Today has been an awesome day on michlelet! We started the day off right with davening, chaburah, a teacher shiur and an activity of our choice. That incredible morning was followed by a delicious lunch with a geshmak dance party. Next we had another inspiring Chaburah with another fantastic teacher shiur followed by another activity of our choice. Then, we all went to pack our bags for the amazing over night trip that will IY”H take place on Tuesday night. Our incredibly meaningful and fun day ended off with delicious smoothies from the one and only REBAR! We then enjoyed a delicious dinner and boarded the busses for everyone’s favorite YOM NCSY!! We had the best time jumping dancing and singing together at the most geshmak concert of our lives!! We can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring:)
-Shira Kroopnick, Bergenfield, NJ
Tisha B’Av
This Tisha B’Av that I experienced on Michlelet was by far the most meaningful Tisha B’Av that I have ever experienced. After hearing Eicha and reciting a few Kinos at the Lev campus, we went up to the roof of their building and had an extremely meaningful presentation. Following that, we sang songs that really put me into the proper mindset. Singing under the open sky, I was able to look up and feel a close connection to HaShem; realizing that the Ribono Shel Olam is right there, listening to us all as we pour out our hearts to Him. The meaningful programming continued into today, as we recited Kinos with meaningful insights from our Madrichot. We ended the day as we started it. We had a Kumzitz with the girls from the Lev campus, here in Reishit, and then we sang as we walked down the steps on the way to the Chadar Ochel, to hear Havdalah and break our fasts. May next Tisha B’Av be a day of Simcha as we all gather together in the Beit HaMikdash.
-Arielle Rosman, North Woodmere, NY
Early Start to a Nice End of the Week
This morning I woke up at 4:30 to Daven Vasikin at Kever Rochel. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I knew I had to take it. Davening Shacharis there was an out of this world experience that no words can describe. Someone even had to pull me away in the middle of davening so I didn’t miss my bus! You would think getting almost no sleep would ruin your day but instead this turned out to be an experience that I will remember forever.
-Ariella Mosak, North Woodmere, NY
Reishit Campus: Week 2 Recap Video
Chaburah Spotlight: Tzivie Spigelman
Hi, my name is Tzivie Spigelman and I’m from Ramat Beit Shemesh.
I went to Pninei Chein for high school and then for seminary I went to Michlalah for 2 years. Iy”H I’ll be starting nursing school this fall.
My chaburah is called “Exploring Eretz Yisrael” and we discuss topics such as the special mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael, the beauty of the land, תורת ארץ ישראל, and Eretz Yisrael as Hashem’s chosen land.
The girls in Tzivie’s Chaburah are Ariella (Chorev), Sheva (KTA), Esther (Naaleh), Rachi (TAG), and Talia (Maimonidies).
Ariella: Mint chocolate chip- it’s a really good flavor and also a fun color.
Sheva: My go to is Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream because u could never go wrong with cookie dough.
Esther: cookies and cream.
Rachi: To be honest I don’t really have a set favorite ice cream flavor, it really changes day to day. It’s fun not being tied to one flavor because I love trying all the different and interesting ones! (even if they aren’t always amazing)
Having a great time on Michlelet!
Talya: Strawberry because me and my dad use to always go and get strawberry ice cream together and it became my favorite.
A Truly Special Day
Today we did something really special, we went to play with children with special needs. We hosted a carnival and got to know a bunch of really cute kids!
And although it was only for an hour, it was really special!
Having a great time on Michlelet!
-Rachi Lowy
Chaburah Spotlight: Talia Tarzik
Talia Tarzik is from Bergenfield, NJ and is currently studying in Stern College for Women. She went to Bruriah High School before spending 1.5 years in MMY. Talia is so excited to be back for her second summer on Michlelet for the best summer ever! Her chabura learns about each of Rav Avigdor Miller’s 10 Steps to Greatness and how they can grow to their own levels of greatness!
Talia’s chabura is made up of 5 amazing girls: Tari (SKA), Devorah (Naaleh), Aviva (Naaleh), Naava (Maayanot), and Tali (Temima High School).
