Atara Benovitz is from Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel. She attended Tehila high school in Yerushaliam, and is currently studying industrial engineering in Machon Tal College, while working as a madricha at Michlalah seminary. Atara has been on Michlelet for a few summers as a camper and she is super excited to be back for her first summer as a madricha!
Atara’s chabura is about common Jewish phrases, such as Baruch Hashem, Im Yirtzeh Hashem, Bli Neder, Hashem Yishmor etc. Together with the girls in her chabura they learn and discuss what the phrases mean, when they are used, and then learn about the concepts and midos that can be learned from the phrase.
The fabulous girls in Atara’s chabura are: Adina, Alana, Ayelet, Emuna and Leora.
Which Jewish phrases do you use most in your life and why?
Adina: The Jewish phrase that I use most in my life is Baruch Hashem. The reason I say it the most is because whenever anything good happens to me, or if just want to thank hashem
for everything He does, I can just say Baruch Hashem and that says it all, since it literally means bless Hashem. I also say this phrase a lot because I think that at least twice a day we should recognize that we have hashem with us, and thank him.
Alana: My favorite phrase to say is chasdei Hashem. A lot of times we take credit for what we do, and disregard Hashem in a good situation. If we just stick in chasdei Hashem we bring Hashem into our lives and show that all comes from Him.
Ayelet: Ma Rabu Maasecha Hashem.
I use this phrase a lot, especially in Israel.
Every time I see the sunset and the views in Israel it makes me realize how lucky we are and how much hashem does for us to make the world so beautiful.
Emuna: Im Yertzeh Hashem. I often use this phrase because I feel it is important to recognize that a plan can only be carried out if, and only if, it is the will of Hashem.
Leora: Bezrat Hashem- with Hashems help. This phrase comes up in my day to day life constantly. With hashems help I will…pass this test…get to where I’m going with no traffic. It can be used with every situation not just something intense. When saying this phrase it also gives a sense of comfort because I know that Hashem is on my side and will always help me with even the smallest of things.