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About The Trip

Rav Doni Marcus – “Reaching our Full Potential”

Shiur by Rav Doni Marcus, Director of Student Life and a maggid shiur at Reishit (our gracious hosts for the summer)!

Guest Speaker – Mrs. Leba Schneider “How To Cry”

Our guest speaker tonight was Mrs. Leba Schneider, director of student affairs and popular teacher at Tiferet.

Beit Elazraki & Capture the Counselor

What a day!
We spent the morning enjoying teacher classes, chaburas with our madrichot, and fun activities.

This afternoon we went on a chesed trip to the Emunah Beit Elazraki Home for children at risk. Our campers spent quality time with the Beit Elazraki kids and we even brought a fun project with us- make your own picture frames!

Our guest speaker tonight was Mrs. Leba Schneider, director of student affairs and popular teacher at Tiferet. You can listen to the shiur here.

Night activity tonight was UNREAL! We traveled to the local mall in Beit Shemesh to play “capture the counselor.” All of our madrichot dressed up, hid, and blended in with other shoppers at the mall and each dorm room of campers teamed up to see who could be the first to find them all! Let’s just say some of the costumes were very realistic…

Don’t forget to check out our pictures from today and from our entire summer! Stay tuned for more to come!

Day on Campus & Best. Night Activity. Ever.

Today we enjoyed a fun and relaxing day on campus filled with fun chaburas from our madrichot, amazing classes with our teachers, and fabulous activities. Some of the offerings today were: pioneering, volleyball, art, tennis, cooking, sign language, SongSational, and more!

This afternoon we were privileged to be visited by Yeshiva University and hear a shiur from Mrs. Shoshana Schechter, a popular Tanach teacher at Stern college and the director of their Mechinah program. You can listen to it here.

Our guest speaker this evening was Rabbi Avrohom Willig, one of our favorite teachers on campus! It was a zechus to learn Torah with him all together with our entire camp and we couldn’t contain our laughter throughout! Once again, you can listen to it here.

Our night activity tonight was unique, fun, and delicious- we split into teams and each built one of the different keilim from the Beis Hamikdash!

Check out our pictures to see how they came out! Stay tuned for more!

Shiur by Rav Avrohom Willig 7-8-2013

Guest speaker shiur on July 8, 2013, Rabbi Avrohom Willig.

Mrs. Shoshana Schechter (YU) Shiur

Shiur given at Michlelet on July 8, 2013 by Mrs. Shoshana Schechter, Tanach professor at Yeshiva University Stern College for Women.

Tiyul Day!

Today we had an awesome tiyul where we visited Masada, the Dead Sea, and Ein Gedi!

Shana Bet toured a wine factory, Mishkan Shilo, Itamar, and more.

Don’t forget to check out our pictures and stay tuned for more!!!

Shavua Tov!

We had a beautiful first shabbos on Michlelet NCSY filled with divrei torah, zemiros, food, and time to bond with our new friends.

Tonight we had a pizza making melave malka! Check out our pictures to see how much fun we had!!

Shavua Tov from Michlelet NCSY! So excited for another fantastic week ahead!


Weekly Update #1 from Mrs. Yudin

Dear Michlelet NCSY Parents,

We are off to a phenomenal start here at Michlelet NCSY 2013! We have a fantastic group of girls this summer, from all over the US, Canada and Israel. The positivity, enthusiasm and excitement can be felt in the air.

On Monday, July 1st, after getting some food and refreshments at the airport, we came to our beautiful campus at Reishit. There, the girls put their stuff down while the porters brought their suitcases into campus, unpacked a bit, had delicious refreshments, got their phones and then had dinner. Following dinner, we had a fun “getting-to-know-you” game on our outdoor basketball courts.  Afterwards, we called it a night so the girls could unpack and get some very much needed sleep.

On Tuesday, after davening and breakfast, we had Orientation, where the girls got to meet our head staff formally and find out about our exciting program and schedule. The girls heard from myself, Mrs. Shanie Warman; Assistant Director,  Mrs. Shulie Fried our Camp Nurse and Camp Mom, Rabbi Andi Yudin, Aliza Saltzburg and Racheli Schwartz; Head Madrichot and Atara Starr and Mimi Fuchs; Activities Coordinators. Afterwards, we had the privelege of hearing from Rabbi Zev Leff, Rav of Moshav Matityahu and world renowned speaker and author.  He spoke so beautifully about Love of Eretz Yisroel and of ourselves. His words were so profound and inspiring.

After lunch, we headed out to the Old City, where we toured The City of David and hiked through Chizkiyahu’s Water Tunnels with our flashlights, where we got all wet and had a great (wet!) time, singing and cheering in the tunnels while splashing. Meanwhile, the Shana Bet girls went to the Hashmonayim Aqueducts in Armon Hanetziv and went on a special tour to see the latest findings in Ir David and to the Old City.  Then, we all got to daven (pray) at the Kotel; how special and moving that was. For some, it was the first time they had ever been to the Kotel!

We then headed for the Hass Promenade, the Tayelet, for dinner from Holy Bagel, where we got to take in the breathtaking view of sunset, from a place where you are literally overlooking all of Yerushalayim, the place where Avraham Avinu and Yitzchok were as they looked up and saw the place where the Akaida would take place.  There, we ate our Holy Bagel dinner, relaxing, while spending time with friends and meeting new people.  It was truly an amazing first day!

