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About The Trip

Week #1 Recap Video!

The Most Incredible Erev Shabbos and Shabbos!!!

What an amazing few days it’s been!

On Friday we spent the morning learning with our homeroom madrichot here in the Achsania at Chispin for the first time. We ended our learning by making cards for chayalim and their families to express our support and appreciation for their mesirut nefesh on behalf of all of Klal Yisrael to protect our homeland. We also split up Sefer Tehillim between all of our campers and were able to complete the entire sefer and daven for peace in Eretz Yisrael. Afterwards we headed out to stock up on snacks and necessities at the supermarket and from there we enjoyed the cool, refreshing springs at Maayanei Eden! We then traveled to our picnic pizza lunch before heading back to Chispin to prepare for shabbos.

Shabbos on Michlelet was incredible and truly unparalleled to past years! The ruach and spirit we all shared reached the heights of our neighboring northern hills! Shabbos was filled with zemiros, yummy food, bonding activities, shiurim, and a fantastic tisch with our resident Michlelet rebbe and rebbetzin! We came out of shabbos on a high and continued it with an unbelievably leibedik melave malka that concluded with our weekly recap video and a pizza party.


We can’t wait to see what this week has in store! Shavua Tov from the beautiful and breezy Tzafon!

Weekly Update #1 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear NCSY Michlelet Parents, amush

What a whirlwind of a week! Although it has definitely been challenging on this end, rearranging all our itinerary and plans, we are happy to say that considering all, things have really been flowing quite smoothly here! Although not yet being in their permanent rooms for the summer and not knowing how long their stay will be here is a bit unsettling, the girls are doing beautifully under the circumstances. Knowing that their safety is our top priority, as well, is calming for them all.

The truth is, though, that even with all our changes, if one did not know we had initially had other plans, it would really look like these were our initial plans and like a normal Michlelet start. We are having a wonderful time and the program is really going incredible so far. As I told the girls, you can take Michlelet to a different place, but you can’t take Michlelet out of our program, or Michlelet out of a Michlelet NCSYer, no matter where we are! And you really feel that. It has really been a great first few days.

I want to thank, as well, the many parents who have reached out to us, with your kind words, thanks and encouragement.

When the Michlelet NCSYers arrived a the airport, they were greeted by myself, Mrs. Shanie Warman, our phenomenal Assistant Director and Tamar Sharfman, our dedicated Camp Mom. They then got their phones, gave their luggage to our porters, and we went to a shady spot, under the palm trees in the airport to eat a delicious Holy Bagel lunch. On the busses, I told the girls of our change of plans to head North and the girls excitedly cheered for their Best Summer Ever! We drove to the North, and arrived in the beautiful King Solomon Hotel at Tiveriah. From there, we went to the Tayelet, boardwalk, in Tevariah, overlooking the magnificent Kineret, and had a delicious dinner at a restaurant. We sat there, eating our dinner on the waterfront, while looking at the gorgeous Kineret, with the fresh, delicious breeze on our faces, as the sun set. When we got back to the hotel, we had a great getting to know you game, which was a lot of fun. Then, we had a cute getting to know the madrichot presentation. A great time was had by all. From there, we went our rooms, and had a good night’s sleep.

Thursday, after davening and breakfast, we had our Michlelet NCSY 2014 Orientation. The girls heard about our exciting program. The girls heard from myself, Mrs. Shanie Warman; Assistant Director, Tamar Sharfman, our Camp Mom, Ora Laufer and Racheli Schwartz, our Head Madrichot, Atara Starr and Chani Cooper, our Activities Coordinators and Miriam Khukashvili, extra programming. The girls are really so excited and enthusiastic about our summer ahead.

After orientation, we boarded the buses and headed to the Kever of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. How special it was, to spend their first full day here in Eretz Yisroel, and be able to visit and pray at such a holy site. We then went to eat our yummy lunch from Café Neeman. After that, we headed to the Majrisah water hike. We had an absolute blast. The singing and cheering, splashing and dancing in the cool waters was a great bonding time as we got to know each other and come together as a unit. We really enjoyed! From there, we headed to Chispin and got to our absolutely beautiful grounds, overlooking the Kineret. The view, the air and the grounds are so peaceful, beautiful and magnificent. We had an incredible Night Activity that promoted team building. The girls were broken into groups, chose team names and made up a cheer to represent themselves. Each team was then faced with a series of challenges that promoted working together. The girls were very enthusiastic and there was a lot of excitement and cheering in the room!

This morning, after davening and breakfast, the Michlelet NCSYers had the opportunity to divide up into their small groups with their homeroom Madrichot. They got to know each other, and hear about what they would be learning about this summer with their Madrichot. It was really nice to start learning a bit and get to know the madrichot. Then, everyone did a chessed project together, to try and feel for the pain so many in Israel are going through. We wrote letters of love and encouragement to the people in the South, going through so much now, and to our soldiers, so dedicated and going through such difficult times. We then split up the entire Sefer Tehillim and completed it with the saftey of Israel in mind. The girls really enjoyed the one on one time with their madrichot and really felt productive taking part in a chessed.

