Kayla Samet is from Monsey, NY. She attended Manhattan High School for Girls and then Bnos Sarah Teacher’s Seminary in Eretz Yisroel. She is currently studying for a degree in Education and Psychology.
Kayla was a camper in 2015 and is thrilled to be able to give back to Michlelet as a madreicha.
Kayla’s Chaburah is called “In Thier Footsteps, Ma’ase Avos Siman L’banim.” The Chaburah focuses on different stories in Tanach and how to apply them to our lives. We study stories such as Yona, Shimshon, Meraglim, and Iyov. These stories teach us life lessons that we can all gain from by looking at the pessukim in Tanach and focusing on how the situation was dealt with. The goal of the Chaburah is for the girls to realize how Torah is applicable to our lives in all different stages and experiences we may go through.
Kayla’s chaburah is made up of the best 5 girls around: Michal, Rivka, Tzirel, Talia and Devorah.
What is one idea so far that you learnt on Michlelet that had a strong impact on you?
Michal- An idea that had a big impact on me is the fact that tefillah should always be our first resort. If you don’t see your tefillos being answered that doesn’t mean that HaShem is not listening. Instead, it means that He hears your tefillos but is doing something else that’s better for you.
Rivka- In my teacher shuir we discussed being dan lichaf zechut- giving the benefit of the doubt. We learnt “Judging others doesn’t define them, it defines you.” This lesson really spoke to me because it’s so easy to make assumptions about people, but I have to realize not everything is how it seems.
Tzirel- A new idea that I learnt so far on michlelet is אור זרע לצדיק ולישרי לב שמחה and it means that when you stand up for Hashem and you do his רצון then you will be happy in the end. Sometimes you need to stand up for things that really is what Hashem wants but it’s hard to do it because you may be the odd one out. However, I learnt that although it’s hard in the moment, in the end you will be the happy one. This is comforting to know that even though it can be hard to stand up for what is right, it will ultimately lead to happiness.
Talia- An idea that resignated with me is when we say “Rabah Emunasecha” in Modeh ani it’s not only saying how great is our faith is in HaShem, but how great His faith is in us. It shows us that if HaShem believes in us of course we should believe in ourselves.
Devorah- One idea I learnt on Michlelet so far and impacted me is when we learnt the story of Shimshon. Shimshon said his strength is in his hair, but really his strength came from Hashem. This is a message for us to remember all our strengths come from Hashem, and not to depend on anything else for our strength.