Wednesday, July 3rd, we had our first full morning and afternoon of learning and activities.  Our morning teachers, Mrs. Arielle Arielli, Mrs. Nilli Versheleizer, Mrs. Batya Weinberg and Rabbi Benjamin Yudin for Shana Bet, are all phenomenal, warm, special educators and we are so proud to have them on our staff.  

Following shiur, the girls got to learn from their madrichot chaburahs, the informal learning sessions with their madrichot (advisors.)  Follow us on our blog this summer and we will be posting Spotlights on the various Madricha Chaburot and the girls in them every few days, starting this coming week.

Following that, the girls had a plethora of activities to choose from- swimming, basketball, art, aerobics, pioneering, choir and drama. They got to have fun and let out some energy.

After lunch, we had our first afternoon schedule of learning. The girls got to learn from one of our incredible afternoon teachers.  Our afternoon teachers, Mrs. Sara Leah Haber, Atara Starr, Mimi Fuchs, Rabbi Avrohom Willig and Mrs. Shanie Warman for Shana Bet, are devoted, dynamic, incredible role models and we are so lucky to have them with us. Then, they had sessions with their second madricha (advisor.) You can check out all our madrichot on our staff page.

After afternoon learning, the girls got to choose another activity; whether it was Pioneering, Volleyball, Cake decorating, Exercise, Dodgeball or Dance, they had a great time.

In the evening, after dinner, we heard from our very first night speaker, Rabbi Menachem Nissel, renowned speaker and author of Rigshei Lev on Women and Tefilah. The girls were thrilled to hear from him, and he spoke of the power of the first passuk(verse) in Shema, perhaps the most powerful six words in our Tefillah. He explained how these six words depict our mission statement as the Jewish people in terms of what makes us unique and what we are here to accomplish. The girls laughed and laughed some more, walking away with an inspiring, thought- provoking message.

Then, we were off to our first night activity…. OLYMPICS!!  You could hear the cheering, singing and laughter from far away as the girls really got into the night activity, having a fantastic time, getting to know each other more and letting loose in a healthy fun environment.

Thursday morning, July 4th, we were up bright and early, davened, ate breakfast and went down to the buses for our first Thursday chessed trip (volunteering.) The girls were divided up into 3 and some went to Yad Eliezer, some went to Ohr Meir Uvracha and some went to the Jaffa Gate Institute.  In each place the girls got to package food. 

At Yad Eliezer, an organization providing thousands of people throughout Israel with food that they would otherwise would not be able to afford, the girls packed over 80 boxes to be sent out to 80 families. You can see the beautiful letter that Yad Eliezer emailed me later that day here. At Ohr Meir Uvracha, the girls packaged foods for terror victims in crisis. There, they got to speak with the incredible woman who started it, Mrs. Liora Tegdi, a mother of 10 who was injured a number of years ago in a car bomb attack in Jerusalem.  At The Jaffa Institute, located right outside Tel Aviv, the girls packaged foods that would soon after be distributed to needy families as well as Holocaust survivors. In all three places, the institutions were blown away by the efficiency, positivity, organization and helpfulness of our girls! The girls felt so good about the special chessed they had done!!

Then, they headed back to Reishit for lunch and then another fantastic afternoon of learning with their fabulous afternoon teachers and dedicated madrichot. Then, for activities, they chose from Choir, Drama, Volleyball, Basketball, Cooking/Baking or Weekly Newsletter.

After dinner, we had the privilege of hearing from Mrs. Shira Smiles, international lecturer and popular seminary teacher.  Mrs. Smiles’ brilliant and dynamic presentation had the girls riveted. Mrs. Smiles spoke about the five qualities of a leader which also apply to knowing yourself and growing as a person. From there, the girls went straight to our unbelievable Night Activity of “Iron Chef Michlelet!!!!” The girls were split into groups and asked to bake a dessert that would represent the theme of “July 4th”using 3 (very interesting) secret ingredients. They were judged based on taste, creativity and presentation…. and boy, were they creative! The results were fascinating, and the girls had a BLAST!!  You can hear them on our hotline cheering during the night activity!

Today, Friday, July 5th, the girls got to go to the Kotel for the second time this week as well as to the Meah Shearim/Geulah area and be part of the hustle bustle excitement of Erev Shabbos which takes place uniquely there. 

We are very excited for our first Shabbos here at Michlelet NCSY 2013. The girls have been singing looking forward to Shabbos songs all week and are really pumped and excited about it. We are looking forward to a beautiful first Shabbos filled with unity, singing, laughter and meaning, and we have special programs planned for the girls (including more “getting-to-know-you” activities) as well as Melave Malka for Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night.)

Please remember to check our website for updated blog, pictures, shiurim and more at

Our weekly pre-Shabbos recap video can be viewed there as well. In addition, I will be updating our phone hotline weekly. Enjoy!

Please feel free to be in touch throughout the summer with any feedback, comments, questions or concerns you may have. My email address is

On a personal note, I am looking forward to getting to know better each and every one of your daughters.

Good Shabbos,

Mrs. Rivka Yudin


Michlelet NCSY

Week 1 Recap Video!!!!