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About The Trip

Summer 2021

Chaburah Spotlight: Abby Emanuel

Abby Emanuel is from Toronto and went to Tiferes Bais Yaakov for High school. She spent two years in Midreshet Tehillah, the second of which she was a madricha! After a long time away, she will be returning to school in the fall to get a biology major at Touro. This is her third summer on Michlelet, but definitely not the third best summer on Michlelet!!
She is so excited to be back, giving back, and sharing her love of Michlelet with the girls in her chaburah!!
The girls in her chaburah are:
Atara (Shulamith), Tziporah (TMM), Perela (Bruriah), Nava (TAG), and Tehila (TAG).

What has been the most inspiring part of your Michlelet experience so far?

Atara- The most inspiring part of my Michlelet experience is how relatable the Madrichot make the chaburas and how they connect it to our lives so we can internalize each lesson. 

Tziporah- The learning.

Tehila- The most inspiring part of Michlelet is meeting all different kinds of girls from all over and connecting with each of them through the learning and trips.

Perela- The most inspiring thing for me was being at the Kotel and being able to see the wall that’s been there so many years.

Nava- The Chessed trips Bc it isn’t speeches it’s more interactive and you get to see the impact you make on the people.

Chaburah Spotlight: Tova Ben-Ami

Tova Ben-Ami is from Woodmere, NY, and is studying Speech Pathology and Audiology at Stern College for Women. She attended SKA High School for Girls before spending her amazing year and half in Israel at Tiferet. Tova is so excited to be spending her first summer on Michlelet teaching Torah and making a Kesher with the girls! The girls in Tova’s chabura are Na’ama (SKA), Yakira (RASG Miami), Lielle (HA Montreal), Cheni (HSBY) and Naomi (MHS). The name of this chabura is “Turning to Tehillim” and the goal of this chabura is for the girls to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for Tehillim. This chabura specifically teaches the girls which Perek to turn when they are feeling certain emotions.

What has been your favorite trip so far on Michlelet and why?

Yakira- My favorite trip was taveria because I got to experience new things like the rappelling and I loved meeting new people.

Naama- Chevron because it was such meaningful and special opportunity to be able to see chevron with a new meaning. The tour guides and the views really made the experience.

Lielle- My favorite trip was rappelling because I have a huge fear of heights and I was able to conquer my fear with the help of all of my friends.

Cheni- Tiveria!! because it was so fun to sleep out for a night w friends and also the trips were all so fun.

Naomi- My favorite trip was Tiveria because it was jam packed with so many fun things!

Color War is Here!

Today we had an awesome day of color war!! We played machanayim, had Apache races, sang team songs, painted banners, and did so much more. It was a great way to hang out with new girls and have a great time. We also enjoyed our chaburas with our Madrichot and learning with our teachers. Shoutout to the winning team- purple!!

-Rena M., Passaic, NJ

Reishit Campus: Week 3 Recap Video

Another Awesome Day on Michlelet!

We started off our day with some inspirational learning. Afterwards we went on super fun chessed trips where we painted facilities for those less fortunate than us. We came back for a delicious Burgers Bar dinner and an amazing, relatable speaker. We ended off our day with a game of Find The Madricha at the mall. Can’t wait for more amazing days on Michlelet!!

-Nava M., Woodmere, NY

Tiveria Take Two

Today was such an awesome day on michlelet!! We started off the eventful day with a gourmet hotel breakfast. Then headed to refreshing banana boating and water tubing. We enjoyed pizza for lunch, and a special BBQ for dinner. To finish off the day we went to the kever of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness which was a very meaningful experience! What a jam packed day and we can’t wait for late wake up tomorrow morning 🙂

-Bayla K., FL

Chaburah Spotlight: Tehila Kornwasser

Tehila Kornwasser is from Teaneck, New Jersey. She went to Bruriah for high school, MMY for seminary, and is currently in Stern College majoring in Jewish Studies. Her chaburah develops a deeper understanding of the themes in Shmoneh Esrei through Tanach, Chazal, and analysis of the words of Shmoneh Esrei. The awesome girls in her chaburah are Ariela (HANC), Elana (Bruriah), Elia (YGW), Galit (Berman) and Yocheved (MHS).

What is the highlight of your summer so far?

Ariela: My favorite thing was swimming in the Kineret and going jet skiing there.

Elana: The highlight of my summer was going pancaking and banana boating on the כנרת in טבריה.

