Ayelet Shachar is from the royal village of Queens,NY. After attending SKA, she spent an amazing year and half of learning in Shaalvim for Women. She is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology at Queens College.
Ayelet is so excited to be on Michlelet for the first time and feels truly lucky to be spending her summer on such an special program.
The incredible girls in Ayelet’s Chaburah are Rachel Ash( Cedahurst,NY),Shira Galler(Woodmere,NY) Ayelet Rosenwasser(Chicago,IL) and Racheli Brunner(Woodmere,NY).
Ayelet’s chaburah is called “Build a בת Workshop”. The Chaburah is based off the idea that every mitzvah corresponds to a body part and that a person can only become an אדם שלם by pursuing all types of mitzvot and middot. Just as every limb and organ is essential,so too each mitzvah we have been given is essential in our service of HaShem and in becoming our best selves.Each day,the girls delve into a different body part and the corresponding middot or mitzvot related to it. Topics covered include the middah of Ayin Tova for the eyes,the importance of Torah learning in correspondence to the head or the significance of washing Negel Vaaser in relation to our hands and so forth. Through learning together, they hope to better understand Torat HaShem, have a stronger sense of self awareness, cultivate a feeling of responsibility for the world around us and to ultimately strengthen our shmirat hamitzvot and connection to each mitzvah and middah in a practical way for our daily lives.
What is your favorite Kumzitz song and why?
Rachel Ash: אשא עיני:
This song is about realizing that Hashem is the source of everything in my life. Therefore if I am in a difficult situation I need to remember that Hashem is the one that placed me in this situation and He knows what I can and cannot handle. This can give us chizuk that Hashem gave this to me, but He has faith in my ability to handle it. Also knowing that the situation is from Hashem in the first place helps us because then we know that Hashem can also bring the Yeshua!
Shira Galler: אם אשכח ירושלים
I love the words describing the fundamental concept of always keeping ירושלים on your mind and in your heart. ירושלים is the focal point of the entire unvierse, meaning most of the kedusha in the world resonates there at the kotel where G-d is waiting for us to come back to Him. Therefore if this city and all of its Kedusha is forgotten we would be as lost as if we had “lost our right hands”. This is a very important concept and must be kept in mind and close to our hearts.
Ayelet Rosenwasser: ברכת הבנים
The reason I love this song is because the words in this song describe a beautiful tefillah of what we want for our future. It is a very emotional song that talks about how we are asking Hashem to allow us to raise children who are G-d fearing and עוסקים בתורה- constantly involving themselves in Torah. Not only this, but we also want to lead our own lives like this as an example for our children.
Racheli Brunner:Yisroel Yisroel
I love this song because I think it really makes you understand why we mourn the בית המקדש. We sing about HaShem asking us why we would stray from the Torah when he gives us everything we could ever wish for. This song really made me feel what we are missing now that we don’t have the בית המקדש and motivated me to really want to help rebuild it so we can bring משיח במהרה בימינו.