After our program, we got on the busses and headed off, our first stop being at a local supermarket in case the girls wanted anything. Afterwards, we visited the gorgeous Maayanei Eden natural water springs. The girls had an unbelievable time singing, dancing, cheering, and splashing in the cool water. We even did a round of Zumba led by madricha Talia Molotsky, a certified Zumba instructor, played an exhilarating round of elbow tag, and a few girls and madrichot surprised us with water shooters they had just bought! Everyone had an incredible time cooling down and enjoying the water. After we dried off we went to nearby camping spot where we treated to a pizza cookout with fresh delicious pizzas prepared for us on the spot with tons of toppings! We finished up with salad, watermelon and drinks and headed back to Chispin to prepare for shabbos.

We are all preparing for Shabbos now, and really excited about our first Shabbos here at Michlelet NCSY 2014. The girls are really pumped and excited. We are looking forward to a beautiful first Shabbos filled with unity, singing, laughter and meaning and we have special programs planned for the girls (including more “getting-to-know-you” activities) as well as Melave Malka for Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night.)

Please remember to check our website for updated blog, pictures, shiurim and more at Our weekly pre-Shabbos recap video can be viewed there as well. Enjoy!

Please feel free to be in touch throughout the summer with any feedback, comments, questions or concerns you may have. My email address is On a personal note, I am looking forward to getting to know better each and every one of your daughters.

I join you all in praying for peace and safety for all of Am Yisroel.

Good Shabbos,

Mrs. Rivka Yudin


Michlelet NCSY

Day One Update from Mrs. Yudin

Dear NCSY Michlelet Parents,
We have had an amazing first full day, here at NCSY Michlelet . We had a packed and exciting day, getting to know each other, while having a great time. We have arrived in the beautiful hotel here in Chispin and are going to continue staying here as long as necessary. I have been updating the girls on what is happening so they know what is going on, without having it weigh too heavily at the same time.
We have another incredible day planned for tomorrow, G-d willing.
Have a wonderful day,
Mrs. Rivka Yudin
Michlelet NCSY

Orientation, Meron, & Majrasa Water Hike


After a restful first night in the beautiful King Solomon Hotel in Teveria we woke up to the sun glistening on the Kineret outside our windows 🙂 We had a delicious (and huge!) breakfast before heading off to Michlelet Orientation 5774!! At orientation the girls learned about our daily schedule, incredible activities and a little more about their awesome madrichot. We then said goodbye to Teveria as we loaded up the busses to head towards the gravesite of the holy Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai. On the way up the girls heard about the significance of davening at such a special place and the impact of tefilla, especially during trying times for the Jewish people. Girls were able to daven mincha at the kever and say tehillim before enjoying a shady outdoor lunch a few minutes away. After a cheering-filled lunch (Michlelet style 🙂 we made our way to our first hike of the summer!! Starting the summer off right, the girls trekked through the beautiful Majrasa water trail, enjoying the cool water, splashing and singing in the gorgeous and shady creek. Our final stop for the day was Chispin and the sun set on the beautiful northern hills of Israel as we ate dinner and unpacked before our interactive and exciting get-to-know-you ice breaker night activity. The girls were split into groups where they met new people and had to collaborate on cheers and team building games. After hearing about our exciting schedule for tomorrow (stay tuned!!) the girls were off to get a good night’s sleep in preparation for  tomorrow’s activities and….our first Shabbos on Michlelet!!!

Arrival, Teveria, Getting To Know You, and More!

What an AMAZING first day we had on Michlelet!!!! After a smooth and enjoyable flight we landed safely in Eretz Yisrael! We were met by Mrs. Yudin and the rest of the Michlelet head staff, got our phones, and enjoyed a delicious Holy Bagel lunch. Afterwards we boarded the buses and drove straight to beautiful Teveria! We ate a yummy sunset dinner overlooking the Kinneret before returning to the hotel for a quick orientation and a cool icebreaker/getting to know you game. Out fantastic madrichot also introduced themselves to us with a few fun facts about themselves. Then we were off to bed after such an awesome first day on Michlelet! We can’t wait to see what we will be in store for tomorrow in the holy city of Teveria! Stay tuned!

Don’t forget to check out our pictures from the airport, icebreaker, and more!


Less than 48 hours til MICHLELET 5774!!!

We are less than 2 days away from the best summer of your lifeeee!!!

Take a break from packing and watch our awesome recap video from Michlelet 2013 – including a music video produced by our very own madrichot!

Get excited to make these memories your own SO soon!

See you at the airport!!

Have you seen our wedding video yet?

Welcome to Michlelet 5774!!!


You are just 6 short days away from the best summer of your life!!!

Get excited to meet awesome girls from all over the US and Canada (and Israel!), tour the Holy Land, learn Torah, give back with unbelievable chesed opportunities, do some crazy activities, and of course, have a blast!

This website is your source for all summer information and will be updated daily with blog posts, chabura spotlights, pictures, videos, shiurim, updates, and more!!! Be sure to check back often to follow us on our summer adventures!

Also, check out our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook where we will be constantly updating and posting throughout the summer.


Get ready for your BEST. SUMMER. EVER.

Simchas Beis Hashoeiva!

All Michlelet NCSYers are invited to join us for a special Michlelet Simchas Beis Hashoeiva this coming Tuesday night, September 24th, Leil Hoshana Raba.

Food! Friends! Madrichot! Torah! Fun! Rabbi Glasser!! What could be better?!