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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight – Ati Levin

Ati Levin, from Queens, NY, is currently studying in Queens College. Ati is ecstatic to be spending her second summer on Michlelet NCSY with the most fantastic chabura out there!

The NCSYers in Ati’s chabura are: Tali Ginsberg (Woodmere, NY), Rachaeli Treitel (Monsey, NY), Michal Usher (Lawrence, NY), and Avigayil Wiener (Teaneck, NJ).

In Ati’s chabura we learn about different middos. Each day we focus on conquering a different middah. We acquire the skills necessary to do so, allowing us to actualize our kochos and live up to our potential.


My favorite part of Michlelet is…

Tali: “The laundry situation.”

Rachaeli: “The air conditioning.”

Michal: “The bus drivers.”

Avigayil: “The music that wakes us up in the morning.”

Michlelet on the front page of the Jerusalem Post!!!

We were featured on the front page of the Jerusalem Post this morning in a picture from greeting the Nefesh B’Nefesh flight yesterday!


Guest Speaker Rabbi Yaakov Glasser

Guest speaker Rabbi Yaakov Glasser of NJ NCSY, with a special surprise at the end: COLOR WAR BREAKOUT!!!

Chabura Spotlight – Hadassah Tirschwell

Hadassah, from beautiful Boca Raton, FL, is currently studying in Stern College for Women, where she focuses on Judaic Studies, Mathematics, and Philosophy.  After Stern, Hadassah hopes to pursue a career in Jewish Education Administration.  She is thrilled to be a Madrichah on Michlelet NCSY this summer, as she has the privilege of teaching amazing girls every day and share her love of Torah with others.

The NCSYers in Hadassah’s Chaburah are Tziporah Fink (Riverdale, NY), Naomi Javitt (Hillside, NJ), Naomi Sara Kolsky (Chicago, IL), and Malka Marmer (Brooklyn, NY). 


The topic of Hadassah’s Chaburah is the category of blessings known as the Birchos Hoda’ah, which focus of extremely unique physical phenomena or experiences such as great oceans, rainbows, people with severe deformities, or extremely beautiful people.  In the Chaburah, we attempt to discover and explore the hashkafic significance behind the existence of these unique phenomena.


In the Chaburah, we strive for an “intellectual-textual” approach, which blends a breadth of material and traditional sources together with articles and ideas that are creatively relevant.  The goal of the Chaburah is to become more accustomed to relating all aspects of our world back to the Master Creator of all such phenomena.


Tziporah Fink: “My experience of Michlelet has given me an opportunity to learn and grow while making friendships that will last a lifetime.”


Naomi Javitt: “The learning on Michlelet has given me the opportunity to learn different topics than I am usually exposed to.  I get to explore new styles of Torah and it’s really awesome!”


Naomi Sara Kolsky: “I am so privileged to be on Michlelet this summer.  Some of my favorite aspects are the amazing speakers we have, the Shabbasos, the Tiyulim, and the Chaburahs in which we have an opportunity to learn about things that we wouldn’t learn about in a regular classroom environment.”


Malka Marmer: “Michlelet has given me the opportunity to learn and grow in a warm, friendly atmosphere with amazing Madrichot who act as great role models.  This summer has been the Best. Summer. Ever.”

Nefesh B’Nefesh, Yad V’shem, Har Herzl, Bar Kochba Caves, & SURPRISE!

Today we had an unbelievable tiyul day! We began in the wee hours of the morning with greeting the Nefesh B’Nefesh flight at the airport and from there went on tours at both Yad VaShem and Har Herzl. We capped off the day with a trip inside the nice and chilly Bar Kochba Caves. Our guest speaker tonight was Rabbi Yaakov Glasser of NJ NCSY, who SURPRISE broke our color war at the end of his speech! You can listen to it here.

Check out our fabulous pictures from today!
Stay tuned for color war action and updates!

TJJA + Michlelet Video Recap!!!

We had the privilege of hosting TJJ Ambassador girls for 2 days on Michlelet, here is a recap of our amazing experience together!!!


