Chaburah Spotlight: Ayelet Pfeiffer
Ayelet Pfeiffer is from Bergenfield NJ, and has the amazing privilege of returning to Michlelet as a madricha. She went as a camper and is so excited to be back! Ayelet went to Bruriah for high school, and then to Tiferet for a meaningful year and a half. She is currently in Touro College majoring in psychology, with plans to pursue a profession in Jewish Education. She also serves as a teacher in RYNJ, along with working as an 8th grade mentor this past year. Her Chaburah is called “A walk through Tehillim”. Ayelet goes through different psukim of tehillim and brings out the theme from that pasuk. Her goal is for her campers to gain a love for Tehillim and to connect to Hashem while being inspired by just one line. She hopes her girls can use her chizzuk in all situations in the future. The girls in Ayelet’s Chaburah are: Eliana (Naaleh), Ayala (Bruriah), Adina (TMM), Malka (TAG), and Lizzie (MHS).
What was the highlight of your Michlelet experience?
Eliana- My highlight of michlelet was when we went to the kotel for the first time after quarantine. During dinner on the first day of camp, the announced we were out of quarantine and going to the kotel. Being there for Mincha and seeing Jews from all over davening together was my favorite thing we have done.
Ayala- One of my highlights this summer was when we had the opportunity to go to Seeach Sod. We danced and made projects with all the kids there and it made all the kids smile which made me happy!
Adina- A highlight of my Michlelet experience is the Madrichot and how they make amazing chaburas and how much we can learn from and relate to them, and i can connect the lessons i’ve learned into my daily life and make my day so much more meaningful.
Malka- The highlight of my michlelet experience was meeting a lot of new people and being able to explore Israel with them. I enjoy seeing and learning about different cultures and understanding how there there is no one way of life.
Lizzie- My favorite part of my Michlelet experience is getting to go on meaningful and fun trips with my friends.
Chaburah Spotlight: Tali Shabat
Tali Shabat is from Chicago and went to Hanna Sacks for high school, followed by a year and a half in Darchei Binah. She is currently in Touro College for business. Tali is so excited to be back spending her second summer on Michelet, and first as a Madricha.
Tali’s Chabura is titled “What Are You Made Of?” where she discusses different middos that are a part of who we are, and how we can improve in each middah. For example ayin tova, jealousy and privacy.
Tali’s Chabura is made up of an amazing group of girls including Eliana (Tiferes), Mali (MHS),Miriam (BYOB), Myah (TAG), Talia (MHS), Yael (MHS).
Eliana- My favourite night speaker so far was Rabbi Willing. He talked about the importance of loving another Jew/friend. Someone who greets someone by either asking how they are or just even smiling at them is validating and makes the person feel important. A person who does this has given them the most amazing gift of all. Listening to Rabbi Willing opened my eyes and ears to this amazing lesson of אהבת ישראל.
Miriam- I learn so much from all the night speakers on Michlelet, but if I had to choose one that I especially connected to then it would be Rabbi Turetsky. He gave over inspiring words through anecdotes and personal examples. He spoke about reciting 100 brachos a day, in theory this sounds very difficult but he explained that really it’s not so difficult as long as we remember to recite these brachos while doing our daily tasks. He also gave many examples about hashgacha pratis and pushing yourself a little bit past your comfort zone in order to grow from it. He showed us that we can truly connect to HaShem through our brachos every single day.
Talia- My favorite night speaker was rabbi willig because his words really spoke to me. “Words change moods.. moods change lives”. I feel like that really impacted me and taught me how important the things you say are. Be careful with what you say, because the words you say can change someone whether for the better or for the worse.
Yael- My favorite night speaker was Moe Mernick because by speaking about his personal struggle with his stutter he showed that every person goes through struggles, while making it relatable to our lives. He gave over the message that sometimes it takes time to see Hashems ways, and that people won’t necessarily avert to the thought process of everything’s from hashem, that can take time. But looking closely you can see it’s all from Hashem, and that no matter what Hashem is there for us at all times.
Mali- My favorite night speaker was Moe Mernick because it was so inspiring to see how someone with such a big challenge is able to overcome it every single day. His story was really interesting and it was amazing to see how he grew so much from everything he went through in his life.
Myah- My favorite night speaker was rabbi willing bc he spoke about how love saves lives and that really stuck to me rabbi willing says “somebody who excepts there friend with a want/with love it’s as if u gave them the greatest gift in the world” and I feel this is a very good lesson to have in our minds in this day in age so we can iyh bring mashiach in our times!!
