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About The Trip

First Day of Learning and Chesed!

michlelet July 19, 2016

What a day! We began the day with amazing learning in our homerooms, madricha chaburahs, and teacher classes!

We continued the fun with amazing activities including tennis, basketball, swimming, and baking!

We then went on our chesed trips to package food at Yad Eliezer and to pick fresh tomatoes from the Leket Israel fields! We played music, danced, and had the best time knowing we were helping others!

We ended off the day with an inspiring speech by Rabbi Nissel, a hilarious night activity of PANIC, and an optional shiur by our Madricha Coordinators!

Tons of fun! Tons of friends! Tons of good memories in the making.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, and check out today’s pictures!