We had a beautiful Shabbos Nachamu in Tzfat! We began our weekend early Friday morning as we loaded the buses and made our way up to Tzfat. On the way up, we split into two awesome trips! Some of us went to the kineret where we had a raft building competition and race. We were given wood, rope and barrels and had to create a working raft out of those supplies. It was a lot of fun working together and getting to refresh ourselves in the water on a hot day. The other trip for the day was a walking tour of Tzfat where we were able to walk around the incredibly city, experiencing the artist colony and getting a taste of the unique Tzfat culture.
Before Shabbos there was an optional tour of the kevarim of great tzaddikim buried in Tzfat lead by Rabbi Yudin. Many girls took advantage of this awesome opportunity.
Shabbos was brought in through a powerful Kabalas Shabbos with beautiful dancing, followed by dinner and zemiros. After dinner we had our Friday night tisch led by our famous Rebbe and Rebbetzin, Vilda and Chaya. Shabbos day we had a nice kiddish followed by a game of Melarky! We had an uplifting lunch, again filled with beautiful zemiros. In the afternoon, girls had the option to go on a walking tour of the old city of Tzfat, and to go to the “sound cave,” a cave with amazing acoustics where the girls had a kumzits. We ended off shabbos strong with shaloshseudos as we then ebbed shabbos away in a kumzitz overlooking beautiful Tzfat.
Motzei Shabbos we had a great time dancing and singing on a party boat!! We made our way to Teveria and borded the boat as we sailed out to the middle of the Kineret and danced the night away!
Today, we began our day with rafting down the Yarden and then had a delicious pizza, pasta and salad, picnic lunch. After that, we split into three trips groups, one group went to Meron and Amukah to daven at Kevrei Tzadikim, another to the De Karina chocolate factory, and the last group went on the Chitzbani water hike. Then we all met back home at Reishit for a delicious dinner! This has been a fun, uplifting, and connection filled weekend! Looking forward to an amazing last week with our Michlelet family!