Galit: The highlight of my summer so far was having a late night mishmar where I could learn Torah and have really meaningful conversations with others

Elia: The highlight of my summer so far has been shabbat on michlelet because it’s packed with zemirot, ruach, and time to recover from a week of fun.

Yocheved: The highlight of my summer was meurat hamachpeila, because it was so powerful and inspirational.

Heading North!

Best. Day. Ever. We woke up so early and went on a water hike!! We had tons of water fights and it was so refreshing and fun!! After that I went repelling of a cliff. The experience was not normal and something I won’t forget!! To end off the day, I went on an insane jeep ride with the chillest Israeli driver!! Overall, the day was amazing and I’m looking forward to more days like these!!

-Aliza Wiederkehr, Bergenfield NJ

Chaburah Spotlight: Eliana Frankel

Eliana Frankel is from Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel. Eliana attended Pninei Chein High School and afterwards spent two incredible years at Michlalah. She is currently studying Industrial Engineering and Management at Machon Tal. This is Eliana’s first summer on Michlelet and she is so excited to be here for the summer. Her Chabura is on the topic of Birchos Hashachar, exploring the depth of the daily morning Tefillah. Each Chabura goes thru the brachos and uncovers the layers hidden in the meaning of the bracha. The girls walk out of the Chabura understanding the power of each individual bracha and how they can relate to the meaning, allowing them to have kavanah while reciting the brachos in the morning and gain a deeper grasp on foundational ideas in Yiddishkeit. The fabulous girls in her Chabura are: Lily (KTA), Arielle (SKA), Ahuva (TAG), Michali (Derech Emunah), and Leah (MHS).

What is your favorite Jewish song and why?

Lily- My favorite song is Kol Barama because first of all I think it’s a gorgeous song and second because of its translations (or at least the ones I saw online) and how it talks about Rachel crying out to Hashem to save bnei Yisrael as they passed her and how her tears and teffilah for bnei yisrael reach Hashem in a way that most others don’t and so it just goes to shows the power of ones tefillah.

Michali- It’s so hard for me to pick a favorite jewish song because there’s constantly music playing in my house and i love all of it. If I had to pick it would be either סיבת הסיבות by Ishay Ribo or Hakol Mishamayim by Mordechai Shapiro because those are my brothers favorites and he always plays them.

Arielle- My favorite song would be כתר מלוכה by Yishai Ribo.
This past year and a half has been a year of many different emotions. We’ve had our schools shut down, quarantines, and a year without seeing family. As Jews, we know that there is something that Hashem is trying to teach us through this all. Yishai Ribo beautifully expresses this in the chorus of his song. מה אתה רוצה שנבין מזה? Hashem, what do you want us to understand from all this? I think this message is something that we should all take with us. Even if we may not see the reason for what’s happening, we must realize that Hashem has a reason behind it all. Our job is to dig deeper to uncover what we are being told.

Leah- My favorite Jewish song is A Yid Never Breaks because it captures the essence of a Jew – that we are resilient and have Hashem to guide us always.

Ahuva- My favorite song is mayim rabim by derech achim bc it rlly speaks to me bc the words are so touching and remind me of my past and why I live in this world which is to serve Hashem.


Chaburah Spotlight: Atara Weinberg

Atara Weinberg is from the 5t (Woodmere). She went to North Shore for high school, Midreshet Moriah for seminary, and is currently a student in Touro. The title of her chaburah is Exploring Yiddishkeit Through Emojis. Each emoji represents a different middah or mitzvah. For example the glasses emoji is related to the power of perspective (Ayin Tova). Her Chaburah is made up of some of the most amazing girls in my chaburah: Tamar (Shulamith), Avigail (Naaleh), Tamara (Ulpana), Yali (SKA).

What is your favorite mitzvah and why?

Tamara- My favorite Mitzvah is bikor Cholim since it can really help brighten someone’s day and you can be the reason that they smile.

Tamar- My favorite mitzvah is davening because I feel it’s when I connect with hashem the most. It helps build and strengthen my relationship with him on a deeper level.

Avigail- My favorite mitzvah is Kavod Shabbos, doing things to honor shabbos because it is soemthing I enjoy very much. Shabbos is a time when we are closest to Hashem and doing things to honor Him and his day of rest is something that really speaks to me. I feel that it brings me closer to Hashem each time I am able to do it.

Yali- Shabbos because I get to spend time with my family and have no distractions.