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About The Trip

A Meaningful Tisha B’Av

michlelet July 26, 2015

Tisha B’Av started on motzei shabbos this year, and the transition from shabbos to eicha was intense. The program for the night of Tisha B’Av was a walk through Jewish history and the Churban, with an incredible kumzitz. The morning was spent saying kinnos, with madrichot introducing them in meaningful and insightful ways. We concluded Tisha B’Av together with another powerful kumzitz, this one filled with uplifting songs transitioning us into Menachem Av. We had a delicious meal for break fast with bagels and salad and pasta! Tisha B’Av was incredibly moving, and will have an impact on us for the rest of they year. May it be the last time we sit on the floor mourning the Churban, and may we look forward to spending next year in Yerushalayim!