Reishit Campus: Wedding Recap
Final Day of Learning and Banquet
Today was an awesome day! We started it off with an inspiring morning of learning and activities. Then we had a rocking banquet with an insane dance, songs and the end of the summer video. After our friends at lev came and we were treated to a concert from Ari Goldwag!! This was an incredible way to end the Best. Summer. Ever.
-Chana, Teaneck, NJ
Reishit Campus: Summer 2021
Final Tiyul
Today was a crazy fun day!! We started with early wakeup and traveled up north to Kfar
Kedem. There we made fresh pitas and then had an amazing lunch. After that we all took turns riding and leading donkeys which was a great experience that really took us back in time. Some people went on a super fun water hike and then had lunch in a nearby kibbutz. We all met up in Aqua Kef where we had an awesome time running around on the obstacles on the Kineret. At the end of the day we had Pizza Hut at everyone’s favorite rest stop. This was an incredible tiyul to end of an insanely fun and inspirational summer.
-Gila I., Great Neck, NY
Wedding Day!
Today was an amazing day and one that I will remember forever! We started off the morning with our incredible morning chaburahs and teacher shiurs and then we headed to do some very exciting wedding prep! I set up the chuppah and it was absolutely beautiful! Then we had our afternoon chaburahs and teacher shiurim which were super inspiring. After that, we finished setting up the wedding and got ourselves all ready! Finally, it was time for the wedding! The bride looked absolutely gorgeous! We welcomed the chosson and kallah with tons of excitement and love. The chuppah was unreal and extremely heartwarming, the chosson and kallah were overwhelmed with joy. We then had a delicious meal followed by dancing. It was so amazing and nice to see the chosson and kallah so happy, and to know we all played a big part in that is such an amazing feeling! After lots of dancing and fun, we had to call an end to the night. The wedding day was very special and exciting, one that I will keep with me forever!
Avigail D., Bergenfield, New Jersey
Chaburah Spotlight: Yona Leibowitz
Yona Leibowitz is from Toronto and attended Tiferes Bais Yaakov followed by an amazing year and a half at Michlala. She is currently pursuing a business degree at SUNY Empire State College. This is her second summer on Michlelet and first as a madricha. Yona’s chaburah is called “Changing the game of life through tefillah” and it connects games to different parts of tefillah. For example, connecting the game of concentration to kavanah and broken telephone to Shema. Yona’s chaburah helps give the girls a better understanding of the words of tefillah so that they can have a more meaningful davening.
The amazing girls in the chaburah are Perri (TAG), Tamar (Hadar), Liana (Naaleh), Chanie (TAG), and Eliana (Naaleh).
If you could travel to any place in the world other than Israel where would it be and why?
Chanie: Italy because it is truly the world’s most beautiful country. It flaunts the most inspiring cultural treasures and magnificent scenery, which you cannot find anywhere in the world. Venice, Florence and Rome with their diverse architecture, Tuscany with its rolling hills, vineyards and snow-peaked mountains.
Liana: Dubai because I heard it’s stunning and it would be cool to visit a different type of place. It would be so nice to see Hashems beautiful world.
Perri: The place I would want to travel to is the Maldives because I’ve seen pictures of how pretty it is and how the water is so clear and it looks so calming. I would love to see how beautiful Hashem has made this world in a place i’ve never been to.
Eliana: Hawaii since i would love to learn about the different cultures there. I also would love to see volcanoes arupt and just to visit new places
Tamar: The place I would want to travel to is probably Switzerland because of how pretty it is and how you can so clearly see that everything there is from Hashem. I also think it’s be fun to ski there.
Shuk From This Awesome Day!
Today was a super fun day on michlelet! After meaningful morning and afternoon chaburahs, we had a choice of an optional tiyul. The choices were going on a shuk tour or rock climbing! I went to the shuk and it was so much fun. We got to taste tons of food, walk around and take a lot of pictures! Then for night activity there was an awesome talent show! So many girls performed and it was so cool seeing everyone’s talents! Overall it was a super exciting day today on Michlelet!
-Atara K., Bergenfield, NJ
Chaburah Spotlight: Riva Charnowitz
Riva Charnowitz is from Woodmere, NY. She went to SKA for high school, spent a year and a half in Michlalah for seminary, and is currently in Touro college for Women. Her chaburah topic is taking pesukim from Tehillim and extracting themes that are relevant for a persons day to day life. The fantastic girls in her chabura are Chaya (Bruriah), Daniela (Naaleh). Eliana (Bruriah), Elisheva (Shulamith), and Racheli (Naaleh).