Rachel (Rachi) grew up in Queens, New York and currently attends Queens College. She was a camper on Michlelet for two amazing summers and is now excited to be returning as a madricha for her third summer.
The wonderful NCSYers in Rachel’s chaburah are Nurit Esral (Teaneck, NJ(, Bracha Sabeti (Los Angeles, CA), Michal Ambalu (Queens, NY), and Kayla Libesman (Philadelphia, PA).
Rachels’s chaburah focuses on powerful times of prayer. The first half was focused on what powerful prayer means and how one can work towards achieving it. Through concentration and preparation we understand how to make our davening more desirable to Hahsem. The second half of the summer, the chaburah will be focusing on more specific times that our chachamim tell us are powerful times to pray. This includes holidays, times of day, while performing certain mitzvot; in addition to how certain emotions effect our power in our tefilah. “ I really enjoy learning together with the wonderful girls in my chaburah, I find it inspiring to see how every girls loves to participate and add insights to our sessions.” – Rachel
“It is a great feeling to wake up every morning and learn something new that we can apply to our everyday lives” – Kayla Libesman
“it’s really great to come back for a second summer on Michlelet and experience Israel in a totally different way. “ – Michal Ambalu
“It is really exciting when I can apply something that I learnt in my chaburah to my daily tefilah” – Nurit Esral
“Because of what we are learning in our chaburah, I find that my kavanah in my davening has really been enhanced” – Bracha Sabeti