Introducing a new feature on our blog! We will be showcasing our amazing madrichot and their chaburas. Enjoy!
Baila Bachrach is from Chicago, IL. She attended Hanna Sacks for High School, then spent a year and a half in Michlalah, and is now a Junior in Stern College. She is pursuing a degree in Mathematical Economics.
The girls in Baila’s chaburah are Esti Steinberg (Chicago, IL), Rivka Zimmermann (Cederhurst, NY), Elinor Babyoff (Brooklyn, NY), Michal Richland (Brooklyn, NY) and Sheva Greenberg (Teaneck, NJ).
Baila’s chaburah is called “Disney Gone Jewish.” The chaburah is centered around the incredible power of the imagination within personal growth. Throughout the chaburah Baila uses different Hebrew and English sources to connect stories from Disney films to applicable and relevant Jewish concepts. The girls delve deeply into these ideas through activities, sources and open discussions. The goal of this chaburah is to assist the girls in gaining an appreciation for these many different topics in a fun and relatable way.
Question: If you could be any Disney character, who would you be and why?
Michal – Belle because she sees the beast for who he truly is. She is able to see past the outside and straight into the inside, which is what truly matters.
Elinor – Cinderella because although she had nothing in her life she managed to still appreciate everything she did have. She is shown throughout the movie as a girl filled with simchas hachaim. That even in her rags and with the people around her pushing her down she is constantly happy.
Rivka – Elsa because you can truly see her strength that she was willing to put her entire life down the drain just for the safety of others. She conceals everything she has in order to ensure the safety of her people. This shows us that we should always care about other people and if there is something we do that could hurt another we should be careful to conceal it. Any time we may unintentionally hurt another person we should hold ourselves back in this same way
Esti- Mulan because she fights for what she believes in (her family and country), although this means putting her life in danger. This connects to Judaism and the Torah because being a Jew we have something worth fighting for. We have the Torah, our religion, and our country. She was willing to give up everything for these things and so to we as Jews should aspire to be like this and be willing to give up everything for Hashem, our father who loves us so much.
Sheva- Wendy because even though she enjoyed her time in never land and had a fun side. She knew what was important and when it was time to go home and take care of the things she was needed for.