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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight – Tamar Singer

Tamar Singer is from Hollywood Florida and attended Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, then went to Midreshet Moriah and is now a junior in Stern College, majoring in Education. 

The girls in Tamars chabura are Ariella Weiss (Woodmere, NY), Leora Levine (Queens, NY), Rebecca Rauch (Lawrence, NY) and Nikki Feerst (Long Beach, NY).
Tamar’s Chabura is on Shabbos but not just the halachos, the spiritual aspects of the day. In the Chabura they go through the Nefesh Shimshon on shabbos kodesh. In this Chabura they are opening their eyes to the brachot in which shabbos bestows onto us and how shabbos is the key to our relationship with HaShem. The goal of this Chabura is to make shabbos into the special day that it is meant to be, enhancing our relationship with HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
What is your favorite part about shabbos on Michlelet?
Leora: “I love everything but if I had to choose one thing I would say just hanging out and spending time together.”
Ariella: “My favorite part would have to be the davening on Friday night it’s a great start of shabbos together.”
Nikki: “The tisch!!”
Rebecca: “Hanging out with my favorite madricha!!!!!”

Chabura Spotlight – Danielle Koppel

Danielle Koppel is thrilled to be back on Michlelet as a madricha after spending 2 years as a camper!

The Michlelet NCSYers in Danielle’s chabura are: Sarah Sklar (Cedarhurst, NY), Yonina Fireman (Cleveland, OH), Shoshi Trombka (Silver Spring, MD), and Miriam Isakova (Queens, NY).

Danielle’s chabura is based off of Pavlov’s experiment of classical conditioning. She presents the chabura with a secular source and then breaks it down to reveal the distorted values hidden within. Then she brings in Torah sources to counteract those bad values and teach the girls the right way – the Torah way – to live.

Sarah: “Our topics we discuss in chabura are so important and applicable that we can go on for hours. Literally!”

Yonina: “I love chabura because everyone has a voice and no one feels embarrassed to say their thoughts. We’re like a family!”

Shoshi: “I love the discussions we have in chabura!”

Miriam: “The discussions we have in Danielle’s chabura teach me about how I can balance being part of society but also maintaining my Jewish values. It is a very applicable topic for every day!



Chabura Spotlight – Talia Silverstein

Talia is from Cedarhurst, NY, and attends Queens College. Talia is so excited to be a Madricha who can learn with and from the campers on Michlelet this summer!!!

The NCSYers in Talia’s chabura are Matti Fuld (Teaneck,NJ), Estee Sabbah-Dery (Fair Lawn, NJ), Shira Shitrit (Queens, NY), and Deena Stiefel (Atlanta, GA)!!!

Talia’s chabura focuses on the beautiful Tefilot we recite each morning. Starting off with Birchot Hashachar and ending with Aleinu, her chabura will be gaining an appreciation and confidence to WANT to daven each day; and to view Tefilah as an AWESOME opportunity to talk to our Avinu Shabashamayim!!!

Q- If you could bang into any DOOR in Reishis which one would it be and why?

Matti- Beit Midrash!! Because that only means that I was sooo excited to go in!!!

Estee- Talia’s classroom!! Because I know I’m going to be learning something that’s important to me!!!

Shira- The Kitchen!!! Because I know there very welcoming in there, they have great food, and I’m hungry a lot!!

Deena- The Entrance!!! Because I would be eager to see everyone and learn Torah!!!

Chabura Spotlight – Miri Korbman

Miri Korbman is from Elizabeth,NJ. She went to Bruriah for high school, then spent a year and a half in Michlalah and is now a Junior in Touro Manhattan majoring in psychology.

The girls in Miri’s chaburah are Atara Huberfeld (Woodmere, NY), Tani Kahan (Monsey, NY), Rebecca Sturm (Woodmere, NY), and Kayla Ghermezian (Riverdale, NY).

Miri’s chaburah topic is “menuchat hanefesh,” peace of mind. The chaburah focuses on what it means to have peace of mind from a Torah perspective; what is menuchat hanefesh? Why do we care? In what ways does having a sense of inner calm alleviate our worries and anxieties and enable us to be more productive, accomplishing, happy friends, daughters, and Jews? The girls in Miri’s chaburah learn about different factors teenagers in today’s society face which inhibit our sense of inner peace and make it difficult to feel calm and contented with life’s challenges, big and small. The goal of the chaburah is to learn how to tap into menuchat hanefesh in all situations, to transcend the chaotic hustle and bustle of the unsatisfied, anxiety-ridden world around us. Miri’s chaburah views the journey to menuchat hanefesh like building a house. Bitachon, trust in Gd, is the foundation of all inner peace and contentedness, while a true sense of humility and an ability to overcome jealousy are the walls that stand on that foundations; lastly, prayer is the roof which protects and shields us from worry and anxiety and keeps our menuchat hanefesh protected and intact. Through learning about these and other important midot and Torah values connected to menuchat hanefesh, such as shabbos, leadership, and self-esteem, we are enhancing our relationships with ourselves, with Gd, and with others. Our motto is: We are where we need to be- just breathe 🙂

What’s one thing you learned in our chaburah that you will carry with you through the year and one of your favorite menuchas hanefesh related quotes?

