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About The Trip

Chaburah Spotlight — Eliana Antosofsky

michlelet July 17, 2018

Eliana Antosofsky is from Teaneck, NJ. After attending Maayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, she spent a year and a half learning at MMY, and is currently in Stern College. Eliana is excited to spend this summer in Eretz Yisroel with the incredible girls on Michlelet!

The girls in Eliana’s Chabura are: Racheli Finkelstein, Elisheva Ismach, Elaina Korn, and Elana Newhouse.

Eliana’s Chabura is called “The Sound of Torah”. Each day a different song from either Tanach or Judaism is discussed. The goal is to show how music fills a role in our lives that nothing else can fill, as well as to make all of these songs that we sing (or say) all the time relevant to our lives. For example, Az Yashir teaches about Emunah, and Hallel teaches about the avoda of simcha. Once we know what the songs we sing all of the time mean, we will be better equipped to have kavana while saying those shiros.

How is Michlelet living up to your expectations?
Racheli Finkelstein: Michlelet is living up to my expectations because It is a perfect balance of everything a teenager wants to gain from a summer plus so much more.
Elisheva Ismach: Michlelet is definetely living up to my expectations. As I hoped I would, I’m learning so much from my madrichot, teachers, and amazing people and girls around me! I’m connecting to Israel and the Torah on a higher level then I ever have and I’m definetely having the best summer ever so far!!
Elaina Korn: Michlelet is living up to my expectations because of the learning, touring and chesed, it is exactly how I thought it would be, the learning is making me want to know and learn more for the sake of learning not tests. The touring is amazing being able to see the places we learned about all of our lives.
Elana Newhouse: Thank G-d, michlelet is reaching my expectations and each day gets better and better.