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About The Trip

Chaburah Spotlight — Batsheva Steinberg

Batsheva Steinberg lives in Cedarhurst, NY and attended SKA high school, Michlalah for seminary and is now in Queens college where she is studying psychology and business. 
Batsheva spent her 10th grade summer as a camper on Michlelet and is excited to be back for the first year as a madricha. 
The girls in Batsheva’s Chaburah are- Atara, Blimy, Chava and Malka.
Her chaburah is called “#Blessed. Too blessed to be stressed” The topic focuses on having gratitude. Recognizing the good and “bad” in your life and thanking Hashem for it. The chaburahs delves into many aspects of our lives, for example:  family, friends, hardships, senses and self worth. The girls talk about why having gratitude is challenging sometimes and the importance of realizing how much good we all have in our lives that we take for granted. 

What is one thing you thanked Hashem for today? 

Atara- Waking up this morning 
Blimy-  It’s hard to choose just one thing 
Chava – My friends and my family 
Malka – That I was able to daven at so many holy kvarim this past shabbos in the north 


GIVE vs Michlelet (7/29/19)

Learning! Activities! Lunch! We headed off to different locations to paint schools and homes for underprivileged families. We enjoyed a Shiur by Rabbi Hajioff from Stern College for Women, and then NCSY GIVE came! We had a pregame achdus dinner and Shiur by Mrs. Yudin, and then we hit the courts. After an intense game, Michlelet beat GIVE with a score of 41 to 33.  

Heading Home from Tzfat (7/28/19)

After saying our goodbyes to Malon Ron in Tzfat, we went rafting down the Yarden by Kfar Blume. After braving the rapids, the group split for different trips. Some of us went to a tour of a honey making facility and learn about silk and candle making. Others went to the kevarim of Amuka and Rashbi. Another group went on a water hike Chatzbani, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and waterfalls. Lastly, a group visited Elaine Hoter, the mother of a terror victim, and heard her story in order to learn and work on themselves. We joined back together on the beautiful Reishit campus for dinner and unpacking, prepping for the coming week of fun! 

Boat Cruise (7/27/19)

After an inspiring Shabbos in Tzfat, filled with games, activities, shiurs, and a walking tour of the holy city, we loaded the busses and boarded a Kumzitz Cruise in Tevaria. We sang our hearts out and ate some delicious pizza, enjoying the views and company. 

Tzfat For Shab! (7/26/19)

We woke up at 6 this morning and headed off in different directions. Many of us headed off to go build rafts and then race them across the Kineret, with lots of “accidental” falling off along the way. The rest of us went to Tzfat’s artists’ colony to learn about glass blowing and art or to learn from a Stam Sofer and get our names written on a Klaf! From our separate places, we met up at the hotel, dropped our bags, and went off on an optional tour of Kevarim, including the Kevarim of R’ Shlomo Alkabetz and The A’ari. Finally, we had chill time to prep for Shabbos, and can’t wait to experience the magic of Tzfat. 

Chaburah Spotlight — Aliza Ochs

Aliza Ochs is from Passaic, New Jersey, and is studying accounting in Stern College for Women. She attended Bruriah High School before spending her incredible year in Israel at Michlalah. Aliza is so excited to spend her first summer on Michlelet teaching Torah and making a kesher with the girls!

The girls in Aliza’s Chabura are
Debbie, Malka, Tzippy and Ayala.

Aliza’s Chabura is called “Life is a Journey: Step by Step.” The goal of the Chabura is to study different middos in order to identify areas in our lives which we would like to work on, keeping in mind that the most durable growth is a growth that is built step by step. Our goal is to gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and how to channel our strengths and embrace our critical unique roles in Klal Yisroel. B’ezras Hashem, we hope this experience can have application for the rest of our lives.

What is something you gained/enjoyed from our Chabura?

Debbie: Something that I enjoy in our Chabura is how each topic is relatable, whether through stories, quotes, videos, etc. I feel that I am learning in a meaningful way and exploring new topics.

Tzippy: One thing which I gained is recognizing that Hashem put me in this world for a purpose and I have to find that purpose and fulfill it in the best way that I can.

Malka: One Chabura that stood out to me was about the power of Tefillah. Regardless of whether or not we see the direct result of our Tefillah, not one Tefillah goes unanswered.

Ayala: I enjoy our Chabura because it inspires me and helps me on my journey of becoming the true Bas Yisroel that I aspire to be.