Atara: “Being ok with where you are because Hashem’s in control. ‘The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things- the good things don’t always soften the bad things but vice versa- the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.'”

Rebecca: “Menuchat hanefesh doesn’t mean being “chilled” at all times- it means reacting to life’s situations and challenges in the right way “football quote.”‘

Tani: “Relax, everything will be ok, you’re in Hashem’s hands!! “Everything I need I have and everything I have I need.”

Kayla: “It’s about being chilled- but not frozen; menuchas hanefesh isn’t about sitting by and letting life pass- it helps us be active participants in life- just chilled ones! “Keep calm and carry on- with menuchas hanefesh.”

Chabura Spotlight – Dena Lichtman

Dena Lichtman, from Hillside, NJ, is thrilled to be back on Michlelet as a madricha after spending an exciting summer here as a camper!

The NCSYers in Dena’s chabura are: Sara Axel (New York, NY), Tehila Finkelstein (Teaneck, NJ), Nechama Deena Korenblit (Passaic, NJ), and Temima Kermaier (Baltimore, MD).

In Dena’s chabura, we learn the psychology behind different colors and find places in Tanach where those colors are mentioned. Then we learn about a middah connected to that color. It gives a totally new perspective on things we’ve been learning since kindergarten. We look back at the basics and with our new understanding of colors we see that it’s not so simple after all.

Sara: “I love learning things in my classes and chaburas that I’ve been taught in school but now have a totally different spin. I never looked at things in that way! It’s an awesome balance between crazy tiyulim and meaningful speeches! I love Michlelet!

Temima: “The accepting atmosphere in Michlelet is amazing. In Michlelet it doesn’t matter where you live or what you look like. Everybody is respected as a person who can be learned from.”

Nechama Deena: “I love the well balanced atmosphere of Michlelet.”

Tehila: “I love the balance on Michlelet of the learning, tiyulim, activities, and just having fun. The people really make the program great. The madrichot and staff are amazing and all the girls are so friendly and accepting. I love Michlelet!”

Chabura Spotlight – Davina Sagoskin

Davina Sagoskin, from Yardley, Pennsylvania, is currently in Stern College majoring in Jewish Education. Davina is having an awesome summer on Michlelet NCSY and loves learning with and from her campers.

The NCSYers in Davina’s chabura are Aliza Hersch (Woodmere, NY), Chaya Sarah Shippel (New York, NY), Tamar Rosenfeld (Lawrence, NY), and Goldy Weissman (Cedarhurst, NY).

Davina’s chabura focuses on how the Torah defines true simcha and how we can apply that to different aspects of our lives and become happier people.

We defined true happiness as a response one feels when they know they are doing the right thing and are connected to Hashem.

We explored different areas where we can find true happiness in our day to day lives such as the joy through achievement, appreciation, trusting G-d, tefilla, and resistance just to name a few!

Tamar: “Our chabura is learning about simcha and the environment on Michlelet where we learn Torah every day with such incredible people is truly the best place to achieve that goal.”

Aliza: “It’s not just about spending 45 minutes in chabura, but learning about simcha has made me want to apply all that I learned to my everyday life and share it with others.”

Chaya Sarah: “Learning about happiness throughout the summer has taught me to incorporate these ideas and apply them to everyday life. Michlelet has taught me to be happy and excited about learning whether in a chabura or in a teacher class.”

Goldy: “You’re never fully dressed without a smile. Michlelet has helped me to become a truly happy person.”

Chabura Spotlight – Talia Lichtenstein

Talia, originally from Chicago, IL, will be a senior next year at Stern College for Women. As an NCSY advisor in Teaneck, she is involved in regular events during the year. Talia is enjoying her first summer on an NCSY summer program as a Michlelet madricha. She Can’t wait for the exciting programming for the rest of the summer.

The NCSYers in Talia’s chabura are Rivka Weiss (Woodmere, NY), Melissa Goldstein (Los Angeles, CA), Meira Motechin (Bergenfield, NJ) and Hannah Warso (Chicago, IL).

