Showering the Kallah!
We started off today with inspiring chaburahs and teacher shuirs. In the afternoon, we baked, made posters, and wrapped gifts for the bridal shower! After dinner we boarded the busses to Lev HaTorah where we joined the 11th graders in making a beautiful bridal shower for Yael from Mexico. It was so nice to see both grades come together to partake in such a touching simcha. We can’t wait for the wedding next week!
-Mali, Bergenfield, NJ
Making a Splash in the Yarden!
Today was a packed day! We started with going rafting down the Yarden. Bonding with friends while spending time on the water was really fun. After that there were 3 options for trips: tour of Tzfat, Dekarina Chocolate Factory/Amuka, and an awesome water hike! I went to Tzfat which was super meaningful. I got to learn about one of the holiest cities in the world. I felt truly inspired by the city and being able To Daven by the Kever of the Ari Hakadosh. Traveling up North will definitely be something I won’t forget.
– Sarah Gila, Queens, NY
Shabbos Up North
This summer has so far been the best summer ever!!!! This shabbos we stayed up North, and the ruach was unbelievable. We started shabbos with singing lecha dodi, and ended it with hearing the amazing choir sing it. After an unforgettable shabbos, we went on a boat ride, for a melave malka and dance party! Can’t wait for another awesome day on Michlelet!!
-Deena, Toronto, Canada
Chaburah Spotlight: Chana Rus Grossman
Chana Rus Grossman is from RBS, Israel and is going to Machon Tal for business management in the fall Bezh. She attended Ahavat Yisrael for High school before spending two amazing years at MMY. Chana Rus is so excited to spend her first summer on Michlelet learning and having a blast with the best girls out there. The fabulous girls in Chana Rus’s chabura are Sari (Naaleh), Hannah (SKA), Shirah Leah (Derech Emunah), Rina (Ida Crown) and Shira (Naaleh). Chana Rus’s chabura learns about Jewish women throughout history, focusing on what they did to enhance the lives both of their families and Klal Yisrael, and how they can embody the amazing character traits of the role models they learn about.
What is your favorite part of shabbos on michlelet and why?
Hannah- My favorite part about shabbos on michlelet is the meals where I get to spend time with my friends, and cheer with them.
Sari- Friday night tish and after that when we stay up super late all just talking instead of being on our phones or going places
Rina- I love the activities they do before shalosh seudos like the panel and the speed dating because it brings real conversation and connection between the different people and pushes past small talk.
Shirah Leah- My favorite part of shabbos in michlelet is the optional shuirim that are given throughout the day. it’s something inspiring that takes you through the rest of the day and teaches you something new. I also like connecting to people without the distraction of phones. it gives an opportunity for all different type of girls to sit around and schmooze and connect.
Shira- My favorite part of Shabbos on Michlelet is definitely singing Shabbos Zemiros together. When we sing I feel a sense of achdus between the entire program that is different from the rest of the week. I love singing slowly and clearly internalizing the kadosh words of each Zemira that we sing. As we sing I feel myself being uplifted and I realize how lucky I am to be a Bas Yisrael on such an incredible program.
Chaburah Spotlight: DT Novick
DT Novick is from Bet Shemesh finishing off her first year of sheirut leumi (national service). She attended Bet Shulamit for high school. She will be starting her first year at Michlalah College this fall, majoring in Tanach and math. This is DT’s first summer on michlelet and she is loving every minute:) DT’s chaburah focuses on women in the Tanach. The goal of this chabura is to use the women in Tanach as role models for Jewish women today and for the girls to help find their pathway to becoming a fulfilled Jewish woman.. The chabura is taught using skits, games and stories. The chabura is made up of an incredible group of girls. Amalia (Bruriah), Bracha (Yavneh), Chayala (TAG) and Malkie (Ahavat Yisroel).
Reishit Campus: Week 4 Recap Video
Day of GIVING!
Today started off with a few different options for Chessed trips including Pantry Packers, feeding the poor and working the land. Once back in camp, the girls enjoyed an afternoon of learning, followed by a meaningful and fun pre-Shabbos Challah bake. We were then joined by NCSY GIVE for a shiur by our director, Mrs. Yudin, dinner and the annual GIVE vs Michlelet basketball game. It was a great win for Michlelet!
