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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight – Elana Kaminetsky

michlelet July 20, 2014

Elana Kaminetsky is from Boca Raton, Florida and attended Weinbaum Yeshiva High School. She then spent a year in Michlalah and is now a Junior in Stern College majoring in Math, but she has a secret passion for neuroscience. Elana spent one summer on Michlelet as a camper and is excited to be back as a madricha.

The girls in Elana’s Chabura are Elisheva Muskat (Oceanside, NY), Rebecca Russo (Riverdale, NY), Atara Huberfeld (Lawrence, NY), and Eliana Antosofsky (Teaneck, NJ).

Elana’s Chabura topic is “Emotions in Tanach.” After outlining and defining the emotion according to psychology and our general knowledge/experience, the girls delve into different stories and places in Tanach that discuss the emotion. With the help of mefarshim and other sources, they come out with an overarching lesson about the emotion. The goal of the chabura is to attain a greater appreciation for Tanach and the personal lessons that can come out if it.

Despite the change in location and schedule, we have been having an amazing time so far here in the North. What has been your favorite part?

Elisheva: “Everything has been awesome but if I had to pick one thing- hands down the schnitzel.”

Rebecca: “I really enjoyed all of the tiyulim we have done this summer but one specific trip I enjoyed was the raft building and Kfar Kedem. The raft building brought every group closer as we learned the importance of every individual. In Kfar Kedem we got to experience what life was like in Talmudic times.”

Atara: “If I had to pick just one aspect of our stay here, it would probably be the carnival we made for the children of חספין. The pure joy on the faces of the children and mothers alike was enough to fuel a love of חסד in me for a lifetime.”

Eliana: “I can’t say a favorite- I love it all. Even under the current circumstances, the camp has done an amazing job finding awesome activities to do.”