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Chaburah Spotlight: Tova Hammer

michlelet July 26, 2015

Tova Hammer is from Woodmere New York. After learning in Eretz Yisroel for a year, she is now in Stern majoring in Judaic studies and English communications (don’t ask her what that is … Sometimes she’s not sure). Tova has rejoined the Michlelet team after a fabulous summer here as a camper.

Tova’s Chaburah is studying leadership training in tanach. They are looking at the interactions of our leaders and those who trained them to be so great, and taking lessons for themselves on leadership. The girls can’t wait to delve deeper into these “rebbe” – “talmid” relationships and learn how to become leaders!

If you can meet any leader from tanach who would you want to meet?

Devorah Pinczower, (Riverdale NY): Shlomo because he was “chochom mikol adam” and he used this gift to be able to help others and improve society. He excelled in areas of the heart and mind.

Bracha Mindell, (Lawrence NY): Yosef because he was able to withstand the secular influences and continue to serve Hashem even in Egypt. We can look to him to learn how to also withstand the test of our time’s galus.

Rachel Gutmann (Passaic NJ): Yirmiyahu because learning about him in our Chaburah made me see that his struggles were very relatable to my own life.

Moriel Draiman (Chicago Illinois): – Dovid because even though he had such a hard life he was still able to always thank Hashem and even wrote Sefer Tehillim to fully express how thankful he was.