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About The Trip

Outdoor Training Sessions! (7/12/19)

We prepped on erev shabbos first mentally by hearing an incredible Shiur by Rav Dani Marcus, and then physically by going to a team building experience in the forest. We learnt a new language and worked together in small groups to overcome obstacles. After our outdoor training sessions, we headed back for some pre-shab pics and ended the day with a beautiful kabbalas shabbos.

Ir Dovid Tunnel Tours (7/11/19)

After a short orientation by Mrs.Yudin, the girls headed over to Yerushalayim where we explored Ir Dovid, learnt about our history, and watch a 3D educational movie. After learning about where we were, we hiked through the water tunnels with only flashlights! We ended off our day with a beautiful view of sunset as we davened mincha and ate a delicious catered dinner in Yemin Moshe. Later on, Shana Bet enjoyed a special mishmar with Rav Moshe Tzvi Weinberg to prepare for Shabbos. 

Michlelet Takes Off! (7/10/19)

The Michlelet group met on Tuesday at JFK airport to meet each other for the first time. Baruch HaShem, we landed safely in Eretz Yisroel and headed straight from the airport to the Kotel, where we started off our incredible summer on a high! After a meaningful davening, we bussed to Yeshivat Reishit, our official home away from home for the summer! After unpacking and getting to know our roommates, we had our first night activity- a questions game that turned into a full on chagiga. 


Banquet 2018

Chaburah Spotlight — Zehava Weinberg

Zehava Weinberg is from Woodmere, N.Y and will be attending Queens College. Zehava went to Central for high school and spent two incredible years in Tomer Devora. After spending a summer on NCSY Michlelet, Zehava could not wait to return as a Madricha.
Zehava’s chaburah is titled “The Pursuit of Happiness”. It goes through different ways a person can incorporate happiness into their lives. She covers topics such as Emunah, Bitachon, Self Esteem, Giving, etc. in the hopes that the girls in the chaburah will find ways to instill a genuine sense of contentment in their lives.
The girls in Zehava’s chaburah are, Adee Black (Cedurhurst, New York), Liala Ram (Baltimore, Maryland), Chaya Rosenberg (Lawrence, New York), and Bassie Shaw (Baltimore, Maryland). Sarah Bracha Miller, (Passaic, New Jersey).
What was your favorite part of Michlelet and why?

Adee- My favorite part of Michlelet so far was our trip to Eilat because In Eilat I tried new things I never would have done until then, such as repelling. Also, in Eilat I had the most amazing time on the sunrise hike with my friends and I saw a really beautiful sunrise.

Chaya- My favorite part about Michlelet so far was greeting the nefesh bnefesh flight from America. I loved welcoming all the families that made aaliyah and cheering them on as they got off the plane. It was very inspirational for me because all these people got up from their lives to embark on a new journey with their families in Erez Yisroel!

Liala- My favorite part of michlelet is when we went up north because i got to experience things I never did before with new friends.

Bassie- my favorite part of michlelet was visiting Tammy Carmel. When we first watched her previously-recorded shiur, I can admit that it was moderately striking, but when Tammy came out, that inspiration was transformed into something I will always remember.

Sarah Bracha- My favorite part of Michlelet is chaburah. I really like it because we discuss different topics related to our lives now and discuss different ideas and what we think about it.


Today we had an exiciting FULL day trip!! With an early wake up we boarded the buses and headed up north for the day. First stop was Kfar Kedem where we put on the outfits of our ancestors and learned about how they built the land of Israel. We also ate a yummy lunch with out hands, made pitas and rode donkeys! One group went to the Druze Village to learn about the Druze religion and also enjoy a delicious lunch. All girls enjoyed each trip and in the afternoon we all met up at AquaKef in Teveria for some water fun! There was big blow up obstacle courses on the water. Everyone cooled off and enjoyed an afternoon in the Kinenet. Afterwards we had a pizza dinner by the shore and came back to Reishit! Up next: BANQUET!


Today we had a very special opportunity on Michlelet. After a great morning of learning torah the girls all came down to the dining room to find out their jobs to wedding prep. We were involved in everything from flower to table settings to shtick and more! Some girls made mazal tov signs while other cleaned up the rooms we would need for the wedding. Many girls helped build the chuppah and decorate it exactly how the kallah wanted it to look. There were also girls who made place cards and beautiful center pieces. We also put up a gorgeous flower wall and made a stunning badekin. We had girls set up the tables for dinner and some work as wairesses for the evening. The girls had a BLAST taking part in this very special mitzvah. The kallah was extactic the entire time and was appreciative for every we did for her. We danced the night away and had a very special hands on experience with the mitzvah of mesameach chatan vkallah. 

Special Guest: Rav Sobolofsky

Today was a Torah-packed day at Reishit! Started off with regular homerooms, insightful chaburahs and teacher shiurs and activities that continued in the afternoon. We had the zechut of hosting Rav Sobolofsky for a Q and A session. The girls had given in questions beforehand and were happy to get them answered. We covered lots of topics, from tzniut, to davening, to how to stay inspired after the summer. The girls were blown away by Rav Sobolosky’s knowledge and helpful eitzah. After dinner we had another amazing guest speaker, Rabbi Benovitz visiting us from NCSY Kollel. At night we had our long awaited Michelelt’s Got Talent. We had lots of performers who sang, danced, showed us math tricks and so much more! 

Chaburah Spotlight — Yael Itskowitz

Yael Itskowitz is enjoying her first summer on Michlelet as a Madricha! She hails from Pittsburgh, PA and and is currently studying business in Sy Syms school of Business. Yael attended Shaalvim for Women for her year in Israel and feels so privileged to have the zechus to be back in Israel teaching Torah for the summer!

Yael’s chabura is called “20 Questions” and is about the big ideas and commonly asked questions in Torah. Some of the thought provoking questions include “What does it mean to have bechira?” “Why do bad things happen to good people?” “Why do we value questions in Judaism?” Together, we navigate these concepts by looking at a wide range of sources and hopefully come out with a deeper understanding of these ideas!

The holy girls in my Chabura include Dina Rothwachs, Tali Mosenkis, Rivkah Zigman, and Talia Bertman!

What is your favorite location in Reishit and why?

Tali Mosenkis- The beit midrash bc it’s always so full of Torah and it’s where all Michlelet girls learn and daven and connect with Hashem

Rivkah Zigman-my favorite spot is by the stairs looking out to the sun and the city. it’s a beautiful place to eat, shmooze, pray, talk to G-d or just look out and watch the city buzz:)

Talia Bertman-My favorite location in reishit is my room. I like my room because I like to hang out with my friends and roommates there and also it’s the place where I can sleep and rest for the next fun day!

Dina Rothwachs- I love the area near the fountain because after seudat shlishit every week we have an incredible kumzitz until the end of shabbos.