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Chabura Spotlight – Hadassah Tirschwell

michlelet August 4, 2014

Hadassah Tirschwell is thrilled to be back on Michlelet once again, having come as a camper in 5769 and as a Madricha last summer. She lives in Teaneck now, but grew up in Boca Raton, FL, and is currently studying in Stern and Azrieli, while working at Bruriah High School! In the long term, Hadassah plans to pursue a life dedicated to Torah through a career in Jewish Education Administration.

The amazing NCSYers in Hadassah’s Chabura are Eliana Benoff (Teaneck, NJ), Racheli Cohen (Houston, TX), Devorah Greenberg (Woodmere, NY), and Michal Minkowitz (Flatbush, NY).

This summer, Hadassah’s Chabura is called “Nishmas Kol Chai: Hashkafic Symbolism of Physical Creations.” What does that actually mean, you may ask? Together, the Chabura studies various creations mentioned in Perek Shira, with the goal of learning the symbolic lessons and hashkafos that emerge from each, thereby leading to an understanding and appreciation of the unique shira of each creation.

In light of Tisha B’Av which is approaching, and will hopefully be accompanied by the rebuilding of the third Beis Hamikdash, what aspect of the Beis Hamikdash are you most looking forward to?

Eliana: “I can’t wait for Kibbutz Galiyos because I really want to make Aliyah, and that way I won’t have to leave anyone behind!”

Racheli: “My father will bring home the prime ribs of the korbanos because he is a kohen! On a more serious note, I can’t wait for there to be no more fear of our enemies.”

Devorah Greenberg: “I am looking forward to peace in the world, shalom among Jews, and no enemies fighting against us, which we really need at a time like this.”

Michal Minkowitz: “I am most excited for the Shiras Halevi’im because when we sing, it sounds beautiful, so I can only imagine the Levi’im sing to Hashem.”