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Chaburah Spotlight – Shana Weiser

michlelet July 20, 2017

Shana Weiser is from Lower Merion, Pennsylvania and is currently a senior in Touro College Manhattan studying biology to eventually become a physicians assistant. Before that, she was lucky enough to spend a year studying Torah in Michlalah. Shana is pumped to be on Michlelet for her second summer as staff and she is also loving being the Madricha for Shana Bet!
The amazing and inspiring girls in Shana’s Chabura are Mindy Lowy (Lawrence), Shana Schwalb (West Hempstead), Ariella Wolf (Atlanta), and Julia Blumenthal (Woodmere).

Shana’s Chabura is called “Wonder Women: Lessons from Jewish Women throughout History”. Shana goes through different women through Jewish history such as Esther, Rut, Chulda, Sarah Schenirer, and Rebbetzin Machlis and discusses the middos that each one embodies and the lessons we can learn from each of these giants. Shana loves to challenge each girl in her chabura to take a personal lesson for herself from each woman and hopes that the girls can internalize these lessons for life!

Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

Julia: Mickey Mouse because the way he planned his house so beautifully is just like how HaShem is the architect of our lives and plans it so beautifully.
Shana: Olaf because he loves hugs and we learn from him to have ahavas hoarsely and hug everyone.
Mindy Lowy- Lumiere from beauty and the beast because he is like an eved HaShem and lives to serve his master.
Ariella- rapunzel because boy can she paint and follow her dreams (I’ve got a dream I’ve got a dream ?) and her hair is super spiffy!