Talia’s chabura is on Rav Yisrael Salanter’s 13 middot. Each middah is explored through various sources to try to understand what Rav Yisrael Salanter pinpointed as the top middot to improve. Working on these middot are practical ways to improve ourselves as well as gain a greater sensitivity to those around us.

The main goal of the chabura is to learn Torah in a way that can be practically implemented into each aspect of our lives.

Rivka: “Michlelet is like a strawberry—sweet until the end.”

Melissa: “I really enjoy the opportunity to learn life lessons and apply them to my everyday life.”

Meira: “I really enjoy the chaburas because it gives me an opportunity to learn in a smaller group setting.”

Hannah: “The madrichot aren’t just counselors, they are like friends who you can always go to, and it’s cool how there are so many girls from all different background who you can  become close to.

Weekly Recap Video Week #5!!!!!!!

Mrs. Yudin’s Weekly Update #5

Dear Michlelet NCSY Parents, amu”sh


We have had such a packed, exciting and meaningful week!!


It was great seeing everyone on Motzei Shabbos and good to be back at Michlelet. 


Sunday morning, shana alef split into three groups and went to different nursing homes in Yerushalayim.  There, the girls got to interact, color, schmooze with and take for walks the elderly there.  The shana bet girls took elderly people from a different nursing home out on an excursion for ice cream. Our girls were fantastic!! So warm and enthusiastic, bringing smiles to all the people’s faces.


At lunch, we gave out a special surprise to our girls… MICHLELET NCSY jerseys!! The girls were so excited. Everyone changed and got ready for our big basketball game against GIVE in our indoor gym later that evening. 


Then, we had a beautiful full afternoons of learning in chaburahs with our madrichot and in shiurim with our teachers followed by fun activities.


In the evening, after dinner, we heard from Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky, Director of Religious Guidance at SKA, and dynamic and beloved Chumash teacher. She spoke about leading a life reflective of thought and meaning. The girls walked away very inspired.


Afterwards, we ran to the gym for our big basketball game against GIVE. The girls had such an amazing time, cheering for Michlelet and even did an incredibly coordinated and amazing flash mob. It was fantastic. Our girls had so much spirit and had such a good time cheering their teammates on…. Who won the game at 22 to 9!!!Our girls were really good! What an amazing night it was and what a good time we all had!



Monday, we had a spectacular day at Michlelet, learning and doing activities. Then, we all got into our turquoise Michlelet NCSY Yom NCSY shirts and got onto the buses excitedly, for Yom NCSY at Mini Isreal!! We cheered the whole way there, and the whole night for that matter, proud of the program we were on.


I’m sure many of you got to see the great time we had through the live webcast online.   Yom NCSY, was a gathering of 850 NCSYers for an evening of fun, excitement and Jewish Pride. First we headed to the Girls’ Section where we had a delicious dinner from Popogaya.  Then, we headed to the main event.  There were incredible fireworks, videos of each program and an incredible concert from Shlomo Katz!  We all heard from Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, Regional Director of NJ NCSY, and Rabbi  Michah Greenland, Interim National Director of NCSY . The Michlelet NCSYers had a great time dancing and cheering for Michlelet the entire evening and it was great to dance together as well as with the TJJ Ambassador whom we had previously hosted as well. It was inspiring to join up with so many teenagers from so many different backgrounds.  You really felt the energy and enthusiasm there and it made us proud to be part of something larger.  The girls had an absolute blast!


Tuesday, we went to the Biar Aqueducts in Gush Etzion. There, we climbed through water caves, hiking, crouching and crawling with our flashlights. The girls sang the whole way through, and were so brave and so positive, making mud masks along the way. Then, we ate lunch, changed and had the privilege to travel to Chevron. There, we got to pray at Me’arat Hamachpelah where our forefathers and foremothers are buried.  It was incredible to daven at the burial site of individuals from Tana”ch learned about since childhood.  Our last stop of the day was Kever Rochel.  How unbelievable that was to pray at the site where Rachel Imenu is buried.  It was truly amazing! 

When we got back, we ate dinner and then got ready for our night activity… BAT MITZVAH NIGHT!!!  The girls got dressed in their finest Bat Mitzvah attire to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of our Activities Coordinators, Atara Starr and Mimi Fuchs.  There they had “Shirley temples,” refreshments  and a DJ featuring a game of Michlelet style Coke and Pepsi, cha-chah slide and line dancing.  The night was topped off with memory candle making and presentations including gramens, poems and songs  for our Bat Mitzvah Girls. The girls had a fabulous time!


