then had the privilege to daven there. How special it was to pray for ourselves, for our families, for all of Eretz Yisrael, Am Yisroel and our chayalim at such a time. From there, we went to Nachal Kibutzim where we enjoyed a delightful meal from Café Café. Following our lunch, we went into the fresh springs of water and had a great time together cooling off, playing games and spending time with each other.
We are now getting ready for our second Shabbos at Michlelet NCSY 2014. We are all pumped and super excited for our Shabbos, knowing how special it is here on Michlelet.
I hope and pray that peace reigns everywhere this Shabbos and always, and that Hashem protects all of His special children on the front lines and all over Eretz Yisrael always.
It is an honor and pleasure to spend the summer with your extraordinary daughters. We have such an amazing group this year, with such positivity and excitement and our Michlelet Family is really coming together. Please feel free to be in touch with any feedback, comments or questions you may have. You can see our weekly recap video on our website.
Good Shabbos!

Rivka Yudin
Michlelet NCSY

Raft Building, Donkey Riding, & More!

Today we had a fantastic tiyul day up North in the beautiful Golan!
We began at the Kinneret where we split up into teams and competed to build rafts that we used to race one another. We had an awesome time singing, dancing, and cheering while floating on the Kinneret and enjoying the payoff of our hard raft building work.
From there we traveled to Kfar Kedem where we heard about life in their small knit community, dressed up like Avraham Avinu and our ancestors, rode donkeys, and even baked our own pita! We stopped off at a supermarket on the way home to stock up on snacks and necessities.
Tonight we were treated to a special mishmar where we learned about the importance of nationhood in regards to this week’s parsha.

Looking forward to another fun tiyul tomorrow and a beautiful Michlelet shabbos in Chispin!

Carnival Day!

Yet another incredible day in Chispin here on Michlelet NCSY! After the regularly scheduled morning learning with our Madrichot and teachers, the girls prepared for our annual Chessed Carnival! This year’s carnival was for the children of Chispin whose parents were called up on reserve duty. With booths like Coke or Pepsi and bowling, the kids and our Michlelet NCSYers both had a chance to enjoy themselves! We are so proud of the love and devotion they showed to this beautiful Chessed! After dinner, we returned to the Torah, as we heard from the Prince of Swaziland about the journey of his life. We then had a Battle of the Nerds night activity where our awesome girls got to show off their smarts! A busy, yet beautiful day here in Chispin!

Shiva Asar B’Tammuz

We had a beautiful day of learning here in Chispin as we commemorated Shiva Asar B’Tammuz. The girls enjoyed chaburas with their madrichot and classes with our fantastic teachers. Afterward we had a special Shiva Asar B’Tammuz program where we discussed the religious significance of the day and each girl spoke about how we can implement the lessons from what occurred on that day into our personal daily lives here on Michlelet. Afterwards we had optional films and an optional shiur by Rav Tani Cohen of MTA, Beth Abraham in Bergenfield, NJ, and NCSY Kollel. We were treated to iced coffees to break our fast on, and then enjoyed a yummy meal here in the Chispin dining room. The night activity left us wondering how well we know our madrichot, as we listened to crazy stories and had to guess which happened in real life to each of our madrichot!

Looking forward to another beautiful day up North tomorrow!

Wishing all an easy rest of the fast.

Chabura Spotlight – Talia Silverstein!

Talia is from Cedarhurst, NY and attends Queens College. Talia is psyched to be a Madricha for the second time to learn with and from the campers on Michlelet summer 2014!!

The NCSYers in Talia’s chabura are Shana Blisko (Chicago, IL), Shira Shalmon (Highland Park, NJ), Rikki Siebzener (Brooklyn, NY), and Rachel Silverman (Woodmere, NY).

Talia’s chabura focuses on the beautiful Tefilot that start off our day. Beginning with Birchot Hashachar and ending with Aleinu, her chabura will be gaining an appreciation and the confidence to WANT to daven each day; and to view Tefilah as an AWESOME opportunity to talk to Hashem.
They will learn together how PRAYER takes work to feel, motivation to build: A LIFETIME CONNECTION!!:)

Q- If you could choose to learn our Chabura in any time period in Jewish history which one would it be?

Shira – Matan Torah because בני ישראל were on the highest level of Kedusha and it would be really cool to learn right after Kabalat Hatorah with the most clarity.
Shana- I would want to learn in the מדבר so I could take part in all of the amazing open miracles Hashem did for בני ישראל.
Rikki- During חנוכה time while the Jews played Dreidel in the caves so we could learn next to the people who were מוסר נפש to learn Hashem’s Torah.
Rachel- During גלות בבל because after seeing the second בית המקדש fall to pieces you could still see the desire to keep the legacy of our nation and a connection with our creator.

Learning, Activities and Swimming in Kinneret

We had another beautiful morning of learning here on Michlelet NCSY. The girls enjoyed their chaburot with their madrichot and also had their first teacher shiurs. After a morning of learning, we headed onto the buses for a cooling and relaxing swim in the Kinneret and some down time hanging out at the shore. We then headed back to the Achsania where we had dinner and then heard from Rebbetzin Shevy Yudin about the importance of Chessed. The girls then got to channel their inner designer with our thoroughly entertaining Project Runway night activity! It was a great day here up North! Wishing everyone an easy fast tomorrow.

First Day of Learning!

First day of Chaburot and Activities and Talmudic Village of Katsrin

Today was the first day of regularly scheduled morning activities here on Michlelet NCSY! We started the morning off right with some Torah from the homeroom Madrichot, and then proceeded to break up into our two Chaburot! It was beautiful to hear the kol shel Torah! Afterwords, we had our first morning of activities ranging from jump rope to basketball to art! The girls enjoyed being able to bond with their friends and use the facilities that Chispin has to offer. After lunch we traveled to the Talmudic village of Katsrin where we made clay chairs, fresh pita and learned about life in the Golan in the Talmudic era. After heading back to our hotel, we had our first “regular” night of a speaker and night activity, as the girls heard from Rebbetzin Aleeza Lebowitz, and channeled our inner photographer in a picture scavenger hunt! Overall, it was a great day of learning and fun here on Michlelet NCSY!