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About The Trip

Sdeirot Carnival!!

michlelet August 16, 2016

We started off the day with a crazy fun carnival in the gym for children from Sdeirot. Fun booths included activities like apple bobbing, face paint, and various relay races, to mention just a few! The smiles on everyone’s face definitely out shined our bright tutus!

Today was our second to last day of learning on Michlelet 🙁 We love every chaburah and class, and we can’t believe how fast the time is flying! We keep singing “we don’t wanna go..”

We prepared for the talent show and hung out with out friends!

Shana bet had a special BBQ dinner at the Yudin residence.

We were privileged to hear Rabbi Yosef Mendelovitch speak to us tonight.

The grand talent show was amazing, entertaining, hilarious, and so fun!!! Campers and madrichot performed various songs, drama scenes, skills, impersonations…the list goes on! We have such talent on Michlelet!

We ended off the night by making WELCOME HOME SIGNS for the Nefesh b’Nefesh flight that we plan on meeting at the airport early tomorrow morning!

WHAT A GREAT DAY! Thank Gd! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

Stay tuned and check out all our pictures online!