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About The Trip

Summer 2021

Chaburah Spotlight: Elana Silkin

Elana Silkin is from Boca Raton, FL and is studying Jewish Education at Stern College for Women. She attended Katz Yeshiva High School of Boca Raton before spending a growth filled year and a half at Shaalvim for Women. Elana is so excited to spend her first summer on Michlelet teaching and making everlasting connections with the girls! The girls in Elana’s Chaburah are Aliza (SKA), Shoshana (Shulamith), Hannah (Maayanot), Shira (MHS), Shalva (YULA), and Bayla (SKA). Elana’s Chaburah is about Gedolei Yisraeland different Middot they embodied and goes through the different ways we can emulate these Middot within ourselves so that we can come out of this summer with the tools to continue to grow and become the best versions of ourselves.

What is something you are excited to learn about this summer?

Aliza- I’m excited to learn about many different Middot to become a better person and strengthen my relationship with Hashem.

Hannah- I’m excited to learn about how to improve my Middot so I can become a better friend, daughter, and sister.

Shalva-  I’m excited to learn about Eretz Yisrael while I’m in the Holy Land.

Shira- I’m excited to learn and grow this summer!

Shoshana- I’m excited to learn more about Israel, specifically the places we are going to this summer! I’m so happy that I have this opportunity to learn about things I wouldn’t have otherwise had the opportunity to learn!

Bayla Rothschild-  I am most excited about learning about topics that I wouldn’t learn otherwise.

Full of Surprises

Yesterday we went to this place called the salad trail and it was so much fun! We got to experience the delicious fruits and vegetables of Eretz Yisrael! Then we went to an awesome team building experience which was a ton of fun. We got to learn about each girl on Michlelet individually in a fun and laugh filled experience. After that we went back to the Reishit campus just assuming we were going to have a basic dinner and then go to night speaker, but turned out we had a sick night activity that we didn’t know about! All we were told was to bring funky socks and a toothbrush so we were all very confused. But then all of the sudden we got to a trampoline park with the Lev Campus and it was epic!!! Definitely my favorite day of camp so far and I can’t wait for all the fun adventures to come, but as of now I am really having the BEST SUMMER EVER!!

-Tamara Goldman, Toronto

Chaburah Spotlight: Racheli Ochs

Racheli Ochs is from Passaic, NJ, and is studying marketing in Stern College for Women. She attended Bruriah High School before spending her incredible year in Israel at Michlalah. Racheli is so excited to spend her first summer on Michlelet teaching Torah and making a kosher with the girls! The girls  in Racheli’s Chaburah are Mindy (TAG), Talia (SKA), Penina (Hadar), Sari (TAG), Ayelet (SKA) and Lilli (MHS). Racheli’s Chaburah is called “What is Your Spiritual Makeup.” The goal of the Chaburah is to study different kiddos in order to identify areas in our lives which we would like to work on, keeping in mind that the most durable growth is a growth that is built step by step. Our goal is to gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and how to channel our strengths and embrace our critical unique roles in Klal Yisrael. B’Ezras Hashem, we hope this experience can have application for the rest of our lives.

What is something you are excited about for this summer on Michlelet?

Sari- I’m excited to find something I’m good at in learning and work hard at it and excel in that certain area Im Yirtzah Hashem.

Talia- I’m most looking forward to forming friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime and will be an important part of my growth and improvement as a person.

Ayelet- I’m most excited to grow in my spirituality and gain a greater connection with HaKadosh Baruch Hu and hope to grow along the way. I’m definitely excited to create the greatest of memories and experience the best chagigas and amazing kumzitzs.

Penina- I’m most excited to continue learning with the teachers and Madrichot and absorb all the lessons that they’re teaching.

Mindy- I’m super excited for the Shabbaton up north!

Lilli- I’m really excited to get to see all different places I have never been to all over Israel.

Lev Campus: Day of First Learning and Chesed

A Day full of Firsts!

Today was a day full of firsts. We started off the day with our first homeroom and chaburot, followed by our first chessed trip which was absolutely inspiring! We had multiple options and I got the opportunity to go bake cookies and make cards for lone soldiers. The experience was unforgettable and very impactful. Then we had our first night speaker, Rabbi Dani Marcus, who moved us all with his inspiring words. We then finished off the day with an amazing night activity where we decorated cakes according to the theme of the summer: Brachos. This was another amazing day and definitely one for the books!

-Eliana Berman, Toronto

Chaburah Spotlight: Tziporah Zwickler

Tziporah Zwicker is from West Orange, NJ and is currently studying biology at Stern College. She went to Bruriah for high school and then spent a year learning at Michlalah for seminary. Tziporah went on Michlelet as a camper and is super excited to be back this summer as a madricha! Tziporah’s Chaburah is called “Touched by a Niggun: exploring our souls through music.” Each Chaburas is started off by listening to a different Jewish song with mainly English lyrics. The group then learns and discusses the different Torah messages and themes in the song. Some examples of the different songs they learn are Neshomele and Joe DiMaggio’s card by Abie Rotenberg, Vihaarev Na by Baruch Levine, The Artist by Ari Goldwag, A Did by Benny Friedman, and Forever One by Avraham Fried. The amazing girls in Tziporah’s Chaburas are Deena (Tiferes), Tamar (Manhattan High School), Esther (Maayanot), Adina (Ida Crown), and Lauren (SKA).

What are you most excited for on Michlelet this summer and why?

Adina- I’m excited to see Israel for the first time, learn a lot of Torah in the Holy Land, and to continue being shark.

Deena- I’m most excited to explore Israel, since it’s my first time being here!!!

Tamar- I’m most excited for all of the chested trips! I love doing chessed and I’m so excited to have the opportunity to do so much chessed in Israel.

Esther- This summer, I’m looking forward to learning tons of Torah, making new friends and memories, and experiencing Eretz Yisrael!

Lauren- Given the fact that is is my first time in Israel, I’m most excited to learn and grow in the land of Israel. Even  though it’s been less than a week, we’ve done so much and I can’t wait for the best summer yet!

Lev Campus: First Motzei Shabbos

Lev Campus: Erev Shabbos Tiyul: Falcon Laser Tag

First Shabbos on Michlelet

We had an incredible and inspiring first Shabbos! We started off with an amazing tisch on Friday night featuring our “Rebbe and Rebbetzin”. Shabbos day we had a kiddish and learned about the importance of time. We ended Shabbos with a beautiful kumzits outside watching the sunset. This first Shabbos bonded all of us together and gave us many opportunities to grow!

-Ayelet Schochet, Boca Raton, FL

Erev Shabbos Tiyul

Our trip to Ir David was a beautiful experience where we learned about the city of Yerushalayim. It was full of excitement and fun as we trekked through the water tunnels! 

-Ariella Seltzer, Spring Valley, NY