Tali- If I could go back on time to meet someone from Tanach, I would love to meet Rus. The reason for this is because Rus was a huge baalas chessed and from her amazing misiras nefesh and caring actions she brought the startings of Moshiach. I want to learn from her how to act selflessly and to everything Leshem Shamayim.
Devorah- If I could go back in history to meet one person it would be a David Hamelach because he was so unique from all the other people we see in Tanach and acted in more violent and intense ways but also succeeded greatly and is still someone we look up to regardless of his violent behavior.
Aviva- If I could go back in time to meet one person from Tanach I would like to meet Rachel. Rachel was such a special and caring person especially to her sister Leah. She was really careful not to embarrass her and went above and beyond by not only staying quiet when lavan told Leah to go to go up but she also gave Leah the signs.
Naava- If I could meet anyone from tanach I would choose Moshe rabeinu. He started off a humble shepherd much like as us and ended up being the leader of the Jewish nation. He did this all with many struggles along the way which arguably makes him the biggest role model in Tanach.
Tari- I would want to meet רחל because I would love to learn how she was able to be an amazing מבתר.
Chaburah Spotlight: Michal Leiter
Michal Leiter is from Passaic, NJ and is studying Psychology in Stern College for Women. She went to Bruriah for High school, followed by an amazing year in Michlalah. Michal went on Michlelet as a camper and is so excited to be back as a madricha! The name of Michal’s chaburah is “Life is a full Package”. Each Chaburah goes through the steps of ordering and receiving packages and connecting them to different topics in self development and Middos that are apart of our every day life. With each topic, they discuss how to work on the Middah practically, how it enhances your life, and brings in Gedolim who exemplified this Middah. Each chaburah leaves the girls with practical lessons on how to improve this Middah in their lives. The incredible girls in Michal’s chaburah are Shalva (BYOB), Chana (MHS), Chana (MHS), Meira (SKA), Atara (Naaleh), and Nava (SKA).
What is your favorite Mitzvah and why?
Shalva: My favorite mitzvah is tefillah because it gives me a chance to connect to Hashem everyday.
Atara: My favorite Mitzah is Tzedaka. I love doing this mitzvah because I love being a giver and helping those in need!
Chana: My favorite mitzvah is shabbos. I especially love counting down to it during the week. It gives me something to look forward to and gives me the opportunity to always have shabbos on my mind.
Chana: לפני עיור לא תתן מכשול
Is one of my favorite Mitzvos. It is important not to withhold any information from others that could mislead them, or cause them to stumble. This Mitzvah helps me go through every day treating people the right way.
Nava: Asking my favorite mitzvah is such a hard question because there are so many and they are all so amazing and beautiful. I think one of my favorites is tzaar baalei chaim because all living things have feelings and it is so important to treat all of Hashem’s creations with respect.
Meira: I love the versatility of Kibud Av Vaem. It’s a Mitzvah I try to prioritize and improve because family relationships are most important to me. It applies not only to one’s biological parents, but any figures or mentors in life which makes the concept more personal and applicable.
Cooking Up a Storm
Today was an incredible day filled with inspiring learning and amazing trips! After a great night sleep and 9:00 wake up, we started off our day with learning before heading off to amazing trips! We got to choose between going on a tour of the old city, hearing the incredible story of Tammy Karmel, who has so much Emunah despite her difficult challenges, or just staying at Reishit and enjoying super fun activities as well as going to the makolet! We ended off the day with an excellent shiur given by Rabbi Willig, and a super fun chopped night activity with the incredible Naomi Nachman Today was an outstanding day!
-Penina Horowitz, Boca Raton, FL
A Day Filled with Meaning
Today we broke up into two groups- one went to Chevron, while the other went to Bad Vashem and Har Hertzl. I went to the second option. We had a really good tour guide who walked us through Yad Vashem while telling us the history and information in each room. It was very interesting! After that we had a quick lunch and then went to Har Herzl. We had another really good tour guide who brought us around telling us different stories about Hertzl and different heroic soldiers that were buried there. We then made our way to the Kotel to Daven Mincha. After, we hopped back on the bus and went to Gan Soccer for a yummy dinner.
-Tali Wolf, Atlanta