We had the privilege of hosting the girls from TJJ Ambassadors for the last 2 days and it was unbelievable!
They joined us for our chaburas, classes, activities, chesed trips, and through the entire process of creating and hosting a bridal shower for the needy bride we will be making a wedding for IYH next week on Michlelet! We also heard 3 amazing guest speakers over these last 2 days: Rabbi Gotch Yudin, Rabbi Gavriel Friedman, and Mrs. Sara Leah Haber.

Check out our pictures to see how much fun we had together!

Chabura Spotlight – Esti Schwartz

ST Schwartz, born and raised on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, is a current student of Stern College for Women and is having an excellent time there. As of now, ST is studying Graphic Design and is involved in Sterns Drama Society and the Observer. This is ST’s second summer with Michlelet, the first when she was a Michlelet NCSYer, and is happy to report that everyday is getting even more awesome than the one before.


ST’s homeroom girls are Yael Blau (Beachwood, Ohio), Racheli Brakha (Memphis, Tennessee), Shira Gottlieb (Silver Spring, Maryland), and Eliana Nachman (Woodmere, New York)


ST’s chabura is exploring Sean Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens with a Jewish twist. We are going through each of his ideas and habits and then using sources from the Talmud, Tanach, and mussar sefarim to explain why they are these concepts will aid in being effective as well as happy.


The main goal of the chabura is to learn different ways to improve our relationship with ourselves, others and Hashem. Ultimately understanding why the habits are useful and how to implement them will hopefully make everyone involved, happier people and better Jews.


Yael: “I love Michlelet because the madrichot are always ready to listen and learn.”


Racheli: “I love that there are so many people to connect to.”


Shira: “I love Michlelet because there are always people to talk and listen to.”



Eliana: “I just love the girls here, this is really a place to strengthen your spirituality.”

Chabura Spotlight – Ora Laufer

Ora, hailing from Monsey, NY, recently finished her junior year at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women where she is majoring in Jewish education and minoring in political science. During the year Ora spends her time with the wonderful folks at New England NCSY and serves as chapter advisor for Newton, MA.  After loving Michlelet as a High Schooler she was very excited to have the opportunity to come back as a madricha last summer and this summer she is thrilled to be back once again as shana bet madricha (and of course to be co-running songsational, the best activity ever- CDs coming to a Judaica store near you).


The NCSYers in Ora’s chabura are Liat Clark (Teaneck, NJ), Maytal Cuperfein (Toronto, ON), Orly Ohayon (Jacksonville, FL) and Shira Wein (Queens, NY).


Ora’s chabura is on possessive pronouns in Tanach but she has never actually told anyone in the chabura this and all those outside the chabura who know have been sworn to secrecy. Each chabura or two looks at a different example of a possessive pronoun in Tanach that seems to be unnecessary, e.g: lech lecha or hachodesh hazeh lachem, and we try to understand together why these specific cases warrant special invitations from Hashem to take a mitzvah or instruction so personally.


The goal of the chabura is the source of its title: “V’sein Chelkeinu B’sorasecha”, the request we have to find our own personal portion in Torah. We speak a lot about the importance of finding pieces of Torah that resonate personally with us and to that end discuss the approaches of many different commentaries both early and more modern. Along the way we go off on tangents. A lot. But that keeps things exciting, coming with a Tanach ready to flip is always encouraged.


Quotes from the Crew:


Maytal: “My favorite thing about Michlelet is the madrichot learning!”


Shira: “I like everything about Michlelet!”


Liat: “I love the madrichot, especially morah who teaches me Torah!”


Orly: “I love how its so balanced: I love learning, I love doing chessed and I love exploring. It’s a great opportunity to grow and what’s better than learning and growing with NCSY with 97 girls and 26 madrichot in Israel?!”

Rav Gav Friedman – “YOU CAN DO IT”

Rav Gav Friedman from Aish Hatorah speaks to Michlelet and TJJ Ambassador girls on the topic of responsibility.