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About The Trip

Mrs. Yudin Weekly Update #6

michlelet August 20, 2016
Dear Michlelet NCSY Parents,

It is almost impossible to believe that I am writing the final weekly letter of the summer! What an incredibly charged week it was full of meaning, growth and so much fun. We have experienced so much so deeply. We have experienced the lowest lows to the highest  Highs. It is hard to imagine your daughters have ever experience a week so growth filled, feeling so deeply connected to Am Yisrael in so many special ways.

The week began with Tisha B’av – the saddest day of the Jewish calendar. It was a very powerful day here at Michlelet –full of contemplation and connection with the tragedies that have befallen Am Yisrael, both past and present. We cried together and sang from the bottom of our hearts that we should merit Mashiach’s arrival. We ended off the day with a beautiful kumzitz overlooking the hills of Beit Shemesh – so united in song and hope for the geula to arrive. Although it has not yet come, I am confident that Tisha B’av here was a very meaningful step in the process of Mashiach’s arrival. So many girls said that was the most powerful and profound Tisha B’av they had ever experienced.

Contrast Tisha B’av with the incredible wedding we were privileged to make on Monday!!! The girls worked so hard to prepare every single detail of the gorgeous chasuna we made on Monday night. They prepared the chuppa, the kallah’s chair, the yichud room, the set up, waitressing etc…  It was all done with love and excitement and pure Ahavat Yisrael. And when the wedding actually began, they each did their part to make the evening beautiful and so memorable. There were so many times throughout the evening that my eyes welled up with tears as I watched how hard the girls worked and how sensitive they were. They were so thoughtful and careful that no one else at the wedding figure out that we had funded and were making the wedding. They made sure to dance only at the outskirts of the circles for the first dance and part of the second , so she should be able to dance with her family and friends first. It was true true chessed, not done for their own recognition or honor, but truly for the sake of the Kallah and her family. I was really blown away! As we said our final mazel tov to the Chassan and Kallah, the kallah was in tears as she thanked us from the bottom of her heart for making her such an amazing wedding.  As her father said afterwards, in his wildest dreams, he could not have imagined as beautiful a wedding as this. A special thanks to each of you who helped make this wedding a reality. You are truly a most generous parent body – and we can clearly see where the girls get their generosity and goodness from.

Tuesday morning we didn’t skip a beat as we hosted a carnival for children from Sderot. Another incredible high here on Michlelet as the girls prepared fun booths with all kinds of contests and games to make kids they never met before so happy. Ahavas Yisrael to the max, was once again the feeling that was felt here and the priceless smiles on the faces of the kids was a true testament to the fun and joy that was had by all!

Wednesday was our final tiyul. We woke up really early (5:00) and were off to greet a Nefesh B’nefesh flight! We welcomed the olim with tremendous enthusiasm and simcha! We once again had the privilege of displaying Ahavas Chinam – as these people were not our family members. But they are our brothers and sisters and you could really feel the brotherhood and love in the room as they were warmly welcomed by our girls and the many others that came to greet the flight. From my perspective, it was especially touching, as our family made Aliyah eight years ago. I know how difficult it is to start anew without family and the emotions felt at that time, and to be greeted by so many dancing, happy fellow Jews, is such a comfort and so incredibly heartwarming. It was especially touching, as three previous Michlelet NCSYers were on the flight, making Aliyah with their families.

From there we drove up north to Luna Gal, a great water park where we enjoyed a very refreshing and fun time in a relaxed and splashy environment. It was “chill time” – very needed as the girls had been so busy with chessed and of course incredible learning the days before the trip. We ended off the day in Kfar Kedem, where we made pitas and went on Donkey Rides– riding high and having a blast. We were treated there to a delicious dinner prepared for us in Kfar Kedem.

All this went on, of course, with a regular learning schedule, where the girls learned from madrichot, teachers, had optional shiurim, speakers and  were excited about learning Torah!

Our last “regular day” was yesterday. It was bittersweet – as we knew it was the last time we would have our classes, chaburahs and teachers for this summer. The girls were really thirsty and made the most of the final classes.

We then got ready for our banquet! What a beautiful evening it was – as we all sat together and reminisced the past indescribable six weeks here at Michlelet NCSY. We heard from our peers, our staff and had a chance to express our hakarat hatov for all those individuals who helped make this summer the awesome one that it was.

And then ….. We exploded!! We had Shlomo Katz and his band come and play a great concert for us. I cannot possibly describe the ruach, excitement and joy in the room as we danced together in celebration of what we accomplished together this summer. What a perfect ending to a near perfect summer!!

We B”H still have one Shabbos together and we are all so excited to share it here on Michlelet NCSY 5776. Shabbos on Michlelet is truly indescribable!!

We have experienced the lows, but we also have enjoyed really high highs. We hope all Klal Yisrael experiences true nechama this Shabbos Nachamu and that we all can soon join together to sing and dance as hundreds of planes land here to greet Mashiach speedily in our days.

Good Shabbos,

With Love from the Holy Land,


Rivka Yudin