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About The Trip

July 4- Chesed Trip, Learning, Shira Smiles, Iron Chef

This morning we were lucky to go on our first chesed trip on Michlelet! We split into 3 groups and each traveled to a different chesed organization to package food for poor people.

This afternoon we enjoyed chaburas with our madrichot, classes with our teachers, and some exciting new activities including cooking!

Our guest speaker tonight was Mrs. Shira Smiles which was followed by a super delicious night activity – Iron Chef!

Check out our pictures (updated daily) and stay tuned for more!


Thank You Letter from Yad Eliezer

Michlelet NCSYers had the privilege to participate in a fabulous chesed trip this morning. We were broken up into 3 groups and each traveled to Yerushalayim to a different chesed organization to pack food packages to be delivered to poor people who cannot afford to buy their own. One of the groups volunteered for Yad Eliezer and we just received the following thank you letter from their director of public relations. We are so proud of our Michlelet NCSYers! Keep up the great work!


Dear Mrs. Yudin,

Boker tov.

We had the pleasure of welcoming and hosting a most impressive, caring and enthusiastic group from Michlelet NCSY this morning.

The excellent staff along with the dedicated young women made a very positive impression on all of us. The group was punctual (unusual for a group this size, especially at 9:30 a.m), very well behaved, highly motivated and very productive. They packed boxes for 80 families!!!

We hope that we will have the privilege of hosting more of these future leaders of Klal Yisrael.

Kol tuv,

Yossi Kaufman

Director of public relations, Yad Eliezer.

Rav Menachem Nissel Shiur

Guest Speaker on July 3, 2013

Day on Campus

Today we enjoyed our first full on campus day of Michlelet!

We kicked off the morning with our first homeroom sessions with our madrichot, followed by madrichot chaburas and teacher classes. Then we tried out our first activities! Some of today’s offerings were: art, swim, pioneering, dodgeball, volleyball, basketball, choir, drama, and aerobics.

Tonight we were lucky to hear from a fabulous guest speaker, Rav Menachem Nissel and then enjoyed an awesome night activity – Michlelet Olympics!

Enjoy our photos from today and stay tuned for more!

Orientation & Yerushalayim

Today we had a fabulous first full day of Michlelet!

We began with orientation given by our head staff, followed by a shiur by Rav Zev Leff Shlita.

After lunch we boarded the buses to head off to Yerushalayim for the first time! We toured Chizkiyahu’s Water Tunnels at Ir Dovid and then made our way up the block to the Kotel for a truly inspirational and meaningful davening. After the Kotel we went to the famous Tayelet overlooking the Old City and enjoyed a delicious Holy Bagel dinner!

More to come tomorrow with our first day of teacher classes and madrichot chaburas!

Check out our pictures updated daily!

We’ve arrived!!!!!

We’re here!!!!

Baruch Hashem we had a great flight and  arrived at Reishit a few minutes ago! We are now busy finding our rooms, unpacking, getting our phones, and enjoying some delicious snacks!

We’re loving it already!

Check our blog daily throughout the summer for posts, pictures, and updates!


Attention Michlelet NCSYers!!!!
Only 12 days left til Michlelet 2013! Can you believe it?!

Your head staff and madrichot are hard at work preparing for what will without a doubt be the best summer of your LIFE!!!!

To get yourself pumped up for the amazing summer ahead, be sure to check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, all accessible through this website. Also, check out our Instagram: @ncsymichlelet


Michlelet Video!!!

Check out our amazing Michlelet video…get pumped for the best summer of your life!!!!!!!!

Summer 2013 – Best. Summer. Ever.

NCSY Summer Programs are more than just summer trips. They’re one of the most meaningful and memorable experiences of a person’s life. NCSY runs twelve unique summer programs in the US, Israel and Europe that cater to teens with different interests and backgrounds.