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About The Trip


scheinmany July 19, 2021

Today has been an awesome day on michlelet! We started the day off right with davening, chaburah, a teacher shiur and an activity of our choice. That incredible morning was followed by a delicious lunch with a geshmak dance party. Next we had another inspiring Chaburah with another fantastic teacher shiur followed by another activity of our choice. Then, we all went to pack our bags for the amazing over night trip that will IY”H take place on Tuesday night. Our incredibly meaningful and fun day ended off with delicious smoothies from the one and only REBAR! We then enjoyed a delicious dinner and boarded the busses for everyone’s favorite YOM NCSY!! We had the best time jumping dancing and singing together at the most geshmak concert of our lives!! We can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring:)

-Shira Kroopnick, Bergenfield, NJ