Chaburah Spotlight: Shoshana Sudwerts
Shoshana Sudwerts is from Passaic NJ, and attended Bruriah high school followed by a year and a half in Michlalah. She is currently entering her first year of graduate school hoping to pursue a career in social work. Shoshana is so excited to be spending her second summer on michlelet and first as a Madricha.
Shoshana’s Chaburah is titled the “Road to Success” using road signs as a vehicle for bringing meaning into our everyday lives. Some examples include, “wrong way” which focuses on the power of perspective, “traffic light”, which focuses on the importance of time, and “road closed” which focuses on bitachon.
Shoshana’s chaburah is made up of an incredible chevra including Gila (SKA), FayFay (MHS), Rikki (TAG), Riki (Bruriah), Miri (SKA), and Sari (MHS).
What has been your favorite part of chaburah?
Rikki-I really like the chaburah as a whole with all the discussions, and interacting with the group. But I specifically like that we learn something new everyday and I get to take it and apply it to my personal life.
Riki-My favorite part of chabura is that I can apply what we learned to my everyday life
Miri-My favorite part of chaburah was learning about gratitude and how we should be thankful for everything that Hashem gives us and seeing everything that goes into the smallest things.
FayFay- My favorite part of chaburah is that each one is focused on something new but then gets tied back into the same thing, on how to become a better person and better Jew.
Gila-My favorite part of chabura is learning to appreciate and thank HaShem for ordinary every day things like breathing and walking.
Sari-My favorite part of Chaburah is learning about perspective and how we can change a situation just by how we look at it.
Chaburah Spotlight: Yael Scheinman
Yael Scheinman is from Woodmere, NY and attended SKA for high school, followed by a year and half in Michlalah. She is currently entering her senior year at Stern College and hopes to pursue a career in nursing. This is Yael’s third summer on Michlelet, and first as a Madricha. Yael’s Chaburah focuses on different facets of Instagram, connecting them to topics that impact daily Jewish life. Some examples include “editing your profile” which focuses on bein adam le’atzmo and “influencers” which discusses leadership and following in the ways of great Jewish leaders.
Yael’s Chaburah is made up of an awesome group of girls including Tova (Naaleh), Shani (TAG), Lily (MHS), Kayla (Hadar), Temimah (MHS), Allie (HSBY).
What has been your favorite topic to learn about in Chaburah so far and why?
Kayla- My favorite topic that we learnt was about leaders and how to be a leader in the most humble way possible. I learnt so much from each of the different leaders we learned about and what it means to be in a position of taking charge.
Temimah- My favorite topic that we learnt about was the difference between having a large ego and having a healthy sense of self confidence. We spoke about how our honor isn’t only in our hands, rather it’s in the hands of Hashem and He will raise or lower you whenever you need Him to.
Shani- I really liked the lesson about beauty in the eyes of the Torah which spoke about how the way we dress reflects who we are on the inside and how we represent the Jewish people and Hashem.
Allie- My favorite thing we’ve learned so far was the significance of names- what your name means to you and the people around you and how to create a Shem Tov for yourself through everyday actions in order to best represent you and Hashem.
Lily- One of my favorite things that we learned about in our Chaburah this summer was that being an Anav (humble) doesn’t mean putting yourself down and not recognizing your strengths. Rather, recognizing and owning them while still acting in a way that shows you know where those strengths came from and that they were all given to you by Hashem.
Tova- My favorite topic in our Chaburah so far was learning about the important influencers and leaders of the Jewish community. It was really meaningful to learn from these great people and about the qualities necessary for a good Jewish leader and how I can work to hopefully become a leader like them one day!
Ein Gedin Better Than This!
Today was an an unbelievable day that we will never forget! We started off by the holy Ein Gedi where we splashed around and enjoyed a hike to a beautiful waterfall. But the fun doesn’t end there! We went straight to an architectural sifting area where we looked through dirt of where the beis hamikdash stood and we found artifacts of stone and glass which was from the beis hamikdash! It was such an experience!
-Fayfay F., Lawrence, NY