TJJA + TJJ Bus 7 + BRIDAL SHOWER (7/25/19)

Today we had classes and activities with TJJA. We enjoyed a surprise visit from TJJ Bus 7 later on in the day, and all worked together to decorate and wrap presents for the bridal shower. Finally, the kallah Rochel arrived with her mother and sister. We danced and enjoyed a sunset dinner, and then presented and unwrapped presents together with Rochel. When the party ended, we enjoyed a Shiur by Rav Dovid Bashevkin. 

Chaburah Spotlight – Lexi Faleder

Lexi Faleder is from Silver Spring, Maryland and attended Berman Hebrew Academy for High School, then studied for a year and a half in Tiferet in Ramat Beit Shemesh. She is a first year madricha on Michlelet and is loving it so far! She teaches about the tefilah of Aleinu in her homeroom and her chabura topic is the Ani Maamins! By going through each of the Yud Gimmel Ikrei Haemunah, the girls delve into the meanings of these fundamental principles of emunah and learn more about how they can relate to and understand more about Hashem and Torah in a way that is meaningful and down to earth. We are so excited to continue learning, and iyH strengthening our emunah along the way!! 🙂

What is something that you take with you from homeroom or chabura?

“I love learning about עלינו because it really enhances my davening and helps me connect to Hashem.”—Yonina 

“In homeroom, we are learning about the tefillah, Aleinu. Since Aleinu is the last tefillah in davening, it is often said quickly without much Kavanah. Learning about the tefillah and understanding what it really means has already begun to increase my Kavanah when I say it. I really enjoy learning with my homeroom because we’ve created an environment where we can really take the things that we learn and apply them to our daily lives without any pressure.”—Adina 

“I love learning about Emunah in my Chaburah with Lexi because it helps me understand Hashem and how He runs the world.”—Rachel 

“I love that we have homeroom every morning because it starts my day off with inspiration and really makes me think about lessons I can apply throughout my day such as messages from aleinu.”—Devorah 

Chaburah Spotlight – Penina Torczyner

Penina Torczyner is from West Hempstead, New York. After attending SKA for high school, Penina studied in MMY for a year and a half. She is currently in Stern College, majoring in Jewish Education. This is her second summer as a madricha on Michlelet and it has been unbelievable with such incredible campers and staff!
Penina’s Chabura is titled “Confessions of a Shopaholic.” The Chabura explores famous advertisement slogans and their deeper messages, in an attempt to filter what the world tries to sell us through our Torah values.
The AMAZING girls in Penina’s chabura are Libbi, Mali, Aliza, and Leora.

“What’s your favorite part of being based in Reishit?”

Libbi: I like Reishit because of the location it’s in. The views by sunset are unbelievable. The hill we are on overlooks the whole Beit Shemesh and it’s so pretty to see all the views around us.

Mali: My favorite part about being in Reishit is that it’s a beautiful facility and has a lot of areas to hang out and do things. I love having it as my home base because there is always a place to go back to.

Aliza: Being based in Reishit is great because we have a great campus that has everything we need in it-dorms, a bais, courts, etc. and we also get a gorgeous view with lots of places outside to hang out and daven. Also, living in the same dorm let’s everyone hang out whenever they want and makes it easy to make new friends.

Leora: My favorite part of the campus is that there’s a basketball court, gym, and tennis courts. 


Chaburah Spotlight- Sophie Blumenthal

Sophie Blumenthal is from Woodmere, New York. She attended SKA for high school and then went on to study in Shaalvim for Women for a year and a half. She is currently studying Psychology in Stern College for Women. This is Sophie’s second summer on Michlelet and she is so happy to be back!

The girls in Sophie’s chabura are Ahuva , Dina,
Nava, Sarah and Mindy.

Sophie’s Chabura is called: “מעגל השנה- Practical Lesson from our Jewish Calendar”. Each chabura focuses on a different month on the calendar or Jewish holiday and what practical lessons can be learnt from it. Throughout the chaburas there are discussions, stories and activities to help the girls get a better understanding and appreciation for the holidays and the calendar. The goal is for the girls will be able to take what they have learnt from the chabura and apply it to their lives throughout the year.

What is your favorite activity we’ve done on Michlelet?

Ahuva- I loved Yom NCSY because it was a chance for everyone for all the different NCSY programs to come together and dance and have a fun time together.

Dina- Shabbos on Michlelet has been a highlight for me because it’s such a special time for the whole program to be together and to get to spend uninterrupted time with each other.

Nava- Climbing Masada was an incredible experience because the views were gorgeous and being there really strengthened my connection to Hashem.

Sarah- I loved sheep herding because it was something that I have never done before and it was so funny to watch everyone try to herd the sheep.

Mindy- Yom NCSY was my favorite activity so far because being there with all the other NCSY programs made me feel a part of something bigger and that was such a special feeling.