Then, we heard from Rabbi Micha Greenland, Interim National Director of NCSY and Regional Director of Midwest NCSY. He told the girls how proud he is of them and about the importance of each and every good action that we do. He was so impressed with our girls (as I am daily J.)


Wednesday was our… WEDDING DAY!!! Thank you so much for all those who contributed to this beautiful cause.


I cannot even begin to tell you how ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE our girls were!! Aside from the regular learning, they worked so so hard the whole day, and really put their all into it!! They made an absolutely magnificent wedding!!!! The Kallah thanked us so much for the absolutely gorgeous wedding the girls made her. Her mother was so emotional the whole night.   Every time she looked around the room and saw how beautiful and upper class the wedding was and how warm and enthusiastic the girls were, her eyes filled with tears! They couldn’t get over the devotion and amount of effort the Michlelet NCSYers had put in and how gorgeous and beyond possible expectations the wedding turned out. The girls literally did everything- set the tables, stunning center pieces, decorated an exquisite chuppah, set up buffets, made shtick, made a picturesque kallah chair, set up smorgasbords, served, helped in the kitchen, waitressed, made the shtick, danced and so much more.  They put in so much effort, for someone they only met once at the bridal shower we had made for her last week, and were so proud of the results.  This was true Ahavat Yisroel!  They danced and danced with such happiness and enthusiasm; it was so so beautiful to see! To quote one of our girls who was a waitress, “I am working so so hard, and loving every single minute of it!!”


When we woke up Thursday morning, I asked them, “do you girls realize you actually made a wedding last night?”  The girls were so proud of themselves.


Thursday was a great day at Reishit. We learned in the morning and afternoon as well as having a great time doing activities. Then, we went to the auditorium where Mr. Jeff, a professional medical clown trainer, gave us a training session on how to be medical clowns.  He taught them with interactive lessons about tricks and fun ways to relate to patients and make them happy. Miming, acting, funny tricksand more were some of the techniques he taught them. Not only was it fun and games, with our girls extremely involved, laughing a ton and having a blast, but he prepared the girls how to react to and bring out all the different types of patients one encounters.  This was in preparation for our medical clowning Chessed Trip which we will be having next week.  In the meanwhile, our shana bet, who had done the training last year, had the special z’chus of first going to the Machlises in Yerushalayim to help cook for the enormous amount of guest they have each week. They loved speaking to and helping Rebetzin Machlis. Then, they had the honor of going to the home of Rebetzin Finkel, mother of Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zatza’,l who schmoozed with them, spoke to them and gave them brachos. It was really special.


For our evening speaker, we had the special opportunity to hear from Rabbi Ari Winter, original Director of Michlelet NCSY, who we all owe tremendous Hakaras Hatov to for starting this extraordinary program for our extraordinary girls! He spoke to them about how to take and keep inspiration with you so it’s not only about six weeks. The girls really took in what he said and were very moved.


Afterwards, we had an awesome game of Capture the Flag. The girls were divided up into four groups and you could hear the running, screaming and laughing from afar!! They had a great time!


This morning we were off bright and early for our three day tiyul in the Golan!! Everyone is so looking forward to a marvelous Shabbos in Tzfat filled with spirituality.  First we went to Dugal, where the girls got to actually build rafts and go on them. The girls had a blast building the rafts together and then racing each other in them. Then, we went to the magnificent Kineret to swim at the separate beach. The view there is just breathtaking, and the water was so much fun and so relaxing and refreshing.


When we arrived at our hotel in Tzfat, many girls went to daven at Kivrei Tzadikim with Rabbi Andi Yudin. How special it is to be in the holy city of Tzfat for Shabbos.


We are looking forward to an absolutely incredible Shabbos here in the holy city of Tzfat!!


As always, you can see our pictures, blogs, videos and hear our speakers at our website,


Please feel free to be in touch with any comments, feedback or questions you may have.


Good Shabbos,


Mrs. Rivka Yudin




Michlelet NCSY



Latest Blog Posts

WEDDING and more!
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WEDDING and more!

We have had an unbelievable and jam packed last 2 days on Michlelet NCSY!
Yesterday we had the zechus of making a wedding on our own from start to finish and it was a truly incredible experience! Today we had a day on campus filled with learning, activities, and fun. Our guest speaker was Rabbi Ari Winter, the previous director of Michlelet NCSY. Tomorrow we are off to the North on a special 3 day tiyul, including spending shabbos in Tzfat!
Check out our pictures! Have a beautiful shabbos!!